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词汇 Maynard
释义 Maynard ˈmeinəd 高Economist¹⁵⁷⁰¹
As John Maynard Keynes, a British economist, observed after buying a trove of Newton’s papers, these men were not the first of the scientists, but the last of the sorcerers.
英国经济学家 John Maynard Keynes把牛顿的论文买下细读后,这些人物就不止是科学的启动者,更是术士的终结者。 ecocn

Ironically, John Maynard Keynes might not be a Keynesian if he were alive today.
然而,讽刺的是,约翰.麦乃德.凯恩斯 John Maynard Keynes也许不会是凯恩斯主义者,如果他今天还在世的话。 yeeyan

To use John Maynard Keynes’s phrase, the market participants who in recent years bet trillions on these new efficient- market- inspired financial products were“ slaves to some defunct economist”.
用 John Maynard Keynes的话来说,近年来,在这些新型的,因有效市场而激发的金融产品上打赌万亿元的市场参与者,被“奴役于某些过气现实经济学家”。 ecocn

“ Nanoparticles have been in food products for decades, we just never realized they were there, ” says physicist Andrew Maynard, chief science advisor to the Wilson Center project.
“数十年前,人们已经开始在食品中添加纳米颗粒,可蹊跷的是我们从来没有意识到它们的存在,”物理学家 Andrew Maynard说道,他是 Wilson中心项目的主要科学顾问。 yeeyan

Economist John Maynard Keynes imagined a15- hour week by the beginning of the21st century, because he thought we'd no longer have to work long hours to meet our material needs.
经济学家 John Maynard Keynes 曾设想在21世纪的开始,实行每周15个工作小时的计划,因为他认为我们已不需要再花通过长时间的工作来满足物质需求。 yeeyan

Eventually, the then- Governor of Virginia, Alexander Spotswood, commissioned Lieutenant Robert Maynard, an experienced naval commander, to capture or kill Blackbeard.
最终,当时弗吉尼亚州的州长亚历山大·斯波茨伍德派遣一位海战经验丰富的海军上尉,罗伯特·梅纳德去抓获或者除掉黑胡子。 yeeyan

Faced with the uncertainties of life, John Maynard Keynes argued that businessmen rely on the convention that the “ existing state of affairs will continue indefinitely”.
面对生活的不确定性,约翰.梅纳德.凯恩斯说商人会依照“已存在的事态将会无限期持续”这样的传统来处理。 ecocn

I fear that Dr. Krugman is one of those“ practical men of affairs” who is the slave of a defunct economist named John Maynard Keynes.
我恐怕克鲁格曼博士是这些“实用主义者”中的一个,他们都是一个叫做约翰.梅纳德.凯恩斯的逝去的经济学家的奴隶。 yeeyan

In1932 before John Maynard Keynes’s General Theory was written, these letters appeared in The Times of London regarding the appropriate economic policies for Britain to follow during the slump.
1932年,在约翰.梅纳德.凯恩斯的《通论》发表之前,这些信件发表在伦敦的《TheTimes》上,讨论萧条时期英国应该遵循何种经济政策更为合适。 yeeyan

John Maynard Keynes had something similar in mind when he proposed an International Clearing Union.
约翰梅纳德凯恩斯就持有类似的想法,但是其就建议成立国际收支清算联盟。 ecocn

Mr King once aspired to making central banking boring; John Maynard Keynes hoped economists might become humble technicians, like dentists.
金先生曾渴望让央行的工作变得无聊;约翰•梅纳德凯恩斯则希望经济学家有可能变为谦逊的技术人员,就好像牙医。 ecocn

Mr Maynard was among eight people who were pictured in local media alongside a request for information from the public.
当地媒体共刊登了八人的照片以向公众寻求获得信息,梅纳德先生就是其中之一。 yeeyan

Ms. Maynard said she saw shelves of notebooks devoted to the family.
梅纳德女士说,她看到了关于这一家的笔记本塞满了书架。 yeeyan

Ms. Maynard said she believed there were at least two novels locked away in a safe, although she had never seen them.
梅纳德女士说,尽管她从来没有亲眼见过,但她相信至少有两本小说锁在保险柜里。 yeeyan

Police declined to comment on the provocative picture, taken on Mr Maynard's mobile phone and texted to the newspaper offices, but said that their recent drive to catch criminals was working.
警方拒绝对这张挑衅照片作评论,这张照片是梅纳德用自己的手机传送给报社的,警方称最近的抓捕罪犯的行动行之有效。 yeeyan

Rick Maynard, a spokesman for KFC, said when the California suit was filed against it that its grilled chicken meets all regulations for food safety.
肯德基发言人里克梅纳德说,诉讼在加州提出时其烤鸡符合食品安全的所有规定。 yeeyan

This was recognised by John Maynard Keynes, who in the1940s argued for a global clearing bank that would tax or even confiscate the excess earnings of surplus countries.
凯恩斯 John Maynard Keynes在20世界40年代就意识到这一点,他提议建立一个全球性清帐银行,其目的是对顺差国家收取税额甚至把顺差充公。 ecocn

With victory assured, Maynard placed Blackbeard's head at the bow of his ship as a trophy and warning to other would- be pirates.
这场胜利之后,梅纳德将黑胡子的头颅当作奖杯放在船头,警告其他想去当海盗的人。 yeeyan

Written in the shadow of the Great Depression and World War II, Mr. Samuelson’s text brought the insights of John Maynard Keynes to the masses.
通过成书于大萧条的阴影和二战中的这本教材,萨缪尔森将约翰.梅纳德.凯恩斯的观点传递给了大众。 yeeyan

Maynard and her colleagues studied the medical records of the group up to July2000, by which time483 cases of cancer had been diagnosed.

Maynard eventually prevailed, but Blackbeard didn't go down easy.
梅纳德最终取得胜利,但是黑胡子并没有轻言放弃。 yeeyan




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