释义 |
archaic Greek 基本例句 古希腊雕塑 Anarchaic GreekBronze of the seventh century B.c.公元前7世纪古希腊的青铜器。 The problem of trisection angle is one of three geometric problems put forward byarchaic Greek2,400 years aga.Trisection angle can not be solved.三等分角问题是二千四百年前,古希腊人提出的几何三大作图问题之一。 The prosperity of thearchaic Greekliterature brings up the brilliant achievements of Aristotelian logical theory, but the Aristotelian logical theory is made to suffer some inherent shortages by the defects of thearchaic Greekliterature.古希腊文学的繁荣铸就了亚里士多德逻辑学说的辉煌 ,而古希腊文学的缺陷也引发了亚里士多德逻辑学说在某些方面的先天不足。 anarchaic Greekbronze of the seventh century bb.c.b公元前世纪古希腊的青铜器。 |