

单词 max out
释义 max out○○○○○短语⁴⁹⁷⁵³

reach a maximum;

I maxed out on all my credit cards

Empty your bank account andmax outyour credit cards.用光您银行帐户上的存款并刷爆您的信用卡。
This upgrade willmax outonce you reach level 9.武器最高可以升到九级。 A few months later, the same trader urges a colleague: “ Let's max out on the Repo105 for your stuff.”
几个月后,这名交易员催促一名同事说:“让我们尽量用回购105对付你那边的东西吧。” iciba

Before we get to Crazy I have to say I purposely Tried to max out the equipment in the Hardes way possible.
在我疯掉前,我不得不说我故意尽量在最不利的方法下使用器材。 four-thirds

If you max out a virtualization tool, you can rent space from a cloud- hosting provider for pennies per processor- hour.
如果使用虚拟化工具,可以从云托管提供商以极低的价格租用处理器时间和空间。 infoq

If you max out your retirement savings while holding on to high- interest debt, you'll get stuck wasting dollars on high interest payments rather than saving more for your future.
如果你透支自己原本用来做退休储蓄的钱来偿还高利息的债务,这等于放弃了为未来储蓄而陷入砸钱还利息的困局中。 yeeyan




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