

单词 archaeology
释义 ar·che·ol·o·gy 英ˌɑːkiːˈɒlədʒiː美ˌɑrkiˈɑlədʒiAHDär'kē-ŏlʹə-jē ★★☆☆☆高GMST宝四八ICOCA¹⁰⁶⁰⁴BNC⁷⁹⁸⁴iWeb¹¹⁴⁶⁹Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰


the study of cultures of the past, and of periods of history by examining the remains of buildings and objects found in the ground

the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures发音释义:,ɑːkɪ'ɒlədʒɪ n. 考古学
结构分析:archaeology = archaeo古代的+logy学科→考古学
衍生词:archaeologist考古学家industrial archaeology工业考古学salvage archaeology抢救性考古
非常记忆archa矮人茶〖拼音〗+e鹅〖编码〗+olo010〖象形北京区号〗+gy公园〖拼音〗⇒矮人喝茶时看到鹅在北京公园研究考古学GRE红宝书archae古+ology→ 考古学
archae 古+ ology 学科→考古学;arch 弓,拱形结构,还有ark诺亚方舟都是古代的东西
GRE难词记忆archaeology→ archaeo古代的+logy学科→考古学archae古+o连接字母+log学科+y抽象名词后缀⇒考古学。词根记忆archae古+ ology学科⇒考古学近义词 archeology考古学
用作名词n.What can archaeology tell us about past civilizations?关于古代文明,考古学家能告诉我们些什么?
What does archaeology have to contribute to modern society?考古学对现代社会有何贡献?
The museum displayed Aztec archaeology.博物馆展出了阿兹特克人的文物。
She teaches archaeology in university.她在大学里教考古学。
用作名词He displayed interest inarchaeology.他对考古学有兴趣。
She teachesarchaeologyat the university.她在大学里教考古学。
The newspaper article waked my interest inarchaeology.报纸上的文章激起了我对考古学的兴趣。noun.study of the physical remains of ancient cultures or eras
同义词 excavation,paleontologypaleology,prehistoryantiquarianism,paleohistory The documentation may be insufficient, but whether through genetics, linguistics or archaeology it is important to know more.
史实文件也许不够详实,但是从遗传学、语言学和考古学的角度,更进一步的了解也许意义重大。 ecocn

Because of my studies in Near Eastern archaeology, I read up on the history of this region as of the19th century— during the Ottoman Empire.
因为我对近东考古学的研究,所以我仔细研读了该地区的19世纪的历史---即奥斯曼帝国时代的历史。 yeeyan

Both are thus in love with a Galatea that is caught in an unstoppable archaeology of death and war-making.
这样两者都紧紧关心着自己的被发现现在是一个不可停止关于死亡和战争决策的考古的未来。 yeeyan

Crow Canyon Archaeological Center offers up to11 trips annually for those willing to get their hands dirty as they dabble in amateur archaeology.
对于那些想体验下业余考古乐趣的人,克劳大峡谷考古中心每年提供多达11条考古路线。 yeeyan

Due to the ever-changing nature of archaeology and dating technology, the literature currently considered the oldest in the world may shift in line with newer, more exciting technologies.
由于考古学的发展和年代测定技术的不断进步,目前被视为世界上最古老的文献可能因为更新、更先进的技术而不再是最古老的了。 yeeyan

For me, archaeology is about having a good time.
对我来说,考古学应该是一件很快乐的事情。 yeeyan

He knows more archaeology than most people.
在考古方面他比大多数人知道得多。 ebigear

He specializes in archaeology.

I ended up studying archaeology and becoming an Egyptologist, and that was really my pathway to the languages and cultures of the Middle East.
我最后去学了考古学,成了一名埃及古物学者,这就是我通往中东文化和语言的道路。 qingchunweiba

In the early days, archaeology of the region tended toward credulity.

Many were completely unaware of the existence and significance of archaeology before the discovery of the cave paintings.
许多人在洞穴壁画的发现之前,完全没有意识到的考古学存在和意义。 yeeyan

MULTIDISCIPLINARY science is all the rage these days. Even so, the overlap between archaeology and pharmacology is not, at first sight, obvious.
最近交叉学科受到热捧,即使如此乍一看考古学和药理学还是没有交集。 ecocn

She’s gone on archaeology digs near Durango, Colo., and she’s taking a class at the local college this summer.
她去多拉格附近进行考古发掘,今年夏天,她还参加了当地大学的一些课程。 yeeyan

The Crew will meet people working on the Park and learn about aspects of the project including sustainability, employment and skills, and archaeology.
船员们会在公园里工作的人们,学习方面的项目包括持续性、就业、技能、考古学。 yeeyan

The moment he opens his mouth, Mazar knows what's coming. The tour guide is a former archaeology student of hers.
年轻人甫一张嘴,玛扎尔就知道他想说什么——这位导游以前是玛扎尔手下一位学考古的学生。 yeeyan

The finding appears in the Journal of Roman Archaeology.
这一发现还被刊登在了《罗马考古学学报》上。 hjenglish

The work, under the auspices of Oxford Archaeology and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, is expected to last for six months.
这项工作受到英国牛津大学考古学研究所与英联邦国殇纪念坟场管理委员会的支持,将持续六个月左右。 yeeyan

This applies to those interested in Egyptian art, religion, archaeology, history or language.
这一建议同时也适用于对埃及艺术、宗教、考古、历史或语言的人们。 yeeyan

Archaeology is a very convenient tool for creating national identities.
要创建民族特性,考古学是一种非常便利的工具。 yeeyan

Archaeology received a gift from nature in1850, when a strong storm hit the Orkney Islands, stripping away sand dunes and uncovering the remains of the Skara Brae settlement.
考古于1850年收到了来自大自然的礼物,当强风暴袭击的奥克尼群岛时剥离了沙丘和揭露了斯卡拉布雷下陷的残存部分。 yeeyan




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