

单词 maximising
释义 maximising 英mæksɪ'mɪsɪŋ美mæksɪ'mɪsɪŋ COCA¹⁵¹⁹²⁸BNC²³⁴⁶⁰Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
making as great as possible近义词 maximizing达到最大值,达到极大值,…
“ Satisficing”, in social- science jargon, is the sensibly shod alternative to maximising.
“满意选择 Satisficing”,在社会科学术语中表示选择最大号的鞋子。 yeeyan

Maximising the use of electronic mails instead of memos in hard copies;
增加使用电邮通讯,以代替笺; oadoc

Academics are heroic complainers and not always well disposed to profit- maximising businesses.
学者敢于抱怨,而且不总是赞成利益最大化的商业。 ecocn

How many golf facilities currently undertake all the water efficiency measures that they could, coupled with maximising the use of re-cycled and non- potable sources?
目前,有多少球场会真正测评球场灌溉系统的水资源利用率?又有多少球场真正最大限度地用可再生水或者不可饮用水进行灌溉? blog.sina.com.cn

If I'm being honest, there have not been many stages in my England career when I have thought that we have been maximising our talent.
但是说实话,我觉得我在英格兰国家队的比赛很少让我觉得我们很大程度上浪费了我们的才能。 blog.sina.com.cn

In his view, “ If you concentrate on maximising value to shareholders over the short term, you put at risk the relationships that will determine your longer-term success.”
在这点上,如果你在短期内集中力量最大最大化股东的利益。你就会冒险,这种关系将会消弱你最后长期的成功。 ecocn

Individual institutions seldom complement each other perfectly: consortia ought to be more efficient at maximising gains from an acquisition.
单个机构之间很少有能够完美互补的:联盟应该能够更有效地使并购活动的收益最大化. ecocn

More than any other player, he extended Wigan by moving the ball quickly and maximising United's width.
他比其他人更能调动维根球员,因为他出球更快,让曼联能更多的利用场地宽度。 bbs.club.sina.com.cn

Mr Gygax disliked that, worrying that the focus was shifting to mathematical questions of maximising players' power.
吉盖克斯不喜欢这样的改动,担忧游戏的重心已转移到了把玩家的能力最大化的数学问题上了。 ecocn

Politicians should concentrate on maximising the mental health of their voters, rather than the size of their pay checks.
政客们应该集中精力使其选民的精神健康最大化,而不是增加其工资。 ecocn

The promise was largely meaningless: if$2 trillion in savings was lying around, a profit- maximising industry would have found them.
但这个承诺很大程度上是没有意义的。如果大家口袋里有2万亿美元的储蓄空闲在那,追求利润最大化的市场会想方设法让人们用掉这些钱。 ecocn

They usually plan to own companies for no more than five years and the main focus is in maximising cashflow to meet interest payments and to pay down debt.
它们对公司的占有通常不会超过五年,主要精力集中在于让现金最大限度地流动起来,以便偿付利息和贷款。 ecocn

We are committed to promoting greening and have been maximising greening opportunities in public works projects.
我们一直致力推动绿化,并在公共工程项目中,争取绿化机会。 wenweipo




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