

单词 maximal value
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A new blanking method is advanced. This method can eliminate the phenomenon of blank scrap undoing and stop up, and can reduce to the maximal value blanking technical noise emission.
提出的这种两步法冲裁的新方法,既能消除自动化冲压加工中的废料上行和废料堵塞现象,又有降低冲裁工艺噪声发射峰值。 cnki

Diurnal maximal value of stomatal conductance and transpiration was seen at15:00 h.
气孔导度和蒸腾速率的峰值均出现在15:00时。 cnki

The design model is that the main flat spring is in a vertical position, then the front stress and deflection of overlapping flat spring reach the maximal value, which is in dangerous state.
认为叠板弹簧以叠层原理计算较为合理,设计模型为主片板处于直板状态,此时叠板弹簧受力产生的正应力及挠度最大,为危险状态。 cnki

The pressure of the flow is increased from the inlet to the outlet of the pump, and shows the maximal value in the impeller region.
泵段压力总体上由进口端至出水端呈递增趋势且在叶轮段出现最大值; d.wanfangdata.com.cn

The maximal value of the turbulent kinetic energy appears ahead of the flux. The turbulence enhances when approaching rainfall.

The maximal value of two results is put to the output value.
两个卷积的最大值作为该点的输出值。 cnki

Analyzed, simulated the effect of maximal value estimate method, coherent accumulating on ranging performance.
分析并仿真了频率估计的最大值估值算法和相干积累对系统测距性能的提高。 cnki

Seasonal trends of DOC concentrations in different horizons of forest floors were similar and the maximal value occurred in autumn or winter.
格氏栲和杉木人工林枯枝落叶层不同分解层次 DOC浓度的季节变化模式基本相似,均在秋季或冬季出现最大值。 cnki

The results show that the sheet in the adjacent area of die and punch deforms primarily. The maximal value of stress and strain appears in the sheet of outboard punch round corners.
结果表明,凸模和凹模交界处的板料首先变形,应力及应变最大值出现在凸模圆角部位外侧板料上。 cnki

When leaf area index is about4, the transpiration rate and the net photosynthesis reach maximal value in potted peach.
对于盆栽桃树来说,当叶面积指数为4左右时,日蒸腾总量和净光合总量达到最大值。 cnki




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