

单词 maximally
释义 max·i·mal·ly 英'mæksɪml美'mæksɪml 高COCA⁵³³⁸⁷BNC⁴⁵¹⁴⁸iWeb²⁹⁶⁰⁵
the greatest or most complete or best possible;

maximal expansion

maximum pressure

maximal condition最大条件maximal force最大力量maximal pressure最高压maximal exercise极限运动maximal tension最大张力maximal dose最大剂量,极量,极大…maximal acid output最高胃酸分泌量, 最…maximal value最大值maximal work最大功maximal point极大点maximal element极大元maximal ventilation最大通气量maximal entropy最大熵maximal phase最大相maximal medium完全培养基maximal correlation最大相关maximal amplitude最大幅度, 最大范围…maximal stimulus最大剌激物,最大刺激…
近义词 top顶部best最好的most最多的prime最好的max最大限度utmost极度的maximum最大量highest最高的leading领导的biggest最大的greatest最大的first-class头等的first-rate第一流的反义词 minimal最小的

It is a realistic and significant topic to guarantee structure security maximally.
如何最大限度的保证结构的安全,是目前一个现实而又重大的课题。 cnki

Number of users that can be maximally supported after you add servers to support the application through a server farm, to measure the scaling out ability of the application.
在通过服务器机群增加支持应用程序的服务器后最多可支持的用户数,可以衡量应用程序的向外扩展能力。 ibm

One of the cornerstones of biology is that our body's systems when they are young are reading the environment and establishing patterns to be maximally adaptive.
生物学研究的一大里程碑是,发现当人处于幼年时期,我们的身体系统会观察环境并确立最适宜生存的代谢方式。 yeeyan

The need to maximally leverage those shiny new cores has fueled a surge of interest in concurrency, state management, and programming languages structured for both.
最大限度地利用这些闪耀新核的需求推动了对并发性、状态管理和为两者构建的编程语言的关注热潮。 ibm

Then the maximally entangled states mixed by two pure states and the concurrences in some important special cases are discussed.
讨论了两纯态相混合的最大纠缠混合态和一些重要特殊情形。 cnki

Maximally preserved the traditional design of Bentley, the Breitling have given it the features of their own watches, which they call“ instruments for professionals”.
在最大程度地保护宾利的传统设计后, Breitling对其注入了他们自家手表的元素,也就是他们所称的“专业仪器”。 yeeyan

And a large part of social psychology concerns the way in which we present ourselves to other people so as to make the maximally positive impression even when that impression isn't true.

Arbitration can maximally embody the real meaning of the parties, and has many advantages compared with lawsuit.

But many humans now live in environments in which food is cheap, plentiful, and cleverly manufactured to be maximally flavorful.
然而,许多人现在生活的环境是:食物廉价、充足、而且还可以被精巧地制成最可口的味道。 yeeyan

Different training systems of modern dance are developed from various styles and genres, which can maximally develop dancers of different conditions.
现代舞以不同风格流派发展成不同的训练体系,能最大的限度地开发不同条件的舞蹈演员。 dictall

For IT, this results in the creation of silos and maximally isolated applications under the single ownership.
对于 IT而言,这导致了竖井的形成并极大地孤立了单个所有权下的应用。 infoq

From a daily practical point of view, the composite of better training program, appropriate manipulation and correct maintenance flow is the key to effect maximally for our work.
从日常实践的观点看,良好的专业培训、合理的使用以及正确的维护流程是使这些设备发挥最大效力的根本保证。 chemyq

Full application of existing teaching conditions and positive optimization of classroom teaching elements can maximally improve the quality and efficiency of classroom teaching.
我们应充分利用现有的教学条件,积极优化课堂教学要素,最大限度地提高课堂教学的效率和质量。 cnki

Information resources co-construction and sharing aims at boosting protection of information resources, to satisfy users' information need maximally.
信息资源共建共享目的在于提高信息资源保障率,以最大限度地满足用户的信息需求。 airiti.com

Interior Monologue is the most fundamental, mostly- used and maximally functional skill of stream of consciousness.
内心独白是最基本、使用最多、作用最大的意识流技巧。 cnki

It's easier to carry out in relative to schemes using maximally entangled states.
相对于使用最大纠缠态的方案,该方案更容易实现。 cnki

Latest opinions tend to favor the minimum dose that maximally inhibits the target.
最新的观点倾向于最大限度抑制靶点的最小剂量。 yeeyan

Our eyes feature three types of color receptors, each maximally receptive to long, medium, and short wavelengths of light.
我们的眼睛拥有三种类型的颜色接收器,分别用于处理长波、中波、短波。 infoq

When the subject exhaled maximally, not all of the gas was expired from the lungs.
当这种东西最大限度地呼气时,不是所有的气体都从肺里呼出。 nciku

Within a constant shell, it varies from left to right, maximally taking value at the right extreme.




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