

单词 mavi
释义 mavi 英'meɪvaɪ美'meɪvaɪ COCA²⁴⁸⁵⁵¹
In May a Turkish- led civilian flotilla led by the Mavi Marmara attempted to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza.
今年五月,由土耳其人领导的一支民间船队在蓝色马尔马拉号 Mavi Marmara号引导下试图打破以色列对加沙的封锁。 ecocn

Indeed, it was the Mavi Marmara incident and the Turkish response to it that led to an outpouring of comments that the West was losing Turkey.
事实上,正是马尔马拉号事件和土耳其对该事件的反应引发了盛行的观点,认为西方正在失去土耳其。 ecocn

The Mavi Marmara incident is seen as further proof of such a Turkish shift.
从救援船事件中也可以看出土耳其外交政策的转变。 ecocn

Then came the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident: Israelis completely bungled the operation.
然后发生了“蓝色马尔马拉号”事件:以色列彻底搞砸了这次行动。 yeeyan

Those opponents were cheered both by Turkey’s bungling in Iran and by the Mavi Marmara incident.
这些反对者的由于土耳其在伊朗问题上的拙劣表现和马尔马拉号事件而坚定了信念。 ecocn

When the Israeli army intercepted the Turkish flotilla in international waters, its soldiers were surprised to be physically attacked on the Mavi Marmara.
当以色列军队在国际水域拦截了土耳其船队后,马尔马拉号上的船员对以色列士兵的袭击使他们大吃一惊。 ecocn

While a few more products have entered Gaza since Israel killed nine people on board the Gaza-bound aid ship, the Mavi Mamara, raw materials for businesses have not.
在以色列军队袭击救援船只并杀死九人之后,尽管流入加沙地带的物资有所增长,但并不包括生产性原材料。 yeeyan




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