

单词 mausoleums
释义 mau·so·le·ums 英mɔːsə'liːəmz美mɔːsə'liːəmz COCA⁷¹²⁵⁰BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²
名词 mausoleum:
a large burial chamber, usually above ground
用作名词Among them,over 100 of theirmausoleumscan be found and identified.年代明确的帝王陵共有一百多座。
The Ming Tombs, as the eminent representative of Chinese imperialmausoleums, fully manifest rich meanings of the traditional Chinese culture.明十三陵作为中国古代帝陵的杰出代表,充分展示了中国传统文化的丰富内涵。 About five miles across, it has500 years’ worth of crumbling mausoleums. Children beg on the graves of the recently dead.
墓地有五英里之长,有些岩块剥落的墓葬已经有五百年的历史,有孩子在新近葬下的墓前乞讨。 yeeyan

During the spare time after your appreciation of the Olympic Games, you may visit the historic sites of this city along the route of “ one palace and two mausoleums”.
观看奥运比赛之余,可以“一宫两陵”为线,体会这座城市的历史底蕴。 www.5151doc.com

Its rich tourism resources include21 emperors' mausoleums.
旅游资源丰富,帝王陵有21座。 huash

Mount Mangshan in the north suburbs is the site of China's largest ancient tomb group that consists mainly of imperial mausoleums, the oldest dating back to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.
北郊邙山上有中国最大的古墓群,主要是皇家陵墓,最远可以追溯到东周时期。 blog.sina.com.cn

The book also gives an account of how the system and scale of imperial mausoleums were developed and how emperors, empresses, kings, queens and concubines were buried.
同时还介绍了清朝皇陵的建制、规模以及帝后王妃的下葬经过。 www.china.com.cn

The culture in Six Dynasties reached the peak in the history of culture of Zhenjiang. Mausoleums and tombs with stone sculptures at this time are treasure of Zhenjiang's culture.
六朝文化是镇江历史文化的颠峰,六朝陵墓石刻是名城镇江文化宝库中的瑰宝。 cnki

The mausoleums house not only the dead bodies of humans and animals but foods to provision them for the afterlife.
陵墓中不仅有人类和动物的尸体,而且还有为它们死后预留的食物。 yeeyan

All public projects are mausoleums, not always in shape, but always in cost.
所有得公共项目都是坟墓,不总是外表相似,但总是付出的代价相似。 douban

Besides, the tranquil and solemn atmosphere and the pretty environment of the Songliuling Imperial Mausoleums will absolutely bring a promising prospect for the tourism development.
此外,宋六陵气氛静穆,环境清幽,给旅游业的发展也带来了极为美好的前景。 fabiao

Hence, the history of the masters of the Songliuling Imperial Mausoleums was almost the entire chequered history of the South Song Dynasty.
所以,六陵主人的历史几乎就是一部南宋王朝兴衰的历史。 fabiao

Inner Mongolia and temples, mausoleums, etc, these scenic area in some areas, pictures and prohibited from entering the area must comply with management system.

Some said she had been an architect, but had given it up when she realized that the grandest commissions were for the mausoleums.
有人说她曾是一个建筑师,但当她意识到交给她的宏伟任务是修建陵墓时,她放弃了。 douban

Sun shining through fog on mausoleums.
阳光透过迷雾笼罩在阴森森的陵墓上。 yeeyan

The mausoleums of the Tang Dynasty are precious cultural heritage, having very high value both in academic research and tourism development.
唐代帝王陵墓是宝贵的文化财富,具有很高的学术研究价值和旅游开发价值。 cnki

This article classifies the jade pillows unearthed in Han kings' mausoleums and explores the relative rating system.
文章对汉代王侯墓中发现的玉枕进行了分类研究,以期探明王、侯陵寝的用枕等级制度。 cnki

We put in huge manpower and financial power with a devotional heart to shoot this documentary newsreel, revealing the truth of ancient mausoleums of China.
我们以虔诚的心情和巨大的人力财力投入,实地拍摄制作本记录片。 jqcq




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