

单词 Maurier
释义 Maurier
The mother Claire Maurier is a blond who likes tight sweaters and is distracted by poverty, by her bothersome son, and by an affair with a man from work.
母亲克莱尔。玛瑞埃尔一头金发,喜欢穿紧身毛衣,贫困、爱惹麻烦的儿子以及与男同事的恋情搞得她心烦意乱。 blog.sina.com.cn

She provoked an explosion in zoo visitor numbers, was constantly in the news, became the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund and was fed on bamboo from the garden of Daphne du Maurier's neighbour.
她引起了动物园游客人数的暴涨,持续地出现在新闻里,成为了世界野生动物基金会的标志,并且吃的竹子是从从达芙妮·杜穆里叶的邻居的花园运来的。 yeeyan

You may think you know Du Maurier from the high drama of Jamaica Inn and the noir of Rebecca.
也许你以为你可以通过激动人心的喜剧《牙买加客栈》和感情绚丽的《丽贝卡》了解杜· 穆里埃。 yeeyan




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