释义 |
Mau·rice ˈmɒrɪs;ˈmɔːrɪs;ˈmɔrɪs 高Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺⁴Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺⁴ 基本例句 莫里斯男子名,=Moritz In the beginning I also asked Maurice Smith to serve as executive secretary, to add some maturity to the mix and to ensure cordial relations with the senior legislators, lobbyists, and power brokers. 刚开始我还请莫里斯.史密斯担任行政秘书,为这个混合团队添入一些稳重和成熟的元素,确保和资深议员、游说者和政治掮客保持融洽的关系。 yeeyan Koman Coulibaly's nullification of Maurice Edu's 85th- minute goal against Slovenia in group play sparked anger from multiple angles. 在美国小组赛中对阵斯洛文尼亚时候,莫里斯,埃杜在第85分钟时候的进球被裁判员吹罚无效进球,这引发了多方的愤怒。 yeeyan When Maurice died in late1998, I went home to speak at his funeral, something I had to do too much of as President. 莫里斯于1998年年底去世,我回到家乡并在他的葬礼上致悼词——作为总统,这样的事情我必需经常做。 yeeyan “ My work as a cultural historian has been concentrated on how visual images can alter and inspire and move public opinion, ” said Maurice Berger, curator of the exhibition. “作为文化历史学家,我的工作就是关注视觉图像是如何改变、激励和推动公众舆论的”此次展览的发起人莫里斯.伯格如是说。 yeeyan Along the way, Caesar enlists the help of Maurice, an orangutan who knows sign language, and a big bruiser of a chimp named Rocket. 一路上,凯撒又帮助了一只猩猩,莫里斯,他了解信号语言;还有一只受伤的猩猩,火箭。 yeeyan ASK people how they feel about getting older, and they will probably reply in the same vein as Maurice Chevalier: “ Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative.” 调查人们对于年龄增长的感觉,他们也许会给出与莫里斯舍瓦利埃同样的答复:“当你考虑其他选择时,老年就没那么糟糕。” ecocn Because Maurice loved the give-and- take of politics, he was especially effective in pushing my programs in the legislature. 在州议会中,由于莫里斯喜欢采用互相让步的原则,使我的各项计划都得到了非常有效的推动。 yeeyan But all this changed when Maurice, in a haze of drugs, took to living on the streets. No one could get hold of him to tell him his brother had died. 但是这一切都改变了,莫里斯一头栽到了毒品里流落街头,没人能找到他,告诉他哥哥去世了。 yeeyan By the time I became President, Maurice was in ill health. 我当上总统的时候,莫里斯的身体已经很差了。 yeeyan Hollywood runs through the veins of the Barrymore family, beginning with Maurice Barrymore and his wife, Georgianna, who were a matinee star and a comedian. 好莱坞和巴里摩尔家族密不可分。 最初是莫里斯•巴里摩尔 Maurice Barrymore和他的妻子乔治亚娜 Georgianna。他们是日场演出的明星和喜剧演员。 yeeyan I never met a single person who didn’t like and respect Maurice Smith. 我从来没有遇见过一个不喜欢或不尊重莫里斯的人。 yeeyan Millions of families still are going through the same thing as Vanessa and Maurice. 成千上万的家庭仍在经历瓦妮莎和莫里斯同样的故事。 yeeyan On one occasion, I went with Maurice to film his dying brother, Lloyd, in hospital. 有一次,我跟着莫里斯去医院拍摄他死去的哥哥,弗洛伊德。 yeeyan One thing that cheered me up was that Vanessa and Maurice always found my ethical worries ridiculous. 有一件令我感到高兴的事是瓦妮莎和莫里斯认为我对伦理道德上的担忧极其荒谬可笑。 yeeyan Sir Frank is not convinced by “ Maurice”, his one novel about same-sex love, which was published only after his death. 弗兰克先生不信“莫里斯”,此人的一部小说就是讲同性恋者间的爱情,直到他死后才出版。 ecocn These conclusions are borne out by findings of a recent World Bank research study, International Migration, Remittances and the Brain Drain, co-edited by Caglar Ozden and Maurice Schiff. 世界银行的最近所做的一个研究课题“国际移民、汇款与人才外流”的研究成果证实了这些结论,该研究报告由卡格拉奥兹登和莫里斯史弗共同编写。 worldbank Maurice Glasman, an academic who was ennobled earlier this year, is one proponent. 今年早些时候被授爵的学者莫里斯·哥莱斯曼就是支持者之一。 ecocn Maurice, on the other hand, refuses to watch it as he does not want to be reminded of his own bad behaviour. 莫里斯,另一方面,拒绝观看因为他不愿回想自己的那些不良行为。 yeeyan Maurice’s support gave my campaign instant credibility, which was important because no Arkansas governor had ever been elected, defeated, and elected again, though others had tried. 莫里斯的支持立刻为我的竞选赢得了公信力,而这种公信力是非常重要的,因为还没有哪一位阿肯色州的州长有过当选、竞选失败、再当选的经历,尽管其它州长有过这样的尝试。 yeeyan Maurice sensed my discomfort and burst out laughing at me. 莫里斯觉察到了我的不安,大声嘲笑我。 yeeyan Maurice Smith owned a12,000-acre farm and the bank in his little hometown of Birdeye. 莫里斯.史密斯在他家乡的小镇伯兹艾拥有一个1.2万英亩的农场,还开了家银行。 yeeyan Maurice Smith raised the money. 莫里斯.史密斯负责筹集竞选资金。 yeeyan |