

单词 Maurer
释义 MaurerEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Its president, Marc Maurer, a voracious reader, compares Louis Braille to Abraham Lincoln.
联合会主席,马克·毛雷尔,是一名狂热的阅读者,他把路易斯·布莱叶比作亚伯拉罕·林肯。 yeeyan

“ It’s an excellent book, ” says William Maurer, chair of the Department of Anthropology at the University of California at Irvine.
加州大学欧文分校人类学系主任威廉.默瑞 William Maurer说,这是一本非常棒的书。 yeeyan

“With all the growth Facebook has seen comes unique challenges in scaling systems. I’m looking forward to working on this, ” Maurer writes.
他写道:“ Facebook所取得的成就让人看到了它在定标系统上所面临的独特挑战,我期待能参与到这项计划中来。” yeeyan

“With all the growth Facebook has seen comes unique challenges in scaling systems. I’m looking forward to working on this, ” Maurer writes.
他写道:“ Facebook所取得的成就让人看到了它在定标系统上所面临的独特挑战,我期待能参与到这项计划中来。” yeeyan

Marc Maurer, president of the National Federation of the Blind, which supported Enyart's lawsuit, hailed the ruling.
支持 Enyart诉讼的全国盲人联盟主席 Marc Maurer对判决赞赏有加。 yeeyan

Suzanne Maurer, the mother of one of Obama's close friends, said she sensed an energetic, ambitious spirit in Barry.
苏珊毛雷尔,奥巴马的一个好朋友的妈妈,说她感觉到奥巴马充满活力,并且雄心勃勃。 blog.sina.com.cn

The book, by Jim Stovall and Tim Maurer, emphasizes financial education stretched over a lifetime.
本书作者吉姆•史都瓦和蒂姆•莫伊雷尔都是长期从事理财教育的专业人士。 yeeyan

This giant duck-shaped poultry store was built in1931 as a ploy by an enterprising farmer, Martin Maurer, to sell more ducks and duck eggs.
这个巨大的鸭形家禽店是作为伎俩进取农民,马丁毛雷尔,销售更多的鸭和鸭蛋于1931年。 godeyes

Maurer, who teaches at the UCLA and University of Washington medical schools, say he began studying whether the idea could help people who couldn't tackle big challenges.
在加州大学洛杉矶分校和华盛顿大学两校医学院任教的莫勒表示,自己已开始研究这个观念是否能帮助无法应付很大挑战的人。 qeto

Maurer studied the idea and did some experiments with it.
莫勒研究那个方法并且做实验。 www.360doc.com

Maurer studied the idea and did some experiments with it.




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