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词汇 Maule
释义 Maule ˈmɒl 
As much as 80% of some towns in the coastal Maule region were destroyed by the shock or consequent waves, officials said.
官员们说,沿海 Maule地区一些城镇高达80%的建筑被此次地震及后续余震所摧毁。 iciba

Her government's delay in sending soldiers to the Maule and Bío-Bío regions farther south, the epicentre of the original earthquake, allowed widespread looting to break out.
在向更加偏南的主震震中莫尔和比奥比奥地区增援时,巴奇莱特政府一拖再拖,导致了大面积的抢劫破坏。 ecocn

The magnitude8.8 quake that struck near Maule, Chile, Feb.27 moved the entire city of Concepcion10 feet to the west.
二月二十七日,在智利莫尔附近发生的8.8级大地震,将康塞普西翁整座城市向西移动了十英尺。 cri

“The Maule earthquake will arguably become one of the, if not the most important great earthquake yet studied, ” said project scientist Ben Brooks of the University of Hawaii in a press release.
“莫尔地震必将成为历史研究中最重要的一次大地震,”夏威夷大学项目科学家本·布鲁克斯在一份新闻稿中说道。 cri

A ndrés Sánchez, a wine consultant based in the Maule region, just south of Colchagua, reckons that spillage in the earthquake totalled over300m litres.
安德烈斯·桑谢是科尔查瓜南部马利地区的一位葡萄酒咨询师,据他估计,地震中葡萄酒的流失总量超过3亿升。 ecocn

According to his finance minister Felipe Larraín, replacing or repairing damaged infrastructure, mostly in the Maule and Bío-Bío regions, will cost $20 billion-30 billion, or13-19% of GDP.
据财长费利佩•拉腊统计,受损基础设施的更换或修复——其中主要集中在莫尔和比奥比奥地区——将需花费200-300亿美元,即 GDP的13-19%。 ecocn

Chilcas is produced exclusively from grapes grown in the Las Chilcas estate vineyard and winery located in a sub region of San Rafael in the Maule Valley.
碧霞谷由碧霞谷葡萄酒庄园生产的葡萄专门酿制,葡萄园位于马乌莱谷圣拉斐尔分区。 cd-wine

Concepcion and Maule are the two areas that were worst hit, officials say one-and-a- half million houses and other buildings have been destroyed or badly damaged.
康塞普西翁和莫尔是地震中的重灾区。据官方消息,两个地区的150万的家庭的房屋和其它大楼在地震中被严重摧毁。 hjenglish

Terranoble wines originated from Maule Valley in Chile, South of Africa.
泰瑞贵族葡萄酒来自南美智利的穆勒山谷。 gxjiahe

Winemakers, concentrated between Maule and Santiago, suffered too.
而酿酒商,集中在毛勒和圣地亚哥两地间,也遭受了损失。 ecocn




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