

单词 mature age
释义 mature age məˈtjuəeidʒ 短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺
It would be greatly for the public behoof, if we women, being of mature age and church-members in good repute, should have the handling of such malefactresses as this Hester Prynne.
要是我们这些上了一把年纪、名声又好的教会会友,能够处置海丝特·白兰那种坏女人,倒是给大伙办了件好事。 ebigear

Gentle, sensitive, and very lovely, he united the charm of adolescence with the suavity of a more mature age;
他温文尔雅,生性敏感,非常可爱。他身上兼备少年的魅力和成年人的谦和; blog.sina.com.cn

Industry funds have entered into a mature age overseas and are widely recognized. They are undoubtedly good examples of Chinese fund managing companies.
行业基金在国外已经比较成熟,并且得到比较大的认同度,无疑是我国基金品种研发和发展的重要方向之一。 cnki

TAFE colleges in Australia encourage mature age students who, for various reasons, were unable to obtain a higher education after high school.
在澳洲 TAFE学院鼓励那些由于某种原因未能接受高等教育的成年学生参加。 bowenstudy




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