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词汇 arcadio
释义 arcadio
Actually, Arcadio's decision to resist was madness.
其实决定抵抗纯粹是疯狂的打算。 tingroom

“ Arcadio is building a house, ” she confided with feigned pride to her husband as she tried to put a spoonful of calabash syrup into his mouth.
“阿卡蒂奥在给自己盖房子啦,”她试图拿一匙南瓜粥喂到丈夫嘴里,假装骄傲地告诉他。 tingroom

But Arcadio was inflexible. He had the prisoner put into the stocks until he could prove his identity and he resolved to defend the town to the death.
可是阿卡蒂奥十分固执,命令把使者拘押起来,弄清了此人的身份再说:而且,他誓死要保卫马孔多镇。 tingroom

Contrary to what everyone expected, Arcadio did not have him shot.
出乎大家的预料,阿卡蒂奥没有枪毙这个鲁莽的人。 tingroom

It was an unnecessary allegation, because Arcadio had not come to do justice.
这是没有必要的辩解,因为阿卡蒂奥根本不是来裁决的。 tingroom

Arcadio continued tightening the tourniquet with unnecessary rigor until he became the cruelest ruler that Macondo had ever known.
阿卡蒂奥继续加强这种毫无必要的酷烈手段,终于成了马孔多不曾有过的暴君。 tingroom

Arcadio examined that strange messenger who could have been a fugitive grandmother with a look of pity.
阿卡蒂奥轻蔑地打量古怪的信使,这人是不难被看成一个可怜老妇的。 tingroom

Arcadio gave a very personal interpretation to the instructions.
阿卡蒂奥对这个指示作了十分独特的解释。 tingroom




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