

单词 Mathew
释义 Mathew ˈmæθjuː 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
What did Mathew think of my dance?
不知道马休对我的舞技做何想法? examw

As one of the world's first war photographers, Mathew Brady didn't start out having as action- packed a career as you might think.
作为世界上最早的战地摄影师之一,马修.布雷迪并不像你想象的那样有着充满惊心动魄的职业生涯。 yeeyan

Christie considered the diminutive, stiff- moustached gastronome as her“ bread and butter” but would grumble about having to churn out“ yet another Poirot, ” Mathew Pritchard told Radio Times magazine.
克里斯蒂认为这个身材矮小,硬胡子的美食家是她的“面包和黄油生活必需品”,但会抱怨说不得不产生出“又一个波洛”,马修·普里查德告诉广播时代杂志。 aitrans

I handed Mathew a Kleenex and we stood there together, quietly lost in our own thoughts for a moment, blowing our noses.
我取出面巾纸递给索马,我们一起站着平静地思索了好一阵,用面巾纸擦着鼻涕。 www.yledu.net.cn

Only now that I've struggled to find patience in myself when Mathew insists he help me paint the house or saw down dead trees in the back yard am I able to see that day through my father's eyes.
只有现在,当马修坚持要帮我油漆房子,或者锯掉后院的枯树权时,我强压住了自己的性子,在此之后才能用我父亲的眼光去看那一天发生的事。 ifstar.net

This is the classic rebound headache, “ says Dr. Ninan T. Mathew, clinic director.”
“这是典型的复发性头疼,”诊所主任尼南· T·马休医生说。 zftrans

Translation activities headed by Mathew Ricci made the second high tide of translation history of China come into being.
以他为首的西方传教士的翻译活动,形成了中国翻译史上的第二次高潮。 cnki

Travis Mathew logos at pocket and beneath back collar.
特拉维斯马修在口袋里,背领下方的标志。 freemerce

We would love to see Preston fill a role similar to what Mathew Ingram does at the Toronto Globe and Mail, Canada's largest daily paper.
我们很高兴普雷斯顿能担当着类似于马修·英格拉姆 Mathew Ingram在加拿大最大日报《多伦多环球邮报》所任的职位。 yeeyan

Mathew has personally witnessed thousands of cases of “ total childhoods lost” and children who are punished or beaten for not meeting daily weaving quotas.
马修亲眼目睹了数以千计的案件:“总的童年失去了”,并受到惩罚或不符合日常编织配额挨打的孩子。 gounahaozi

Mathew took his favorite photo on the bank of the Jialing River---a woman with an umbrella passes in front of the newly-built Chongqing Grand Theater.
在嘉陵江边,马修留下了此行自己最喜欢的一张图片:重庆大剧院前,手持阳伞的姣好女子款款走过。 cqnews

Mathew Brady was a well- known19th- century American photographer who was celebrated for his portraits of politicians and his photographs of the American Civil War.
马修·布雷迪,19世纪美国著名摄影师,因拍摄政治名人和美国内战闻名。 yeeyan

Mathew Brady, for instance, rarely set foot on a battlefield.
例如,马修·布雷迪就很少涉足战地。 yeeyan

Mathew D. Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said Monday's ceremonies“make a mockery of marriage.”
自由顾问团奠基人兼主席马修- D-斯狄夫称,周一的仪式给婚姻“开了一个玩笑。” suiniyi

Mathew maintains strict standards for himself and his inspectors, refusing to be influenced by the corruption that typically plagues India.
马修保持严格的标准为自己和自己的的督察,拒腐败,通常困扰着印度的影响。 gounahaozi

Mathew Martin- Iverson at the University of Western Australia in Perth says this could be because the neurotransmitters which regulate nerve activity in vision could also be involved in emotion.
澳大利亚西澳大学佩思分校的 Mathew Martin- Iverson说这可能是因为调整视觉神经活动的神经传递素同时受到了情绪的影响。 dxy

Mathew's device involves attaching a fibreglass box weighing six to eight kilograms to one of the elephant's back legs.
马修的发明则是将一个重六到八公斤的玻璃纤维盒子绑在大象的一只后腿上。 iciba




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