

单词 mathematically
释义 math·e·mat·i·cal·ly 英ˌmæθə'mætɪkli美ˌmæθə'mætɪkli 高COCA²⁷⁰³⁶BNC¹⁹⁸¹⁴iWeb¹⁵⁵⁹⁶Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

with respect to mathematics;

mathematically impossible

mathematical-ly像⇒adv.精确地⁶⁷;以数学³³近义词 exactly精确地precisely精确地accurately准确地scientifically科学地statistically统计上地arithmetically算术上地

用作副词Eruptive fire behavior can be modeled and predictedmathematically, as this study shows.正如这项研究显示,暴发的火灾行为可以被精确地模拟和预言。
My colleagues and I have shownmathematicallythat this airstream-driven wave sustains vibration.我与同事以数学计算指出,气流引起的波动可以让振动持续下去。
If the message is corrupted en route, the receiver can use the added numbers tomathematicallyreconstruct the damaged bits.如果讯息在途中毁坏了,接收器能利用附加的数字,以数学方式重建损毁的小片段。 Mr. Madoff’s investment performance, given his stated strategy, was not merely improbable but mathematically impossible.
从他自己申明的策略来看, Madoff的投资表现不是不恰当而是从数学上看根本不可能。 yeeyan

The golden rectangles can also be arranged in other mathematically sound ways to generate beautiful designs.
黄金矩形还可以安排与其他合理的数学方法一起生成优美的设计。 yeeyan

The SSL protocol is based on public- key cryptography where encryption keys come in pairs that are mathematically related, but one cannot be deduced from knowing the other.
SSL协议基于公钥密码,加密密钥成对地出现在公钥密码中,它们是在数学上是相关的,但无法由一个推知另一个。 ibm

This is done by tricking a WPA to send out a large amount of data, and then mathematically cracking it without using a dictionary attack.
通过诱使一个 WPA发送大量的数据,然后无需使用字典式攻击,而是使用数学方法就可以破解掉它。 yeeyan

Again, a little more complicated mathematically but more practical in real use.

At some point, such a shock will come. Mathematically it must.
在某个时候,这种冲击将会发生,数学上这是必然的。 yeeyan

Code metrics are a way to mathematically calculate the complexity of code.
代码度量是一种计算代码复杂度的数学方法。 infoq

Einstein called the something the cosmological constant and added it to his theory with some distaste, because the work had been so mathematically beautiful without it.
爱因斯坦将其称为宇宙常数,并略带厌恶地将它加入他的理论,因为如果没有宇宙常数,它的理论在数学上优美极了。 yeeyan

If empirical observation is incompatible with a model, the model must be trashed or amended, even if it is conceptually beautiful or mathematically convenient.
如果经验观测与模型不符,无论这个模型概念上多么精致或者数学上多么简洁,它必然被抛弃或被修正。 yeeyan

In their paper, they prove that these computations are mathematically equivalent.
论文中,他们证明了这些计算是数学等价的。 yeeyan

It forces us to view data mathematically first and establish a context for it later.
它让我们先从数学角度看数据,然后为数据设立一个环境。 yeeyan

It is a mathematically sophisticated comparison of the actual brain weight of an animal compared to the expected brain mass for that animal's body size.
这是一个数学上的复杂的比照,它把动物实际的脑重量与按照动物身体尺寸所预期的脑重量比较。 yeeyan

One of the founders, Christian Rudder, maintains the OK Trends blog, sifting through the mountains of data and composing clever, mathematically sourced synopses of his findings.
创建者之一的克里斯蒂安·鲁德尔维护“ OK趋势”博客,在如山的资料中筛选并巧妙的组合,数学上获得他研究结果的概要。 yeeyan

Probability theory is really a movement away from that. We then have a mathematically rigorous discipline.
概率论是事物运动的规律,我们对此有严格的数学公式。 yeeyan

So unless you are willing to fundamentally change the current system, you might as well quit complaining about the U.S. national debt because it is now mathematically impossible to pay it off.
所以,除非你愿意从根本上变革当今的系统,否则你最好不要再抱怨美国的政府国债,因为从数学上讲还清它是不可能的。 yeeyan

The public key and private key for any given user aren't mathematically related.
任何给定用户的公钥和私钥在数学上是不能相关的。 ibm

Then imagine the difficulties of defending it against the obvious criticisms in an era before mathematically rigorous physics: why are we not flung from the Earth if it spins round so fast?
然后再想象一下在严格数学化的物理时代之前只身对抗各种显而易见的质疑的困难吧:如果地球转的这么快我们为什么没有被甩离地球? yeeyan

They require each of the particles in the Standard Model to have a so far undetected partner that serves to balance its properties in a mathematically pleasing way.
该理论要求标准模型中的每个粒子均有目前无法检测到的配对子,平衡它们的特性,以符合数学模型的完美性。 yeeyan

This article explains how luck, hard work and success are related in mathematically simple way.
这篇文章就从简单的数学原理出发,来解释运气,努力工作和成功的联系。 blog.sina.com.cn

This connection of De Broglie's was very beautiful mathematically and was in agreement with the theory of relativity.
德布罗意发现的这个关系在数学形式上非常美观,而且和相对论也保持一致。 yeeyan

This is because hashing an input value converts it into a new value that is mathematically impossible to undo to produce the original value.
这是因为散列可以将输入值转化为新的值,而这些新值不能从数学上逆向生成原始值。 ibm

This unusual in- crowd they often seem more inclined mathematically than socially is keeping the money flowing in Manhattan and southern Connecticut.
这种不同寻常的聚集他们通常认为自己更倾向数字化的东西而不是社交。正在使资金在曼哈顿和南 Connecticut不停流动。 ecocn

Whilst the Great Pyramid at Giza is mathematically astounding, its construction was not beyond the ingenious astronomers, scholars and architects of the time.
虽然吉萨的巨型金字塔在数学上非常惊人,它的建设还是超不出当时天文学家、学者与建筑师的聪明才干。 yeeyan

Mathematically, it is a parameter which determines the functional output of an algorithm.
在数学上,它是一个参数,用于确定一个算法的函数输出。 ibm

Mathematically, the problem is solved by setting up a system of linear equations, one for each station.
用数学方法通过建立每一个站点间的线性方程来解答这个问题。 yeeyan




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