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词汇 maternity
释义 ma·ter·ni·ty 英məˈtɜːnɪtiː美məˈtɝnɪtiAHDmə-tûrʹnĭ-tē ★☆☆☆☆高六四八COCA¹⁷¹³⁴BNC⁸⁰³¹iWeb⁸⁵⁸²Economist⁷⁴³⁷

the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterusthe kinship relation between an offspring and the motherthe quality of having or showing the tenderness and warmth and affection of or befitting a mother;

the girl's motherliness made her invaluable in caring for the children

词根词缀: matern-mater-母 + -ity名词词尾maternity leave产假maternity ward产科病房maternity pay产假工资maternity pen分娩室,产圈…maternity dress孕妇装calf and maternity quarters小牛栏及产房…maternity hospital妇产科医院paid maternity leave带薪产假maternity stall产房maternity benefit生产津贴maternity nurse助产护士maternity barn产圈maternity and child welfare母婴福利maternity insurance生育保险maternity nursing产科护理maternity and child hygiene妇幼卫生maternity department产科
mater母+n=an,形容词后缀+ity抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态→母性,母亲身份→孕产期,妇产医院⇒转作形容词与怀孕生产相关的。方振宇词汇奥秘mater=matr 母+n连接字母+ity名词后缀→母亲身份词根记忆matern母亲+ity近义词 gestation怀孕pregnancy怀孕childbearing分娩motherhood母亲身份motherliness慈母心parenthood父母的身份maternalism纵容,溺爱maternal quality母性能力,母性的才能…

用作名词It weighs upon the woman, that is to say , upon grace, weakness, beauty,maternity.它压迫妇女,就是说压迫柔情,压迫弱质,压迫美貌,压迫母性。
To date,sports bras have largely been ungainly,with all the functional trappings of amaternitybra and little more in the way of stylish design.此前,运动胸衣总的来说不太优雅,有母性胸衣的种种功能性装饰,却缺少时髦的设计。
The pregnant woman looked forward to hermaternity.孕妇期待着做母亲。
Maternity ward is on the second floor.产科病房在二楼。
Trainee nurses have to work for some weeks inmaternity.受训的护士必须在产科病房工作数周。用作形容词What's this company's policy onmaternityleave?这公司的产假规定为何?
It's just thatmaternityclothes are so expensive.没什么,就是孕妇服实在太贵。noun.period of being pregnant with child
同义词 gestation,motherhood,parenthoodmaternology
反义词 paternity
originnoun family, heritage
originsnoun family, heritage
agents,ancestors,ancestries,antecedents,authors,bases,causalities,causations,connections,creators,derivations,determinants,eggs,elements,embryos,fountains,generators,germs,horse's mouths,impulses,inception,inducements,influences,inspirations,mainsprings,motives,nuclei,occasions,parentage,parents,principles,producers,progenitors,provenances,proveniences,roots,roots,seeds,sources,springs,stocks,wells,wellsprings
sourcenoun beginning;point of supply
antecedent,author,authority,authorship,begetter,birthplace,cause,commencement,connection,dawn,dawning,derivation,determinant,expert,father,fount,fountain,fountainhead,horse's mouth,inception,informant,maternity,mother,onset,opening,origin,origination,originator,parent,paternity,provenance,provenience,rise,rising,root,specialist,spring,start,starting point,wellspring
sourcesnoun beginning;point of supply
antecedents,authorities,authors,authorship,begetters,birthplaces,causes,commencements,connections,dawnings,dawns,derivations,determinants,experts,fathers,fountainheads,fountains,founts,horse's mouths,inception,informants,maternities,mothers,onsets,openings,originations,originators,origins,parents,paternities,provenances,proveniences,rises,risings,roots,specialists,springs,starting points,starts,wellsprings As a general rule, Europeans enjoy free health care, long-term unemployment support, liberal vacation time and solid maternity and child care benefits.
一般说来,欧洲人享有免费的医疗保健,长期失业的补助,自由的休假时间,固定的产假以及儿童保健福利。 yeeyan

Is your belly starting to bust out of maternity clothes yet?
你的肚子是不是突出了孕妇装了呢? yeeyan

It is believed that this is because people form new friendships while on the maternity ward, at post- natal groups and when taking their toddlers to nursery.
这是因为当人们在产科病房、面对产后群体以及在幼儿园谈论自己的孩子时,建立了新的友谊关系。 huanqiu

The government gave women equal rights to inherit property way back in1845; in1901, it introduced the world's first formalized maternity-leave program.
政府在1845年便赋予女性平等的财产继承权,在1901年,瑞典发布了世界上首个正式的产假程序。 yeeyan

The scientists recruit parents and children for their work from maternity wards.
科学家从产科病房选取几对父母和孩子来进行研究。 yeeyan

When a BBC producer called me during some of the heaviest shelling, I told him that the militiamen's targets were the maternity and surgical wards, and the pediatric malnutrition section.
轰击最猛烈的时候,一位 BBC制作人给我打来电话,我对他说叛乱武装分子的目标是产科和外科病房及小儿营养不良科室。 yeeyan

“ When I opened my studio for maternity photos last year we had less than10 customers a month but last month we had more than70 customers, ” said Takada.
“当我去年开始拍产妇照片时,我们1个月还不到10个客户,但就在上个月,我们的客户数已经超过了70个。”高田说。 yeeyan

A bridal boutique won't usually offer much in the way of maternity wedding dresses, so check the Internet to see who has these special bridal gowns in stock.
普通的婚纱店一般不会提供多种孕妇婚纱供你选择,你可以在互联网上搜索谁能提供这些特殊的新娘礼服。 yeeyan

Another offered a maternity“ buddy” scheme to support pregnant women and those on maternity leave, the report states.
报告还说,另一个提供了孕妇“伙伴”方案,用以支持怀孕妇女和已请孕假的妇女。 yeeyan

At the end of her performance, Beyonce unbuttoned her sequinned purple blazer to reveal her burgeoning bump, cupping and rubbing her tummy through her maternity tuxedo trousers.
在表演结束后碧昂斯解开自己的紫色亮片上衣,露出自己日渐突出的腹部,并透过自己的孕妇晚礼服裤子抚摸自己的肚子。 hjenglish

Even the most confident women fret about their pregnant body, especially as they hit week36 and even maternity clothes seem too small for their colossal bellies.
即使是最有信心的女性也会为怀孕的身体烦恼,特别是她们接近36周,即便是孕妇装也遮盖不住她们大肚子的时候。 yeeyan

Hours and conditions too are usually more congenial and maternity arrangements more generous.
工作时间和工作条件更符合女性的需求,而且产假也更长。 ecocn

I was surprised when I found myself wearing maternity clothes well into the second month after my daughter’s birth.
在我女儿出生后,我竟然仍穿着孕妇装过了一个多月,这让我感觉很惊讶。 yeeyan

If they do, the wives are likely to go out to work, whether or not they have dependent children, and take only a short break for maternity.
就算他们结婚了,妻子也往往会出去工作,不管孩子是否还需要照顾,而且她们的产假也很短。 ecocn

In a report published on Monday the Institute said in focusing almost entirely on mothers, most maternity units tend to overlook fathers.
父权研究所在周一发表的一份报告中指出,由于几乎完全把注意力放在妈妈身上,大多数产妇单位往往忽略了父亲。 yeeyan

She makes maternity clothes.
她生产孕妇服装。 yeeyan

Some companies have specific guidelines about requesting a leave of absence, while others won’t consider them unless enforced by law such as maternity or military leave.
关于休假,有些公司有一些明确的条文,但其他一些公司却不予考虑——除非是法律强制性的比如产假或参军。 cri

The head of the maternity ward, a doctor and two nurses have been suspended pending the results of the investigation, it added.
报道补充道,孕妇病房的负责人、一名医生和两名护士已经被停职,等待调查结果出来。 yeeyan

They shock us now, those women who bucked convention and did things the way men have often done—just as selfishly and callously—denying maternity in a way that seems to defy nature.
她们颠覆传统,以男人的风格行事——自私而冷漠,这种克制自身母性的行为在某种程度上也违逆了女人的天性,让我们颇为震惊。 yeeyan

This is one of the dirty secrets of the maternity industry.
这是孕妇产业的一个肮脏的小秘密。 yeeyan

Today, training was provided for82 nurses in high-risk departments, including the maternity ward and the laboratory.
今天对高危科室、包括产科病房和实验室的82名护士进行了培训。 who

You’ll be happy to find that maternity clothes are, for the most part, no longer frumpy and dumpy.
你会发现现在的孕妇装绝大部分已经不再是粗短见不得人的啦。 yeeyan

Maternity services across the UK are disadvantaging children from birth by “shutting out” their fathers, a think tank has warned.
一个智囊团警告说由于父亲不能参与的分娩的过程,英国的生育服务对儿童是不利的。 yeeyan

Maternity wedding dresses are so much nicer than they were in the past, and now you can find beautiful gowns to choose from for your wedding.
现在的孕妇婚纱与过去相比要好看得多,你一定可以从中挑选出适合你的婚礼的婚纱。 yeeyan




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