

单词 materialistic
释义 ma·te·ri·al·is·tic 英mə,tɪərɪə'lɪstɪk美mə'tɪrɪə'lɪstɪk ☆☆☆☆☆高ICOCA²⁷²⁷⁹BNC²⁵⁰⁶⁵iWeb²¹⁴¹¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

marked by materialismconforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class;

a bourgeois mentality

materialistic interpretation of history唯物史观
material-ist…的人-ic…的⇒adj.唯物论的²⁵;贪图享乐的;唯物主义的⁶⁷近义词 greedy贪婪的earthly地球的worldly世间的grasping贪心的covetous贪婪的avaricious贪财的conservative保守的acquisitive想获得的mercenary唯利是图的bourgeois中产阶级的人…money-oriented一切向钱看worldly-minded营求名利的

用作形容词We are living inmaterialistictimes.我们生活在物质的年代。
His theory is purelymaterialistic.他的理论是纯粹唯物的。
Children today are somaterialistic.现今的孩子们都太贪图享乐。adj.thinking mainly about physical things
同义词 greedy,profane,secular,sensual,temporalacquisitive,banausic,carnal,earthly-minded,earthy,material,mundane,object-oriented,possessive,terrestrial,unspiritual
反义词 abstemious,mental,spiritualthriftyungreedy
bourgeoisadjective commonplace
commercialadjective intended for financial gain
Wall Street,exploited,for profit,investment,materialistic,mercenary,monetary,money-making,pecuniary,profitmaking,venal
physicaladjective tangible, material
secularadjective not spiritual or religious
civil,earthly,laic,laical,lay,material,materialistic,nonclerical,nonreligious,of this world,profane,temporal,unsacred,worldly
temporaladjective material, worldly
worldlyadjective material, nonreligious
carnal,earthly,earthy,fleshly,human,lay,materialistic,mundane,natural,physical,practical,profane,secular,sublunary,telluric,temporal,terrene,terrestrial,ungodly Is Being Materialistic As Prevalent as People Say?
追求物质有人们所说那么地普遍吗? bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

“ Materialistic”, in this context, does not mean: driven by concerns for material benefit.
本文中的“唯物主义”不是指:由物质方面上利益考虑所驱使的。 yeeyan

Americans do not like to be called materialistic because they feel that this unfairly accuses them of loving only material things and of having no religious values.
美国人不喜欢被称为物质主义者,因为他们认为指控他们只重物质利益,没有宗教价值观是不公正的。 eol

As human beings we have to be more in the lap of nature, rather than becoming a materialistic people.
作为人类,我们必须更好的与自然相处,而不是变成物质主义的人。 yeeyan

At least, we may have two types of happiness: spiritual happiness and materialistic happiness.
至少,我们可以有两种幸福:精神幸福和物质幸福。 iciba

At the base of the understanding of love and sex, as it is promoted on this site, is a“ materialistic” understanding of the world.
对‘爱与性’的理解,正像本网站上所提倡的那样,应该是建立在对这个世界的‘唯物主义的’理解的基础上的。 yeeyan

Being girly implies being feminine but in a youthful and materialistic sort of way.
有女孩子气也隐含有女人味,这是以一种年青和现实的方式。 yeeyan

He sets out to give a deliberately and thoroughly materialistic and non- teleological physics of human nature.

He wants other countries to follow France's example in looking at less materialistic indicators of progress.
他希望其他国家都能像法国一样,开始关注那些物质性较少的经济指标。 ebigear

Hegel's dialectic is not at all materialistic.
黑格尔的辩证法完全不是唯物主义的。 yeeyan

HOW dare those materialistic French fret about unemployment and other bread-and- butter questions as they contemplate the lofty issues posed by the forthcoming referendum?
那些持唯物论的法国人考虑即将到来的公民投票引起的“崇高问题”时,怎么竟敢对失业和其他生计面包黄油问题忧心忡忡? ecocn

In a materialistic go-getter world, a couple's ability to juggle and to control life's commercial and familial demands merely confirms their superior“ alpha” status.
因为在崇尚物质第一的世界里,一对夫妇调节和掌控财务及家庭需求的能力就能够证明他们超级“强者”的地位。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

In contrast to a materialistic, competition-centered model of the world, the traditionalistic, idealistic model may, for men, be much more egalitarian.
相对于唯物主义,以竞争为中心的世界模式来说,传统主义和唯心主义模式,对于男性来说,可能更为平等。 yeeyan

In this materialistic age we do not have time to pay attention to our surroundings.
在这唯物主义的时代里,我们没有时间去注意我们周围的世界。 yeeyan

Long before the school of materialistic monism arose, the ground was removed so that there could be no foundation.
在唯物的一元论学派出现以前很久你们那根据早就被挖掉了,早没了基础。 ebigear

Or thinking about them in materialistic terms might be greatly confused or mistaken.
或者思考下在唯物主义的术语中可能是非常迷糊的或者非常错误的。 yeeyan

So how did the adult world become so materialistic that we decide what we give based on what we think we might receive?
那是什么让成年人的世界变得那么现实,以致于我们根据自己可能获取的回报来决定付出什么付出多少呢? yeeyan

So I found terminology of Mark Twain pausing though the overall materialistic feel I'm used to.

They can be highly ambitious and materialistic and are capable of waiving all moral or ethical values to achieve their goals.
他们可以说是雄心勃勃,物质至上,为了达到目的可能会抛弃一切道义或道德价值。 yeeyan

Third, she could strive to accept herself: her non- materialistic values are real, and her love for clothes is real.
第三个选择,她可以努力接受自己:她的非物质化观点是真实存在的,对衣服的热爱是真实的。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

This is an ambitious book, offering an analysis of the failures of academic economics and a call for a more inclusive, less materialistic society.
这是一本雄心勃勃的书,分析了学院经济学派失败的原因,并倡导构建一个更为包容、更少贪图享乐的社会。 ecocn

We demand that Roman Law, which serves a materialistic world order, be replaced by a German common law.
第十九条,我们要求,用一部德国的普通法取代为唯物主义世界秩序服务的罗马法。 yeeyan

What it's about: Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for fiction, “So Big” tells the story of a hardworking woman and her materialistic son.
本书内容:普利策小说奖获奖作品《宁馨儿》讲述的是一位辛劳的妇女和她拜金儿子的故事。 yeeyan

Materialistic happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of fulfillment.
物质上的快乐往往是短暂的,然而,当你给予他人一个微笑的时候,那种满足却是无与伦比的。 edu.sina.com.cn




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