

单词 mater
释义 ma·ter 英ˈmeɪtə美ˈmetɚAHDmāʹtər 高COCA¹⁸⁴⁹⁰BNC⁵⁹³⁹⁰iWeb¹⁴⁰¹⁵Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
an informal use of the Latin word for mother; sometimes used by British schoolboys or used facetiouslyalma mater母校dura mater硬脑膜Stabat Mater圣母悼歌Mater Dolorosa拉圣母玛利亚…pia mater〈解〉软脑膜…dura mater cerebralis硬脑膜a mater of common pracdtice寻常之事artificial dura mater人工硬脑膜cerebral pia mater软脑膜dura mater spinalis医 硬脊膜cerebral dura mater硬脑膜
用作名词I lived in a whole family with my dad andmater.我生活在一个完整的家庭,有爸爸妈妈和我生活在一起。as in.dim
同义词 blurred,cloudy,dark,dingy,dull,faint,fuzzy,gloomy,lackluster,murky,shadowy,vaguedusk,faded,gray,mat,muted,obscured,overcast,pale,sullied,tarnishedblah,bleary,caliginous,dreary,dusky,flat,ill-defined,indistinct,lightless,monotone,monotonous,opaque,poorly lit,tenebrous,unclear,unilluminated,weak
反义词 bright,cheerful,clear,distinct,encouraging,happy,light,lively,luminous,shining,sparkling,vivaciousbrilliant,favorable,good,intelligent,smart In his later years Sloan gave large sums of money to his alma mater, MIT, which in gratitude named its business school after him.
晚年,斯隆把大量的资金投给校友和麻省理工大学。麻省理工商学院也以斯隆命名表示感激。 ecocn

So you can take this collagen patch and put it on top of the dura mater.

After three years of teaching at her alma mater following graduation, Yang proceeded to her master's degree at the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
毕业后,她在郑州大学执教了三年的时间,之后她来到中国科学院研究生院继续攻读她的硕士学位。 hxen

Charles, David, and William all earned engineering degrees at their father’s alma mater, M.I.T., and later joined the family company.
查理斯、戴维和威廉姆三兄弟都在老科赫的母校马萨诸塞州理工学院拿到了工程学位,不久就加盟了家族企业。 yeeyan

Clark has bestowed his money the old- fashioned way-- by attaching his name to a building at Stanford University, his alma mater.
克拉克以古老的方式——在他的母校斯坦福大学一座建筑物上刻上自己的名字的方式——捐出了他的钱。 hjenglish

Gadaffi picked up victims at his former alma mater, Tripoli University, where he gave lectures and then led the young women to a nearby room whose only furniture was a double bed.
卡扎菲从他的母校的黎波里寻找受害者,他在那里发表演讲然后把年轻女性带到附近的房间里,那里的唯一家具就是个双人床。 yeeyan

He acknowledged that they sometimes dug up only the unprotected tidbits that Facebook users share with everyone, such as their alma mater or favorite band.
他承认,有时能挖到的信息只不过是些任何人都能看到的八卦而已,例如脸谱用户披露的母校或最爱乐队。 yeeyan

He becomes an American by being received in the broad lap of our great Alma Mater.
由于被接纳进我们伟大养母宽大的怀抱里,他成了一个美国人。 putclub

His case triggered great public anger, especially after Yao's alma mater tried to defend him and describe him as a kind, honest and splendid student.
他的案件引起了极大的公众愤怒,尤其是当药的母校试图为他辩护,称他是一名善良,诚实和优秀的学生。 hxen

I also hope you will find time to go back to China and visit your alma mater to refresh the memories of your days in China and see the latest development in the country.
我希望大家多到中国参观访问,重回母校,重拾记忆,同时了解中国几十年来、甚至几年来的最新发展变化,及时更新对中国的认识。 putclub

I'm mentoring a group of15 female undergrads at Georgetown, my alma mater.
我现在在母校乔治城大学为15位女性本科生提供小组辅导。 yeeyan

Knowing when creativity is most likely to strike, and what sorts of activities can trigger your creativity, doesn’t mater much unless you’re ready to take advantage of the moment when it arrives.
知道了何时最有可能迸发创造力,哪种活动能触发创造力就不那么重要了,除非你准备在那一刻到来的时候利用它。 yeeyan

Krueger and Dale's study found that while incomes stayed roughly the same regardless of your alma mater, poor students made more money after graduating from elite colleges.
克鲁格和戴尔的研究发现,虽然母校对收入影响不大,但是贫困学生从精英大学毕业后钱赚得更多。 yeeyan

Leaving GE in 1963 for an engineering professorship at his alma mater, the University of Illinois, he schooled over two dozen PhD students who themselves made major contributions to the field.
1963年他离开通用电气开始在他的母校伊利诺斯州立大学工程学教授生涯,他教出了超过二十几位在此领域有接触贡献的博士生。 ecocn

Mr Zhu attracted attention earlier this year with a speech at his alma mater, Tsinghua University, in which he offered unusually direct criticism of current policy.
朱先生今年早些时候在他的母校清华大学的演讲引起了大家的注意,当时,他非同寻常地提出了对现行政策的直接批评。 yeeyan

Not too long ago, my alma mater sent me a survey asking who had been my most effective teacher.
前不久,我的母校寄给我一份调查,所问的是对我最有帮助的老师。 yeeyan

Qinghua University is my Alma Mater.
清华大学是我的母校。 ebigear

Returning to his undergraduate alma mater in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 2003 therefore, Prof Jones brought with him a refreshing international business outlook.
因此,在琼斯教授2003年回到位于北卡罗来纳州罗列市的本科母校时,他带来了让人耳目一新的国际商业观。 ebigear

The first house I sat belonged to a professor at my alma mater.
我第一次住的是母校的一个教授的房子。 yeeyan

Thus, for example, savings for future consumption, or to provide for descendents, or to give to your alma mater, are all examples of consumption.
所以,举例的说,为了捐钱给母校,为了自己的后代而节省未来的消费,这些都是关于消费的例子。 yeeyan

Walking home by the alma mater is just for seeking fun.
经过母校步行回家仅仅为了取乐而已。 kekenet

When raising kids, remember that no mater how mad they are at you, you are your kids' hero.
培育孩子时,切记不管他们对你发多大的脾气,你是你孩子们的英雄。 yeeyan

Years later, whether your major becomes first-class and alma mater renown in international?
若干年后,你的学科是否已经一流,母校是否已经国际知名? ecocn




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