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词汇 mate
释义 mate 英meɪt美metAHDmāt ★★★☆☆高四六研GIT宝牛4八COCA⁵⁴²²BNC⁵⁸⁴⁵iWeb⁴²⁵⁵Economist⁷⁰⁷³


a friend or person one works with


one of a male-female pair, usually of animals


not in the navy a ship's officer next in rank below the captain

vt. & vi. 交配

of birds or animals to unite for the purpose of having sexual intercourse, producing young

the officer below the master on a commercial shipa fellow member of a team;

it was his first start against his former teammates

the partner of an animal especially a sexual partner;

he loved the mare and all her mates

camels hate leaving their mates

a person's partner in marriagean exact duplicate;

when a match is found an entry is made in the notebook

one of a pair;

he lost the mate to his shoe

one eye was blue but its fellow was brown

South American holly; leaves used in making a drink like teainformal term for a friend of the same sexSouth American tea-like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called matea chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent's king
engage in sexual intercourse;

Birds mate in the Spring

bring two objects, ideas, or people together;

This fact is coupled to the other one

Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?

The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project

place an opponent's king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game;

Kasparov checkmated his opponent after only a few moves

用作名词 n.
动词+~abandon〔choose〕 one's mate抛弃〔选择〕配偶look for a mate找对象形容词+~faithful〔lifelong〕 mate忠实〔终身〕的伴侣running mate同组的马,〈美〉竞选伙伴,亲密的伙伴the first〔second, third〕 mate大〔二,三〕副the fit mates适合的配偶~+介词the mate of〔to〕 sth与某物相配对的东西用作动词 v.~+名词mate a donkey使驴交配~+副词mate well啮合紧密~+介词mate with与…交配
mate with v.+prep.

使(; )与…交配 (especially of animals to cause to be joined in sexual union)

mate with sb/sthThey don't mate with each other.它们彼此不交配。
Dogs do not mate with cats.狗和猫不交配。
The queen bee is likely to mate with two or three drones.后蜂可能会与两三只雄蜂交配。mate sth with sthThey mated a horse with a donkey.他们使一匹马和一头驴交配。
Farmers keep trying to produce better cattle by mating their strongest bulls with their healthiest cows.农民们一直在想让最壮的公牛和最健康的母牛交配以生产更好的牛。故事记忆梁兄是我 Classmate同班同学平日与我 Intimate亲密的对我十分 Considerate体贴的梦想成为他的 Mate配偶可在离别的 Date日子傻样把我 Irritate激怒未成心愿 Ultimate最终的只能说成:“ That' Sfate命运!”故事记忆有一个 Mate伙伴约好了 Date日子来到了 Gate大门才发现 Late迟到好象是 Fate命运心里很 Hate怀恨人儿已经走了。非常记忆m麦当劳〖编码〗+ate吃〖熟词〗⇒朋友和我在麦当劳吃东西联想记忆配偶mate相互为对方铺垫子mat蒋争熟词记忆由classmate同学记忆 mateGRE红宝书classmate 同学近义词 fellowpartnern. associate
用作名词n.Her mates are waiting for her by the gate.她的同事在门口等她。
He is a mate of mine.他是我的一个伙伴。
The male hunts for food while his mate guards the nest.雌性动物守护巢穴时,雄性动物猎食。
She has been a faithful mate to him.她一直是他忠实的配偶。
The mate is one rank below the captain.大副是低于船长的一个头衔。
“What time is it, mate?”“老兄,几点了?”用作动词v.
S+~+ABirds mate in the spring.鸟在春天交配。
The zoo camels have not mated this year.动物园里的骆驼今年还没有交配。
It is often difficult to get animals to mate in captivity.常常很难使被关的动物交配。
S+~+ n./pron.I don't want to mate such a person.我并不想与这样的人为友。
They mate the Zoo's pandas.他们使动物园的熊猫交配繁殖。Pchiefmate大副Pmateshipn.友谊Pteammaten.队友Proom-maten.同室者Pplaymaten.玩伴游伴Pshipmaten.同船水手Pclassmaten.同班同学Pmismatevt.使匹配不当Pschoolmaten.同窗同学Pinmaten.同住者被收容者Proommaten.住在同室的人Psoulmaten.知心朋友知己Pyokematen.同事伙伴配偶Pworkmaten.共同工作者同事Phelpmaten.助手伴侣终身伴侣Pcomaten.伙伴a.有种缨的多毛的Phousematen.住在同一所房子里的人Pmessmaten.同餐之友同餐桌的伙伴桉树Pstablematen.受雇于同一老板的拳击手Pmateya.易为人亲近的融洽的n.伙伴朋友





mate用作名词的意思是“伙伴”,转化为动词意思是“结伙伴; 成配偶”,用于动物时,常作“交尾”“交配”解。



用作名词I thought she was an idealmate.我认为她是我的理想配偶。
The eagle mourned for his deadmate.那只鹰为它死去的配偶伤心。
He is my soulmate.他和我性情相投。
Who is your bestmateat Liverpool?谁是你在利物浦最好的伙伴?
I'd come with my officemate.我和同事一起来。用作及物动词It's high time tomatethe doves.现在正是鸽子配对的好时候。
Hematedwords with deeds.他言行一致。用作不及物动词Many animalsmatein the spring.许多动物在春天交配。 of a pair;partner
同义词 acquaintance,bride,buddy,classmate,companion,comrade,coworker,playmate,roommate,schoolmate,spouseanalog,assistant,associate,chum,cohort,colleague,compeer,complement,concomitant,consort,coordinate,counterpart,crony,double,duplicate,familiar,friend,groom,helper,helpmate,intimate,match,pal,peer,reciprocal,sidekick,twinalter ego,bedmate
反义词 enemy,foe,opponent,stranger,antagonist,detractorverb.marry and breed
同义词 cohabit,copulate,couple,crossbreed,generate,join,land,match,merge,pair,procreate,serve,tie,wed,yoketie the knot
反义词 disconnect,disjoin,divide,fail,lose,refrain,separateabstain,uncouple
amigonoun friend
assistantnoun helper
abettor,accessory,accomplice,adherent,adjunct,aide,ally,appointee,apprentice,associate,attendant,auxiliary,backer,backup,coadjutant,coadjutor,collaborator,colleague,companion,confederate,cooperator,deputy,fellow worker,flunky,follower,friend,gofer,help,helpmate,mate,partner,patron,peon,representative,right-hand person,secretary,subordinate,supporter,temp,temporary worker
associatenoun colleague
accessory,accomplice,affiliate,aid,ally,assistant,auxiliary,branch,buddy,chum,clubber,co-worker,cohort,collaborator,companion,compatriot,comrade,confederate,consort,cooperator,crony,fellow,friend,helper,joiner,kissing cousin,mate,offshoot,one of the folks,pal,pard,partner,peer,playmate,sidekick
better halfnoun partner in marriage
consort,espoused,feme covert,helpmate,helpmeet,husband,mate,partner,rib,significant other,soul mate,spouse,wife
better halvesnoun partner in marriage
consorts,espouses,feme coverts,helpmates,helpmeets,husbands,mates,partners,ribs,significant others,soul mates,spouses,wives
bridenoun woman being married
helpmate,mate,newly married woman,newlywed,old woman,spouse,wife A donkey mate with a mare.

A woman will rarely have difficulty finding a mate, even if he does not measure up to all her lofty ideals.
很难找到配偶的女性是少见的,即使男性不能完全符合她的高傲的理想标准。 ecocn

And she still believes he is her soul mate.
她还深信,奥兹就是自己的灵魂伴侣。 tingvoa

The impressive and colourful plumage used by male peacocks and birds of paradise, for example, is thought to demonstrate the quality of their genes and therefore their suitability as a mate.
例如,雄孔雀和天堂鸟的那些引入注目的色彩丰富的羽毛被认为是用于证明他们的基因质量以及他们作为配偶的适宜性。 yeeyan

The mate has tallied the cargo.

“ I ought to be thy Adam, ” the creature says— but his creator rejected him before his mate was made.
“我应当是你的亚当,”怪物说——但是他的创造者在把他的伴侣做好前拒绝了他。 yeeyan

As a42 year old male Manhattanite who's been with the same woman for17 years, married12 and had a child for5 I think I have a few tricks to keep your mate happy.
作为一个42岁的曼哈顿男性,我和同一个女人生活了17年,我结过12次婚,现在有一个5岁的孩子。我认为我有一些方法可以让你的伴侣感到幸福。 yeeyan

Despite the male frogs' impressive singing, female frogs often force them to be quiet and mate before their songs are even through.
虽然雄蛙的歌声很动听,但雌蛙总是会让它们很快安静下来,并在歌唱结束前进行交配。 yeeyan

Even if you can't find anything wrong with that person, you need to recognize the importance of the promise you made before your mate, your friends, probably before your family, and before God.
即使你在这个人身上找不出任何缺点,你仍然需要认识到承诺的重要性,就是你在你的配偶、朋友,也可能是你的家人或是上帝面前所做的承诺。 yeeyan

Female roseate terns sometimes mate with each other for life, allowing themselves to be fertilised by males, but making nests and bringing up their young together.
雌性粉红燕鸥有时会与同性伴侣共度一生,她们会让雄鸟为自己授精,但却与同性伴侣共同筑巢,养育幼鸟。 yeeyan

Have faith, believe in destiny and you shall meet your soul mate.
要有信心,相信命运终会让你遇到你的心灵伴侣。 yeeyan

However, to do so, it must find an unoccupied territory and a member of the opposite sex with which to mate.
然而,要想成为领头狼,必须找到一块未被占领的领地和一头能够与之交配的异性狼。 yeeyan

I could only admire the love and courage of that butterfly in his concern for his mate.
我只能钦佩那只蝴蝶在对他的伴侣的关心中表现出爱和勇气。 ebigear

I feared something was wrong with me to attract this kind of mate.
我担心是否自己出了什么问题从而吸引了这种类型的伴侣。 yeeyan

I hope you are my soul mate and we match each other!
我希望你就是我灵魂的伴侣,我们就可以互相依偎照顾! baidu

I simply knew I wanted to have certain qualities in a mate and that if the right person came along, marriage was great.
我只知道我想要我的配偶有一些特定的品质,如果要找的那个人出现了,婚姻就是幸福的。 tingvoa

IMAGINE that the world consists of20 men and20 women, all of them heterosexual and in search of a mate.
设想一下,世界由20个男人和20个女人组成。所有人都是异性恋者并希找到伴侣。 ecocn

In a semi- protected environment, they and other tigers have spent four years“ learning” how to mate and to kill guinea fowl, antelope and blesbok.
在半保护的环境中,它们和其它老虎一起生活了四年,学到了如何进行交配以及怎样捕食珍珠鸡、羚羊和大羚羊。 yeeyan

Like the voles, I have a strong attachment to my mate.
像田鼠一样,我对自己的配偶非常忠诚。 yeeyan

Like males of most other vertebrate species, these animals take more than one mate if they can.
像许多其他雄性脊椎动物一样,如有可能,它们会拥有不止一个配偶。 yeeyan

Researchers have found that the fearsome predators return to the same areas to hold annual meetings, congregating to forage or mate together in their hundreds if not thousands.
研究人员发现,这种可怕的食肉动物每年都回到同一地区聚会。聚集在一起寻找食物或交配的食人鲨没有上千也有上百只。 yeeyan

Some even think of their soul mate as literally the other half to their soul.
有些人甚至觉得灵魂伴侣简直就是他们的另一半灵魂。 yeeyan

Some participants made no choices at all, while those who did choose were less likely to select the consensually preferred mate option.
一些参加者根本就不做选择,而那些做出选择的人也可能很少选到双方都满意的伴侣人选。 yeeyan

Their work shows for the first time that a low masculine voice is important for both mate choice and the accuracy of women's memory.
他们的研究第一次表明,低沉的男性声音对于双方配偶选择和女性记忆的准确度都是非常重要的。 yeeyan

Then, depending on what they remember about you, they may or may not rate you as a potential mate.
然后女性依靠她们所记忆中的你的样子或许会或者不会把你作为一个潜在的伴侣来评价。 yeeyan

This vole mates for life and prefers spending time with its mate over spending time with any other voles.
这种田鼠为终生寻找伴侣,愿与它们自己的伴侣共度时光而不与其他任何田鼠分享时光。 yeeyan




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