

单词 matchsticks
释义 matchsticks ˈmætʃstiks COCA⁵⁸⁷¹⁷BNC³⁴³¹⁰
n.火柴杆;火柴杆似的东西matchstick的名词复数原型matchstick的复数 A pair of sneakers made up of hundreds of matchsticks.
由上百根火柴棒组成的运动鞋造型。 hjenglish

A replica of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry made from half a million matchsticks has been unveiled at the America's Matchstick Marvels museum.
用50万根火柴棍搭建起来的霍格沃茨魔法学校城堡模型近日在美国一个叫“火柴棍奇迹”的博物馆展出。 bioon

Erwinsyah Sipahutar, a lecturer at the Padang Industrial Technic Academy told Indonesian website Tempo over the telephone: “ We were shaken like matchsticks.”
巴东工业技术学院讲师厄文斯亚·斯帕胡塔通过电话对印尼“节拍”网站说:“我们像火柴棍般的摇来摇去。” yeeyan

Imm told the paper he is also planning to start selling a range of engraved matchsticks.
托马斯还打算继续扩大生意,下一步,他准备开始在火柴棍上雕刻东西了。 ycwb

Collecting matchsticks was fun, until that fateful day one of them caught alight.
收集火柴是一种乐趣,除非一天其中一根不幸燃烧起来。 jy.nanning.gov.cn

Diamond turned timber into matchsticks; Mengel made trees into packing materials, primarily for daily necessities like tobacco and soap.
前者用木材加工火柴,而后者用木材生产包装材料,主要是用于烟草和肥皂等日用必需品的包装。 blog.sina.com.cn

He made bowls out of dried oatmeal, grabbed scraps of paper in the hospital, used burnt matchsticks to draw, and made paste for collages out of potatoes and saliva.
他在医院里用干燕麦粥制作碗,捡取碎纸片,使用燃烧过的火柴作画,用西红柿和唾液制作浆糊进行美术剪贴。 soudoc

In this universe, the jagged spires of the Old Town would be angled matchsticks, Princes Street Gardens a Fuzzy- Felt board.
古老城市中层次不齐的尖塔就像根被折过的火柴,王子街花园就像绒毛纸板。 yeeyan

Remove4 matchsticks from the figure to make5 equal- size squares.
从上面的图片里挪走4根火柴,留下5 个同样大小的正方形。 city.6to23.com

This piece was made out of approximately2,500 matchsticks.
这个造型需要2500根左右的火柴杆。 hjenglish

Using matchsticks to create a giant dollar pose. Can money really make the mare go?
用火柴杆摆出来的巨大美元造型。有钱真的能使鬼推磨吗? www.bagsf3.com




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