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词汇 masts
释义 masts mɑ:sts COCA³⁹⁵⁸⁰BNC²²⁹¹⁴Economist¹⁶⁵²⁴
n.船桅mast的名词复数;桅杆;旗杆;v.船桅mast的第三人称单数原型mast的复数 By comparison, mobile phone masts can cover a huge geographic area comparatively cheaply, and although their connection speed will be low, it can be applied almost immediately.
相形之下,手机信号具有覆盖范围广、成本低的优点,虽然速度会有些慢,但用手机几乎可以随时随地上网。 yeeyan

By1500 the Government had made it a capital offense to build a boat with more than two masts, and in 1525 the Government ordered the destruction of all oceangoing ships.
1500年政府规定建造两个桅杆以上的船就是死罪,1525年政府下令销毁所有远洋船只。 yeeyan

That could be disastrous, considering that the boats, with masts that tower a couple of hundred feet above the water, are capable of speeds of30 knots, about35 miles per hour, or more.
考虑到矗立的桅杆高达两百英尺,可以承受30节约每小时35英里的航速,出现问题将是灾难性的。 yeeyan

When new masts are built to take advantage of the extra spectrum, they could be built in a partnership, suggests the report.
报告建议,为了使用额外频率而建造的新的接收塔可以以合伙的方式进行。 yeeyan

“ Monster masts” provoke almost as much opposition as nuclear reactors.
大量的电线杆引起了几乎和核电站一样多的反对声。 ecocn

A mobile- phone network requires a lot of radio masts, however.
但是一个移动电话网络需要很多无线发射塔。 ecocn

A typical schooner also has two masts sometimes more, but the masts are positioned more forward in the boat.
一艘典型的多桅帆船通常也有两根有时更多桅杆,但桅杆在船里的位置要靠前得多。 yeeyan

All the parts except the hull structure, such as pipes, derrick s, masts, rigging, main engines, machinery, electrical cables, and accommodation services etc.
除了船壳结构件外所有的部件,像管子,板重机,桅杆,索具,主机,机械设备,电缆和居住舱室的装饰。 jukuu

Because of health worries about mobile-phone masts in France, Iliad may find it tricky to build its network.
而法国民众担心电讯塔的辐射对健康造成危害,伊利亚特公司要建造网络或觉举步维艰。 ecocn

Breezes set halyards from the nearby marina clanking against metal masts.
微风轻拂,附近的游艇码头传来升降索撞击金属桅杆的叮当声。 yeeyan

But masts are common, and some villages are bound to develop high cancer rates through nothing more sinister than sheer bad luck.
但信号塔到处都是,有些村子注定会只是因为运气不好而显示出较高的癌症发病率。 ecocn

Colours are still nailed to masts, metal though they now usually are.
旗帜依然被钉在桅杆上,尽管这些桅杆现在通常都是金属做的。 ecocn

He was inspired by the railway lines next to the site, the London spires of Venetian painter Canaletto and the sailing masts of the capital's past.
他受附近地铁线的启发,灵感来自于威尼斯画家卡那来托的高耸的教堂尖顶和从前首都伦敦泰晤士河上的船舶桅杆。 yeeyan

Her masts leveled with the spires of churches.
船的桅杆和教堂的塔尖一样高。 iciba

If you stand by the seashore on a clear day, you can see the masts and funnels of invisible ships passing along the horizon.
如果你在天气晴朗的日子站立海边,你可以看到船桅和烟囱沿着地平线移动而不见船体本身。 jukuu

Meanwhile, Norwegian firm Sway is planning to build massive floating turbines that would stick straight out of the sea from100m- deep floating “ masts” anchored to the sea bed.
与此同时,挪威的 Sway公司计划建造巨型的浮动式涡轮机,这种涡轮机直接连接在生根于100米深的海床之上的被称作“桅杆”的锚点上。 yeeyan

Most television stations will use backup antennas during the transition while their old analogue ones are taken down from their towers and replaced with new digital masts.
大多数电视台都会在转换过程中使用备用天线,从发射塔卸下老式的模拟天线,而代之以新的数字天线塔杆。 ecocn

MTN, a mobile- phone company, has masts all over the country, as it does in South Africa, where the power supply is better. Operating costs are three times lower there.
移动电话运营商 MTN模仿南非的做法,在尼日利亚全国各地都建有天线杆,但是南非的电力供应状况比尼日利亚好很多,且运营成本要低三倍。 ecocn

On top of that you've got the masts, that's another280ft, so it's1, 120ft from the bottom of the valley to the top of the pylons.
其上的桅杆又有280英尺,故从河谷底部到桥的最高部共1120英尺。 yeeyan

Quarries, tumuli and terraces mark it all over, before we even consider the furrows and radio masts of the present day.
到处都是石场、坟墓和梯田,之前我们并没有注意到旁边有现代车辙和无线电桅杆。 yeeyan

She had no masts, half of the deck had been torn away, and the water- tightness of the hull appeared dubious.
没有桅杆、一半的甲板已经损毁、船体的水密性也令人怀疑。 yeeyan

The Venetian wrote of five- masted ships, when in fact they had only three masts, said Prof Petrella.
彼得雷拉教授说,这位威尼斯人描述的是五桅船,而事实上,这些船只有三根桅杆。 yeeyan

They were light and active, and Pencroft, as a sailor, accustomed to run up the masts and shrouds, was able to give them lessons.
他们的胳膊和大腿固然都很灵便,但这和潘克洛夫的指导是分不开的,因为他是个水手,是爬惯了桅杆和帆索的。 tingroom

While Craig made major changes to the masts and sail plan, the girls focused on the woodwork, with Tracy learning how to use a table saw and Sara applying a12-coat marine finish.




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