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词汇 master
释义 mas·ter 英ˈmæstə美ˈmæstɚAHDmăsʹtər ★★★★☆中高四六研IT牛4COCA¹⁷¹⁶BNC¹⁶²⁹iWeb⁹⁹⁷Economist³⁷⁵⁶


a man in control of people, animals or things

C男教师; 院长

a male teacher; the head of certain university or colleges


a man who has great skill in art or in working with his hands


sth which copies are made


having a lot of skill as a result of long experience


chief; most important

vt. 做…的主人; 控制; 征服

gain control over

vt. 熟练; 精通

learn thoroughly

an artist of consummate skill;

a master of the violin

one of the old masters

a person who has general authority over othersa combatant who is able to defeat rivalsdirects the work of otherspresiding officer of a schoolan original creation i.e., an audio recording from which copies can be madean officer who is licensed to command a merchant shipsomeone who holds a master's degree from academic institutionan authority qualified to teach apprenticeskey that secures entrance everywhere
most important element;

the chief aim of living

the main doors were of solid glass

the principal rivers of America

the principal example

policemen were primary targets

the master bedroom

a master switch

be or become completely proficient or skilled in;

She mastered Japanese in less than two years

get on top of; deal with successfully;

He overcame his shyness

have dominance or the power to defeat over;

Her pain completely mastered her

The methods can master the problems

have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of;

Do you control these data?


❌ As students of English, we must master the language very well.

✔️ As students of English, we must master the language.

✔️ As students of English, we must gain the mastery of the language.

✔️ As students of English, we must have a good command of the language.

master已含“精通”的意思,不必加very well,可以改用gain the mastery of 或 have a good command of等惯用语。但其中的介词 of不能换用in。


❌ The advanced worker taught us how to master the machine.

✔️ The advanced worker taught us how to operate the machine.

master一般指“精通”,是对知识而言,而没有具体地“操纵”“掌握机器”的意思。可以说master a language; 但不可说master a machine〔tractor〕等,应改为operate。

下面三句的意思不同:She is master of chess.她精通象棋。
She is a master of chess.她是象棋名家。
She is the master of chess.她是一位杰出的象棋大师。来自拉丁语,原本拼写为magister,经由法语进入英语时发生音变,导致发音和拼写发生了较大变化。
用作名词 n.
动词+~be one's own master能独立自主,不受别人控制become a master成为主人follow one's master顺从主人,跟在主人后面hate one's master憎恨主人like one's master喜欢自己的主人serve a master为主人效劳,侍奉主人形容词+~cruel master残忍的主人famous master著名的大师good-hearted master好心的主人grand master大师水平最高棋手的称号great master大师,名家old master老师傅,名家outstanding master杰出的大师severe master严厉的主人young master小主人名词+~dancing master舞蹈教师harbour master港务长music master音乐教师school master中、小学校长~+介词master at…的能手master in literature大文学家,文豪master in one's own house不受别人干涉master of精通…的人master of art艺术大师master of Arts文科硕士master of Science理科硕士master on the situation能控制局势,善于随机应变用作形容词 adj.~+名词master engineer熟练的工程师master hand能手master mason手艺高超的石匠master passion最大的爱好master singer优秀的歌手用作动词 v.~+名词master a foreign language掌握一门外语master a horse驯马master nature征服自然master one's anger强压怒火master the art掌握艺术master the situation控制局势~+副词master completely完全支配master thoroughly完全支配,彻底精通
用作名词 master of

控制,掌握 control; master

be master of one's destiny

掌握自己的命运 control his or her own fate

be master of oneself

把某人置于完全控制之下 have oneself under complete control

make oneself master of

熟练,精通; 能运用自如 be good at sth

ma=mag,大的+s拉丁语词尾残余+ter比较级后缀→更大的人→权力或能力更大的人→主人,大师,用作专业术语硕士⇒转作形容词主要的,精通的;转作动词精通,掌握。非常记忆mast桅杆〖熟词〗+er儿〖拼音〗⇒主人把桅杆递给儿子近义词 bestmainrulechiefprimechecklearnchoiceexpertdirectmanagecaptainprimaryskilledcontroln. bossdirectorgovernormasterlysuppressprincipalinstructorowneradj. ablesupremev. acquire反义词 pupilminorslavelearnerservantsubjectunskilledn. amateurunimportantslaveadj. lesser
用作名词n.The master left his money with a trusty servant.主人把他的钱交给一个可靠的仆人保管。
Mother is the master of his family.在他家母亲是一家之长。
It is well known that he is the master of the present situation.众所周知,他是目前局势的控制者。
A dog's master is its owner.狗的主人是狗的所有者。
Linda has to tend on her master to make a living.琳达得服侍她的主人来维持生活。
Like man.有其主必有其仆。
He is our music master.他是我们的音乐教师。
The village master taught his little school.那位乡村男教师在他的那所小学校里教书。
He has been the Master of King's College,Cambridge.他曾是剑桥大学皇家学院的院长。
The master of the ship was drowned.船长淹死了。
The master refused to leave his sinking ship while there were others on board在船上还有其他人的时候,船长不肯离开正在下沉的船。
This painting is an oldmasterpiece.这幅画是古代名画家的作品。
Grandfather was a master at silversmithing.祖父是一位制作银器的能工巧匠。
He's a real master at carving animals.雕刻动物他是个真正的行家里手。
He studied painting under themasters.他在名家指导下学画。
You've left your master in the photocopier.你把原件留在影印机里了。
He holds an Oxford他持有牛津大学硕士学位。
She's a Master of Arts.她是文学硕士。
Mary-lou took her business school Master's degree at a college near Paris.玛丽·罗在巴黎附近的一所学院里获得了商学硕士学位。
The young man is a master builder.那个年轻人是位建筑师傅。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.He is a master engineer.他是个熟练的工程师。
That young man is a master singer.那个年轻人是一位优秀的歌手。
Do you think that an absent-minded fellow like Tom can become a master carpenter?你认为像汤姆这样一个心不在焉的家伙能成为一名手艺高明的木匠吗?用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The camel wanted to master the tent.骆驼想做帐篷的主人。
We must master time.我们一定要做时间的主人。
They are able to master the situation.他们能够控制局势。
He made an effort to master his feelings.他竭力控制自己的感情。
You have to master your temper.你必须抑制住你的脾气。
Man can master nature.人类能征服自然。
He has mastered the ship's crew.他已能管住全体船员。
They attempt to master the world.他们企图驾驭世界。
The horse tried to run away, but Paul succeeded in mastering it.那马想跑掉,但是鲍尔成功地驯服了它。
She has mastered several foreign languages, for instance French.她已掌握了好几种外国语言,例如法语。
He never mastered the art of public speaking.他从来没有掌握演讲的技巧。
She has mastered the art of flower arrangement.她已掌握插花艺术。
I hope to improve myself by learning to master a number of crafts.我希望学着掌握几门技术,使自己得到提高。
I'm sure he can master his destiny.我相信他能够掌握自己的命运。
He has mastered every detail of the business.他已精通生意的每一个细节。
Confrontations must be mastered as they arise.对抗必须消灭在萌芽状态之中。S+~+ v -ingJohn has mastered riding his bicycle.约翰学会骑自行车。Pmasterdomn.支配Pbushmastern.巨蝮Pdocimaster检验师Pshipmastern.船长Ptaskmastern.工头Pbeemastern.养蜂人Pburgomastern.市长Pmasterdrive主驱动Pmasterman家长丈夫Pjumpmastern.跳伞长Pmaster-key万能钥锁Pmaster-touchn.老练Pcoal-mastern.煤矿主Phousemastern.男舍监Pmaster-porter接货人Pship-master船主船长Pskymastern.巨型客机Pstationmastern.站长Pgangmastern.工长把头Pheadmastern.校长监工Ppostmastern.邮政局长Pmasterpiecen.杰作名著Pmuster-mastern.点名官Pquartermastern.军需官Psheepmastern.牧羊业者Ptrainmastern.行车主任Pbandmastern.管乐队指挥Pdockmastern.港区负责人Pguild-mastern.行会师傅Plockmastern.闸门管理人Pmintmastern.造币厂厂长Pthree-mastern.三桅的船Pyardmastern.调车场场长Pself-masteryn.自制克己Pbeachmastern.登陆指挥官Pchoirmastern.唱诗班指挥Ppaymastern.出纳员军需官Priding-mastern.骑术教练Ptoastmastern.宴会主持人Pmastershipn.主人身份熟练Pquizmastern.主持测验的人Psinging-mastern.音乐教师Pbaggagemastern.行李管理员Pmaster-handn.能手高超技艺Povermastervt.压倒征服打胜Pmasterlessa.无主人的无主的Pspy-master间谍首脑特务头子Pstation-mastern.火车站站长Pdrillmastern.教练教官训练员Pwhoremastern.嫖客妓院的王八Pmasterworkn.杰作杰出的事名作Pposture-mastern.柔软体操教师Pringmastern.马戏演出指挥导演Pmasteryn.征服统治权优势精通掌握Pscoutmastern.侦察队长童子军团长Pmasterhoodn.主人的身份师傅的身份Pschoolmastern.男教师男校长教导者Pmasterclassn.高级音乐讲习班深造班Pmasterfula.傲慢的主人派头的熟练的Pquestion-mastern.问答节目的主持人Pmasterstroken.巧妙动作神技卓越成就Pquestionmastern.智力测验节目主持人Pmasterlya.巧妙的熟练的ad.巧妙地熟练地Pmastermindn.优秀策划者才子vt.指导主持策划




master也可指“男教师”。在美国master teacher意为“老教师”。






master用作形容词的意思是“精通的,熟练的,优秀的”,也可作“主要的,重要的” 解。






His wife used to be his master.他过去常常受他的老婆控制。

make oneself the master of词组中,定冠词the可加可不加,但不能加不定冠词a;

Master Eric Jones等类似称呼中,Master指十五六岁不到的孩子。复数形式有the Masters Jones或the Master Joneses,前者比后者更加正式。

用作名词The dog remained faithful to hismaster.这条狗始终忠于它的主人。
I can be amasterof myself in learning.我可以做自我学习上的主人。
No man is born amasterof art.没有人生来就是艺术大师。用作及物动词She learned tomasterher anger.她学会了控制自己不发火。
It's not easy tomastera foreign language.掌握一门外语并不容易。用作形容词There is always amasterfor each of these services and there may be one or more replicas.对于这些服务的每一种总是有一个主要的而且可能有一件以上的复制品。
The servant tried to gauge hismaster's mood.那个仆人想揣测他主人的心思。
He was offten beaten up by hismaster.他常常遭到主人的痛打。
His father was amastercarpenter.他父亲是个手艺高的木匠。
同义词 adept,experienced,skilled,skillfulace,crack,crackerjackmasterly,proficient
反义词 green,ignorant,inexperienced,unskilledamateur,auxiliary,copy,duplicate,minor,subordinateadj.main
同义词 leadingascendant,chief,controlling,grand,great,major,original,overbearing,predominate,prime,principal,sovereignforemost,paramount,predominant,preponderant,prevalent,regnant,supreme
反义词 inferior,insignificant,lesser,little,minor,poor,secondary,small,unimportantamateur,auxiliary,copy,duplicate,subordinatenoun.person in charge, female or male
同义词 administrator,boss,commander,director,guru,instructor,judge,manager,owner,ruler,teachercaptain,chief,chieftain,commandant,conqueror,controller,employer,general,governor,guide,head,lord,matriarch,overlord,overseer,patriarch,pedagogue,preceptor,principal,pro,skipper,superintendent,supervisor,swami,taskmaster,tutor,wheelcommanding officer,head person,schoolmaster/mistress,slave driver,spiritual leader,top dog
反义词 employee,follower,pupil,student,workeramateur,, skilled person, female or male
同义词 artist,authority,connoisseur,doctor,genius,guru,professional,scientistace,adept,artiste,buff,champion,conqueror,doyen,doyenne,maestro,maven,pro,pundit,sage,savant,shark,victor,virtuoso,whiz,winner,wizardold hand,old pro,past master,prima donna,proficient,real pro,whiz-bang
反义词 amateur,ignoramus,loser,rookieservantverb.learn;become proficient
同义词 comprehend,grasp,understandacquire,cram,grind,study,swampbeat the game,beat the system,bone up,bury yourself in,excel in,gain mastery,get down cold,get down pat,get hold of,get the hang of,get the knack of,hit the books,learn the ropes,megastudy,pick up
反义词 misinterpret,mistake,misunderstand,be ignorant
Master of Artsnoun master's degree
AM,Artium Magister,ma
aceadjective exhibiting expertise in some activity
acenoun expert in some activity
archadjective principal, superior
artisannoun craftsperson
artisansnoun craftsperson
artificers,builders,carpenters,craftsmen,handcraftsmans,masters,professionals If only I could be master of this subject.

Who is his master?

After generating this new report, add it to your master document.
在生成这些新的报告之后,将它添加到您的主文档中。 ibm

An instrument made by an old master can now be copied in every detail— except for the sound.
一把由年老的大师制造的乐器现在可以被复制到每一个细节,除了声音以外。 ecocn

Back to the master.
再来看这位大师。 yeeyan

But I shall not return till this time next week; and I think your master himself would scarcely object to her visiting her cousin!

But the relationship between us never became that of master and servant.
但是我们的关系从来没有像主人和仆人那样。 yeeyan

Do you want to be hickoried by your master?

Have you ever experienced a true“ master class” in any subject or discipline?
您曾经在任何主题或学科中上过一个真正的“大师班”吗? ibm

He believes that as we master the subtle cues of laughter, so we begin to use it to manipulate those around us.
他相信,因为我们掌握了笑微妙的关键之处,我们就开始利用它来控制身边发生是事情。 yeeyan

He is the Master of Mourning.
他是主持丧事的大师。 yeeyan

How do we master this?
我们如何才能掌握? yeeyan

I am the master of all these women.
我是所有这些女人的男主人。 yeeyan

If your work is first with you, and your fee is second, work is your master.
假如就你而言是工作第一、报酬第二,那么工作就是你的主人。 ebigear

If your master would marry, you might see more of him.
要是你主人结了婚,你见到他的时候就会多些。 hjenglish

It stops being our master, and obeys us instead of us obeying it.
它不再是我们的主人,它服从我们而非让我们服从它。 yeeyan

Nevertheless, he showed great affection and devotion to his master.

She is said to be a master of paper cutting. I can ask for some more for you if you like.
邻居一个老太太给的.据说她是一位剪纸大师呢.如果你喜欢.我可以帮你向她再要一些. tingvoa

The dog has transferred its affection to its new master.

The next step is to generate the report and then incorporate it as an affiliated document of the master document.
紧接着的步骤就是产生这个报告,然后将它作为主文档的附属文档与主文档合并。 ibm

The puppy was fawning on its master.

To master these talents they have to try.
他们必须不断尝试,才能掌握这些才能。 yeeyan

Why do we have to work so hard to learn Time Management, to master it?
我们为什么要如此努力地学习管理时间? 是为了控制时间吗? yeeyan

You are my master.
你是我的主人。 ebigear




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