

单词 mass murder
释义 mass murder mæsˈmə:də ☆☆☆☆☆高短语³¹⁵⁶⁴

the savage and excessive killing of many peoplemass murder大屠杀
近义词 butchery屠杀carnage大屠杀slaughter残杀massacre大屠杀
用作名词Tomass murderis to murder a large amount of people at the same time.大屠杀指的是在同一时间屠杀大量的人。
It reports Australia's Prime Minister referring to them as mass murderers, and cites a recent report by the Australian Institute of Criminology.它报道澳大利亚总理称他们为大屠杀者,并引用了澳大利亚犯罪学研究所的一份最近报告。noun.mass killing
同义词 bloodbath,carnage,extermination,genocide,holocaust,massacre,slaughterRoman holiday,butchering,ethnic cleansing,final solution,mass destruction,mass execution,mass extermination,race extermination,race murder,wholesale murder
carnagenoun massacre
annihilation,blitz,blood,blood and guts,blood bath,bloodshed,butchering,butchery,crime,extermination,gore,havoc,hecatomb,holocaust,homicide,killing,liquidation,manslaughter,mass murder,murder,offing,rapine,search and destroy,shambles,slaughter,slaying,taking out,warfare,wasting
ethnic cleansingnoun mass killing of an ethnic group
Roman holiday,final solution,genocide,holocaust,mass destruction,mass extermination,mass murder,pogrom,race extermination,race murder,ruthless clearance of populace,wholesale murder
genocidenoun mass extermination
annihilation,carnage,decimation,ethnic cleansing,holocaust,mass execution,mass murder,massacre,race extermination,race murder,slaughter
genocidesnoun mass extermination
annihilation,carnage,decimation,ethnic cleansings,holocausts,mass executions,mass murders,massacres,race exterminations,slaughters
holocaustnoun widespread destruction
annihilation,carnage,catastrophe,devastation,extermination,extinction,genocide,immolation,inferno,mass murder,massacre,slaughter
massacreverb kill, often in great numbers
annihilate,butcher,decimate,depopulate,exterminate,mass murder,murder,slaughter,slay Both sides of the debate will eagerly cite Libya the next time mass murder seems imminent.
争论双方都给予援引说利比亚下次屠杀的可能性正在临近。 yeeyan

But mass murder is mass murder.
但是,大屠杀就是大屠杀。 yeeyan

Demjanjuk is alleged to have taken part in the mass murder of Jews at the Sobibor concentration camp.
他还被指控参与了索比堡集中营的犹太人大屠杀。 yeeyan

Each of them had a transformative Utopia, a group to be blamed when its realisation proved impossible, and then a policy of mass murder that could be proclaimed as a kind of ersatz victory.
二人都建立了变种的乌托邦,当发现政策根本不现实时,就归咎于一群人,然后就可以把大屠杀政策宣称为一场虚假的胜利了。 ecocn

Poland hopes that the visit will bring some practical movement on what are tactfully known as“ difficult issues” diplo-speak, in this case, for mass murder.
普金希望此访问将会对被巧妙称为“困难的问题”在这种情况下,对大屠杀进行双向交流,带来一些实质性的进展。 ecocn

The prime minister, Kevin Rudd, echoed the anger of a nation yesterday when he described such actions as“ mass murder”.
卢克文总理,在昨天回应了目前举国的愤怒,称此行为是“大屠杀”。 yeeyan

The prime minister, Kevin Rudd, echoed the anger of a nation yesterday, when he described such actions as“ mass murder”.
总理陆克文昨天再次表达了整个国家对纵火者的愤怒,称这样的行为是“大屠杀”。 yeeyan

Tuesday’s horrific mass murder of innocent Americans leaves all rational people shocked, angry, grief-stricken, and numb. Our tears flow freely and our hearts carry a deep ache.
针对无辜美国人发动的恐怖的大屠杀让所有理性的心灵都深感震惊和愤怒,忧惧令人们呆立无语 ,奔泄的泪水无法洗去我们心底深切的悲痛。 yeeyan

Above all, though, they pointed to the grotesque circus in Tripoli, where a man convicted of mass murder was welcomed home by a Saltire- waving crowd.
最重要的是,他们提到了的黎波里 Tripoli那里像马戏团一般滑稽可笑的人群,这些人挥舞着圣安得鲁十字旗来欢迎一位因大屠杀而被定罪的人回家。 yeeyan

Any discussion of Poland’s poor public administration, for example, must acknowledge the role of the missing middle class, eviscerated by foreign occupation, mass murder and emigration.
比如,任何有关波兰公共行政低下的议论,必须先承认外国占领、大屠杀以及移民他国所造成的中产阶级缺位。 ecocn

But the Lockerbie bombing was cold-blooded mass murder; Mr Megrahi’s crime was worse than that of any other prisoner in Britain.
但是,洛克比爆炸案却是灭绝人性的大屠杀;迈格拉希先生所犯下的罪行比英国监狱中的任何一个罪犯都要恶劣。 ecocn

For those who oppose abortion, this is mass murder.
对于反对堕胎者而言,这是一场大屠杀。 iciba

It recently received a complaint from lawyers acting for a foreign national named in a report on an incident of mass murder.
该组织最近收到了代理一个外国人的律师的诉状,这老外被一份大屠杀报告点过名。 ecocn

PROOF of mass murder could lie in a genteel enclave of west-central Tokyo.
大屠杀的证据可能就躺在东京的中西部的一块高雅的飞地。 ecocn

Rarely has a mass murder suspect left so detailed an account of his activities.
几乎没有一个大屠杀的嫌疑犯对其行动留下过如此详尽的记录。 yeeyan

Whenever it has been put into practice, however, the result has been terror, tyranny and mass murder on an inconceivable scale.
但是每当付诸实践,结果却总是恐怖、专政和大屠杀,且总是以不可思议的规模。 blog.sina.com.cn




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