

单词 massif
释义 mas·sif 英mæˈsiːf美mæˈsifAHDmă-sēfʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高ICOCA⁴⁹³³³BNC³²⁷⁶⁶iWeb⁴⁰⁵⁹⁵

a block of the earth's crust bounded by faults and shifted to form peaks of a mountain range来自法语massif,山峦,群山,词源同mass,大块,大团。massif central中央地块shoal-retreat massif浅滩残余砂体…median massif中间地块
mass块+if→山丘上有许多石块⇒山丘近义词 line线ridge脊tor岩山chain束缚sierra锯齿状山脉mountain range山脉

用作名词The boundaries of thismassifare major dislocations.该地块的边界为大断层。as in.mountain range
同义词 sierraAlps,Andes,Himalayas,Rockies,Rocky Mountains,chain,cordillera,cordilleran belt,fold belt,mountain chain,range
mountain rangenoun mountain system
Alps,Andes,Himalayas,Rockies,Rocky Mountains,chain,cordillera,cordilleran belt,fold belt,mountain chain,range,sierra A massif of extreme eastern Turkey near the Iranian border rising to about5,168 m16,945 ft. It is the traditional resting place of Noah's ark.
土耳其最东面一山群,在伊朗边界附近,海拔约5,168米16,945英尺),它是诺亚方舟的传统栖所 ecocn

At the end of Triassic period, the marine sedimentation on Qaidam Massif( including its surroundings has ended, and interior basin started to develop in Qaidam area.
三叠纪末的印支运动结束了柴达木地块及其周缘地区的海相沉积史,使柴达木地区进入陆内盆地发育新时期。 cnki

Daqiaowu uranium deposit ours in the contact Zone of quartz porphyry massif and explosive breccia chimney in the Mesozoic Mengshan caldera, belonging to porphyry type.
大桥坞斑岩型铀矿床产于中生代蒙山破火山口中一石英斑岩体的内外接触带及其隐爆角砾岩筒中。 cnki

Looks over the ocher-yellow massif, the pure-white peaks of the snow mountains have come into view indistinctly.
越过眼前土黄色的山丘,隐约已经可以看见远处雪峰的白皑皑的峰顶。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Bed G bauxite of Shanxi massif, a paleoresiduum bauxite underlying Bangou Formation of Upper Carboniferous, occurs on the fossil erosion surface of Middle Ordovician of Upper Cambrian.
山西地块的 G层铝土矿即产于该地块中奥陶统或上寒武统古侵蚀面之上,上石炭统半沟组之下的古风化壳型铝土矿。 dictall

The Kuergan micro- massif is the Part of the South Tianshan median mass.
库尔干微地块为南天山中间地块的组成部分。 cnki

This is attributed to the oblique collision during closing of the belt and the lens- effect of the Junggar massif in front of the belt.
推测形成这种运动方式的原因是造山带闭合时的斜向碰撞和造山带前缘准噶尔地块的透镜体边界效应。 cnki

Zhuguang Massif is an area with concentration occurrence of granite-type uranium deposits in China.
诸广岩体是我国花岗岩型铀矿床的集中产出区。 dictall

A lot of geologic records reveal that North Qilian mountains are an early Paleozooic suture zone between the Alashan massif and the central Qilian massif.
大量地质记录揭示北祁连山是介于阿拉善地块和中祁连地块间的一个早古生代缝合带。 cnki

A river of France rising in the foothills of the Massif Central and flowing about354 km220 mi westward to the Bay of Biscay.
发源于法国马西弗中部低矮山峦的一条河流,流程约354公里220英里,向西注入比斯开湾。 poptool

Analysing the necessity of acquiring the speed of the crust vertical motion and separating the lithosphere and surface by subdividing the massif except the unitary mainland.
分析了除按大陆整体推求垂直运动速率外,按地块分区推求地壳垂直运动速率,地壳、地表垂直运动分离的必要性。 cnki

In Devonian, an orogenic belt with new continental crust was formed as the result of the convergence and collision between the Alaskan massif and the Middle Qilian massif.
泥盆纪,北侧阿拉善地块与南侧中祁连地块最终汇聚而碰撞,形成以新陆壳为特征的造山带。 cnki

Italy and Switzerland are preparing to make— or rather to recognise— alterations to the border that runs through the Monte Rosa massif of the Alps.
意大利和瑞士两国正准备修订,或者准确说是辨认经过阿尔卑斯山中蒙特罗萨丛山的被改变了的两国国境。 ecocn

Jiamusi massif of Heilongjiang Province is one of area concentrating gold mineralization in China.
黑龙江省东部佳木斯地块是我国重要金矿集中产区之一。 cnki

Jurassic- Quaternary: Northern collision of Gangdise Massif, the collision of India Plate and Eurasia Plate, the formation of the regional tectonics of the Tarim basin.
侏罗纪—第四纪:冈底斯地块北向碰撞,印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞,塔里木盆地及周边区域构造格局最终形成。 cnki

PDF The low- permeable marine clay divides the rock massif into two hydrogeological complexes.
PDF低渗透率的海生粘土把石山丘分开成了两种水文地质复合层。 blog.sina.com.cn

Perhaps nowhere on Earth is the dual creative and destructive nature of volcanoes more evident than in central Africa’s Virunga Volcanoes Massif.
或许,地球上没有哪个地方比中非的维伦加 Virunga火山地块更明显地具有双重创造性和毁坏性。 yeeyan

Tanakhat Monastery complex is located on a hill of a very picturesque massif.
塔纳哈修道院坐落在一处风景如画的山丘上。 yeeyan

The Tarim south China massif was taphrogensised after Middle Triassic.
塔里木—华南地块于中三叠世后裂解。 cnki

The study identified two mountain ranges raised almost entirely by mantle flow, according to the authors: the southern Meseta Central plateau in Spain and the Massif Central in France.
根据作者的研究:确定了两个山脉:西班牙的南部梅塔 Meseta 的中央高原在和法国的中央高原 Massif Central,它们的升起几乎完全出于地幔的流动。 yeeyan

The tectonic magmatism suggests that the plate tectonics had operated in the north margin of Songnen Massif in the Neoproterozoic.
这一构造-岩浆作用暗示着松嫩地块北缘在新元古代板块构造体制就开始运行。 cnki

The tectonic trends in the granulite massif are arcuate.
变粒岩地块的构造走向是弧形。 kekenet

The massif has nine glaciers.
这片山地上有九处冰川。 ecocn

Through massif, feet high and low; Experience ups and downs, and also searching; Get busy life, more or less, lose dribs and drabs, important is open happy heart!

Two sets of major shear belts are recognized, which played a very important role in the development of the tectonic framework of the Dabie metamorphic massif.
在大别变质地块内部识别出两套大型剪切带,它们在该区构造格架形成过程中起着重要的作用。 cnki




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