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释义 masse mæs 高COCA²⁵⁰³⁶BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb¹⁹³²⁵Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
n.台球立杆击球由动词masser³⁴法语; v³³.;立杆击球变化而来³³

a shot in billiards made by hitting the cue ball with the cue held nearly vertically; the cue ball spins around another ball before hitting the object ballen masse全体地, 一同地…

The audience cheered enmassethe moment they saw the famous singer appear on the stage.观众们看见这位著名歌唱家出现在舞台上时,立即齐声欢呼起来。
The Joneses are coming for lunch enmasseall twelve of them!琼斯一大家子人都来吃午饭--一共十二口人!
Individually the children are delightful; enmassethey can be unbearable.孩子们单独时还讨人喜欢,一多了就受不了了。 As people did in those countries, Egyptians turned out en masse, and mostly peacefully, to demand not just a change of government but a democratic revolution.
无辜的人民在国家的政变中死去,而埃及人则显得团结一致。 他们极为和平得提出埃及不仅需要更换政府,更需要民主革命。 yeeyan

Heading en masse to new positions in Japan's major corporations, fresh university graduates in black suits have become as common a sight in Tokyo as April's cherry blossoms.
日本大公司一有招聘,身穿黑色礼服的大学毕业生就蜂拥而上,他们已经成为东京街头和四月绽放的樱花一样常见的风景。 hxen

The market initially ignored the Moody's report, but by midday on Friday traders started to“ de-risk” their portfolios en masse.
最初市场忽略了穆迪的这份报告,但到了上周五午间,所有交易员们都开始对组合“去风险化”。 fortunechina

The people of a vanishing atoll might somehow retain their rights even if they migrated en masse to another country, or merged with another state, bringing their entitlements as a sort of dowry.
生活在正在下沉环礁上的人们,可以通过整体移居到另外一个国家来继续享有他们本国的海洋权利,或者以这些权利作为嫁妆和另外一个国合并。 ecocn

All- male crews have been known to strip off and get wiping en masse, but mixed crews tend to take turns in a dedicated hygiene station.
众所周知,都是男性的宇航员团队会一起脱光了洗澡,不过男女混搭的团队会轮流使用专用的清洗站。 yeeyan

But with a torch, suddenly the Buddhas transmogrify en masse, a magical entity dazzling out of the darkness.
但是在手电光的照射下佛像突然齐齐出现了,在黑暗中神奇地发出耀眼的光芒。 yeeyan

But if both events occur together, it will very probably break the commodity markets en masse.
但如果这两种情况同时发生,大宗商品市场很可能崩盘。 fortunechina

Hiring managers look for a candidate who wants that specific position, not someone who sends out applications en masse.
招聘经理想要的是想要那个职位的求职者而不是那些寄出千篇一律稿件的人。 yeeyan

However, there is a lack of knowledge about how much it costs to operate, as streaming video online en masse, is extremely costly.
虽然缺乏有关运营成本的信息,但其在线视频流量如此巨大,其运营成本应是非常昂贵的。 yeeyan

If the CEO is the enterprise, then everyone else is a“ human resource”, to be “ downsized” en masse at the drop of an earnings report.
如果 CEO是大型企业,那么其他每个人就是一个“人力资源”,当收益报表下降时大批“人力资源”就会被裁。 yeeyan

In essence, they decided that only those who mis-state accounts, not those who assist them, can be sued en masse.
实质上来说,他们的判决是只有那些虚报帐目的人而不是协助于此的人可以被共同起诉。 ecocn

In hives affected by colony collapse disorder—a phenomenon that surfaced in U. S. honeybee colonies in2006—worker bees vanish en masse.
蜂巢现象可引起蜂群的衰竭失调现象---曾在2006年,在美国就出现过蜂群里大批工蜂消失的现象。 yeeyan

Pretending young adults are children so that they can be educated en masse in schools is another area ripe for investigation.
假设年轻人就是儿童,因此他们全部可以在学校里被教育,这是另一个成熟的研究领域。 ecocn

Short of gaining independence, the Catalan flag will probably never again wave en masse as it did throughout Spain and in many nations worldwide Wednesday night.
除了独立之外,加泰罗尼亚的旗帜或许永远不会再次像周三午夜那样,在整个西班牙和全世界许多国家飘扬。 yeeyan

That is better than last time, in2005, when the divide was between Shias, who voted en masse, and Sunnis, who largely boycotted the poll.
这还是比2005年的那次选举好,那一次国家分裂成全体参与投票的什叶派,还有大部分抵制选举的逊尼派。 ecocn

The police could issue warrants, but it is not clear whether they have the power to intercept phone messages en masse.
警方可以签发逮捕令,但是还没清楚他们是否有权利截取所有电话信息。 ecocn

The result of all this is that climate scientists have, en masse, become Cassandras— gifted with the ability to prophesy future disasters, but cursed with the inability to get anyone to believe them.
这些变化的结果是,气候科学家一起变成了卡珊多萨---被赋予了预言未来灾难的能力,但是因为不能让人们相信他的预言而遭到诅咒。 yeeyan

Those same managers, however, tell me that their programmers threaten to quit, in some cases en masse, if forced to pair.
但是,还是那些经理告诉我:如果强迫他们的程序员结对,这些程序员会威胁要辞职有时会是全体辞职。 ibm

Masse called each child’s name, and one by one they walked to the waiting cars, carrying their few belongings in small backpacks that Noah had brought from the States.
马西给孩子们一个一个点名,他们便一个一个走向待驶的汽车中,肩上背着小背包中为数不多的物品,这些背包是诺亚从美国带给他们的。 yeeyan




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