

单词 masqueraded
释义 mas·quer·ade·d 英ˌmæskə'reɪd美ˌmæskə'reɪd COCA¹¹¹⁷³⁹BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
a party of guests wearing costumes and masksa costume worn as a disguise at a masquerade partymaking a false outward show;

a beggar's masquerade of wealth

take part in a masqueradepretend to be someone or something that you are not;

he is masquerading as an expert on the internet

This silly novel is masquerading as a serious historical treaty

近义词 ball球ruse策略mask伪装pose摆姿势acting演戏pretend假装imitate仿效pretense借口disguise掩饰cover-up掩饰pretence假装masque假面剧deception骗局subterfuge遁词camouflage伪装impersonate模仿make-believe假装make as if假装装作fancy dress化装舞会所穿着的服装…

用作名词We want to join in themasquerade.我们想去参加化装舞会。
They were all dressed up to attend themasquerade.他们都盛装去参加那个化装舞会。
Her sorrow is just amasquerade.她难过的样子纯粹是假装的。用作动词He might try tomasqueradeas a policeman.他也许会设法化装成警察。
The robbers got into the bank bymasqueradingas security men.劫匪假装成保安人员进入银行。 In this paper the basic principle of IP masqueraded is presented and how to build LAN with this technique is also discussed.
介绍了 IP地址伪装技术的基本原理以及如何应用该技术组建局域网。 cnki

The stowaway masqueraded as a crew member.
偷渡者假扮成乘务员。 dj.client.iciba.com

She stopped under a window set in a wall made of something that masqueraded as slats of painted wood.
她在一面墙的窗口下面停下,这面墙是用一些伪装成上了漆的木条做成的。 yeeyan

The prince masqueraded as a peasant.

Their works were masqueraded in irrationality and hysteria, adopting a looney- tune sarcastic approach: acting as idiots, robbing banks, scrambling for the title of dancing king;
双飞的作品带有非理性的、歇斯底里的伪装,它用无厘头式调侃的方式:装白痴、抢银行、争舞王; meishuwenxian.com

Traffic leaving your private network is thus“ masqueraded” as having originated from your Ubuntu gateway machine.
发自您私有网络的流量就这样被伪装成源于您的网关机器。 launchpad




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