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词汇 mason
释义 ma·son 英ˈmeɪsən美ˈmesənAHDmāʹsən

American Revolutionary leader from Virginia whose objections led to the drafting of the Bill of Rights 1725-1792English film actor 1909-1984English writer 1865-1948a craftsman who works with stone or bricka member of a widespread secret fraternal order pledged to mutual assistance and brotherly love来自古法语masson,石匠,可能来自原始日耳曼语*mait,砍,劈。来自原始印欧语*mai,砍,词源同smith, maim。或来自原始印欧语*mag,揉,捏,形成,词源同make, massage。词义共济会缩写自Freemason。 smith来自古英语smith,铁匠,工匠。来自原始日耳曼语*smithaz,铁匠,工匠。来自原始印欧语*smi,砍,切,击。 maim来自古法语mahaignier,伤害,使受伤,使残疾。来自原始印欧语*mai,砍,切,词源同mangle, mayhem。进一步来自原始印欧语*smi,砍,切,词源同smith。 make来自古英语macian,制造,形成,安排。来自原始印欧语*mag,捏,揉,形成,词源同match, massage。最早可能是来自人类始祖捏泥土以建房,后引申多种词义。make-believe虚构,假装比喻用法。 massage来自法语masser,揉,捏。来自原始印欧语*mag,揉,捏,词源同make, mass。引申词义按摩。 Freemason一个西方社会古老而神秘的组织。free可能来自法语frere的讹误,词源同fraternity,兄弟会。mason,泥瓦匠。Mason-Dixon line梅逊-狄克逊分界线…Mason jar有金属螺盖的玻璃瓶…mason construction砖石工程master mason熟练的石匠mason formula梅森公式mason bee石巢蜂stone mason石工brick mason瓦工freemason互济会会员
GRE红宝书ma妈妈, son儿子: 妈妈的儿子是石匠.
ma 音:码 + son 人,码砖,码墙的人;
ma音似“妈”+son儿子→妈妈不希望儿子成为泥瓦匠⇒泥瓦匠GRE难词记忆mason→moan v.呻吟→moans→呻吟的石工GRE难词记忆mason 音“梅森”→一个叫梅森的石匠联想记忆盖大厦mansion的人→泥瓦匠mason词根记忆无来源,mas大概=make近义词 stonemason石工freemason互济会会员James Mason詹姆士·梅逊…

用作名词He asked themasonto make him a tombstone.他要求这个石匠给他做一块墓碑。
He carved marble faster than anymason.他雕刻大理石的速度比任何石匠都快。
Themasonflushed the joint with mortar.泥工用灰浆把接缝处嵌平。as in.builder
同义词 architect,artisan,contractor,inventor,maker,manufacturer,producerconstructor,fabricator,framer,originatorcraftsperson,erector
反义词 wreckeras in.carpenter
同义词 artisan,builder,cabinetmaker,laborer,woodworker,workercarps,chips,joinercraftspersonas in.producer
同义词 architect,contractor,maker,manufacturerartisan,assembler,constructor,fabricator,framer,inventor,originatorcraftsperson,erector
buildernoun construction worker
buildersnoun construction worker
carpenternoun person who works with wood
producernoun builder
producersnoun builder
architects,artisans,assemblers,constructors,contractors,craftspersons,erectors,fabricators,framers,inventors,makers,manufacturers,masons,originators Jack admits that there may be someone inside CTU involved in that assassination attempt, and he appeals to Mason for help.
他向梅森承认了,也许在反恐组中有人参与了这个暗杀企图,接着,他请求梅森提供帮助。 yeeyan

What is he that builds stronger than either the mason, the shipwright, or the carpenter?
能比石匠、船匠和木匠建造出更坚固的建筑的人,他是谁? yeeyan

“ If I was a rational person, I probably would have quit right there,” says Mason.
“如果我是一个理性的人,我当时也许就会离开那里了”,梅森说。 yeeyan

All those differences are exactly what Keith Mason wants to change.
所有这些差异正是基思-梅森想要改变的。 yeeyan

At CTU, Tony accuses Nina of lying to cover up what happened between Mason and Jack.
在反恐组,托尼指责尼娜,怪她对梅森与杰克之间发生的事情撒谎掩饰。 yeeyan

But Lawrence White, an economist at George Mason University in Washington, DC, argues that this is an unfair characterisation.
然而华盛顿乔治•梅森大学的经济学家劳伦斯•怀特认为这个描述并不公平。 ecocn

But when Lefkofsky brought it up more than a year later, Mason and The Point's other early executives dismissed the idea.
但是,当莱夫科夫斯基一年多以后提出这种想法时,梅森和其他早期的高层却并不以为然。 yeeyan

His study of eruptions over the past300 years with Ben Mason of the University of Cambridge and colleagues reveals that volcanism varies with the seasons.
他和剑桥大学的本.梅森及其同事研究了过去300年来发生的火山喷发,研究显示火山活动随季节变化而不同。 yeeyan

I took the slip up to the teacher, a tall, balding man whose desk had a nameplate identifying him as Mr. Mason.
我把纸条拿给老师,那是一个高大的、有些谢顶的男人,桌上的铭牌写着他是梅森老师。 putclub

In 2006, Andrew Mason was a music major, getting a graduate degree in public policy at the University of Chicago.
2006年,安德鲁•梅森还是一名音乐专业的学生,正在芝加哥大学攻读公共政策的研究生学位。 yeeyan

Jack demands that Mason arrest Nina because she is working with the Drazens.
杰克要求梅森逮捕尼娜,因为她和德拉赞父子是一伙的。 yeeyan

Nina wonders if he is the mole, and she orders Tony to shut down Mason's security access.
尼娜想知道梅森是否就是那个内奸,她指令托尼关闭梅森的安全访问权限。 yeeyan

She notifies Jack and Mason as they drive toward the location.
杰克和梅森正驱车驶往那里,她将这个情况告诉了他们。 yeeyan

Since Nina is off with Jack and not at CTU, Mason implies that perhaps they are still having an affair.
由于尼娜不在反恐组的办公室里,而是在杰克的身边做外勤,梅森暗示也许他们仍然还有暧昧。 yeeyan

Suddenly, Mason and a group of agents surround them.
忽然,梅森和一队探员包围了他们。 yeeyan

The North Iowa Tea Party began displaying the sign in Mason City last week.
北方爱荷华州茶党于上周在梅森开始展示这一宣传牌。 yeeyan

Then Mason tells Jack that Penticoff will talk, but only to Jack.
接着,梅森告知杰克,彭蒂科夫只愿意与杰克交待。 yeeyan

Tony quickly hands off the phone to Mason, insisting that he tell Jack the truth.
托尼即刻将电话递给了梅森,坚持要他告诉杰克实情。 yeeyan

Mason agrees to the trade, and Andre instructs him to bring Alexis to an address on Grand Avenue.
梅森同意进行交换,安德烈指示他将亚历克西斯送到格兰特大街的一个地址处。 yeeyan

Mason agrees to send back a car for him.
梅森同意会派一辆车来接杰克回去。 yeeyan

Mason asks Nina if she is too emotionally involved to handle the case. She assures him that she can do her job.
梅森询问尼娜是否在处理这个案子时感情方面太过于投入。她叫梅森放心,她可以做好她的工作。 yeeyan

Mason began featuring a blog that offered readers a different deal from various vendors every day.
梅森开始设立一个博客,从不同的供应商那里为读者提供不同的交易。 yeeyan

Mason is reluctant because this does not fall under the Senate’s purview.
梅森不愿意从命,因为这事并不在参议院的权力范围之内。 yeeyan

Mason orders Tony to alert the field unit about what Jack revealed.
梅森命令托尼将杰克透露的情报知会外勤部队。 yeeyan

Mason tells Victor that he refuses to negotiate with him because he is a terrorist.
梅森告诉维克多,因为他是一名恐怖分子,政府方面拒绝与之谈判。 yeeyan

Mason uses satellite surveillance of the building to see Jack and Penticoff leaving the building.
梅森使用卫星监视了分局这幢建筑,看到杰克和彭蒂科夫离开分局的画面。 yeeyan




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