

单词 mask
释义 mask 英mæsk美mæskAHDmăsk ★★★☆☆高四六研GIMT宝46八COCA³⁶⁶⁶BNC⁶⁴⁴⁶iWeb³¹⁶²Economist¹¹⁷⁷²


covering for the face, or part of it, worn as a disguise

S用作掩饰的事物; 掩饰; 伪装

thing that hides the truth; pretence

vt. 用面具遮住;掩盖,掩饰

hide with a mask;keep from being seen or noticed

a covering to disguise or conceal the faceactivity that tries to conceal something;

no mask could conceal his ignorance

they moved in under a mask of friendship

a party of guests wearing costumes and masksa protective covering worn over the face
hide under a false appearance;

He masked his disappointment

put a mask on or cover with a mask;

Mask the children for Halloween

make unrecognizable;

The herb masks the garlic taste

We disguised our faces before robbing the bank

cover with a sauce;

mask the meat

shield from lightdisguise,mask,cloak





来自中古法语masque,护脸,面罩。来自拉丁语masca,面具,鬼怪,幽灵。词源不确定,可能来自原始印欧语mask,黑色的,涂黑,并由该词引申词义巫师,术士等,见mascot。或来自mesh,网,网状物,并引申词义面纱,后来用于指面具,面罩。 masque来自中古法语masque,面具,词源同mask。引申词义假面舞会,后用于指假面剧。 mask来自中古法语masque,护脸,面罩。来自拉丁语masca,面具,鬼怪,幽灵。词源不确定,可能来自原始印欧语mask,黑色的,涂黑,并由该词引申词义巫师,术士等,见mascot。或来自mesh,网,网状物,并引申词义面纱,后来用于指面具,面罩。 mascot来自法语mascotte,巫师的符咒,护身符。来自普罗旺斯方言masco,巫师。来自拉丁语masca,面具,鬼怪,幽灵,词源同mask。后引申词义吉祥物。来自 1880 年法国剧作家Edmond Audran的轻歌剧“La Mascotte”,讲述了一个给人们带来好运的小精灵Mascotte的故事。 mesh来自古英语max,网。来自原始印欧语*mezg,纺织,编织,可能来自原始印欧语*meik,混合,词源同mix, miscellany。
用作名词 n.
动词+~drop〔throw off, put off〕 the mask摘下面具,露出真面目put on〔assume, wear〕 the mask of戴起…的面具,装出…的样子名词+~fencing mask击剑面罩flu mask卫生口罩gas mask防毒面具介词+~behind the mask of以…为掩饰under the mask of在…的伪装下,借…之名~+介词mask for掩盖…的伪装用作动词 v.~+名词mask one's real character掩饰真实的本性mask one's sufferings掩饰自己的痛苦~+副词mask cunningly狡猾地假装mask deceitfully欺骗性地伪装mask hideously可怕地装作mask slyly狡猾地伪装~+介词mask as装作…mask behind用…掩饰…mask behind an assumed manner用虚伪的态度掩饰mask under用…来掩盖…mask under an appearance of friendliness用友好的假象来掩盖mask with用…罩住,用…掩饰mask with a cheerful smile用快乐的微笑来掩饰
mask behind v.+prep.

用…来掩饰… hide sth with sth

mask sth behind sthHe is good at masking his real character behind an assumed manner.他善于用伪装的举止来掩饰其真正的性格。
mask under v.+prep.

用…来掩饰… hide sth in sth

mask sth under sthThe enemy mask their enmity under an appearance of friendliness.敌人用友好的外表来掩饰内心的敌意。
Our opponents mask their antagonism under sweet words.我们的对手用甜言蜜语来掩盖他们的敌意。
mask with v.+prep.

用…罩住; 用…掩饰 cover sth with sth; hide (sth such as one's feelings or intention with a pretence)

mask sth with sthThe thief masked his face with a stocking.那窃贼用一只长筒袜蒙住脸。
The cook masked the taste of the bad meat with onions.那厨师用洋葱来掩盖坏肉的味道。
Most criminals mask their guilt with excuses.大多数犯罪分子都以各种借口来掩饰自己的罪行。
She masked her suffering with a cheerful smile.她用快乐的微笑来掩盖内心的痛苦。非常记忆m麦当劳〖编码〗+ask问〖熟词〗⇒带着面具在麦当劳问路联想记忆电影《变相怪杰》的英文名就是The Mask谐音记忆音“马赛克”⇒带上面具mask打马赛克 m音似“瞒”+ask问→瞒着不让问⇒掩饰近义词 
反义词 unmask除去面具
用作名词n.Surgeons wear masks to prevent the spread of infection.外科医生戴着口罩以防止传染病的传播。
Many of the dancers at the fancy dress ball wore colorfulmasks.化装舞会上的许多跳舞者戴着五颜六色的面具。
Her sociable manner is really a mask for a very shy nature.她那好交际的作风,实际上是她腼腆天性的伪装。
He hid his hatred under a mask of loyalty.他以伪装的忠诚掩饰其内心的仇恨。
He conceals his worries behind a mask of nonchalance.他装作若无其事,借以掩饰内心的不安。用作动词v.≪用作及物动词
S+~+ n./pron.The bank robbers masked their faces.抢劫银行的歹徒戴着面具。
If you put in too much pepper you'll mask the delicate flavour of the sauce.你如果放太多的胡椒,会掩盖调味汁的美味。
The shadow masked her face.影子遮住了她的脸。
This perfume won't mask the unpleasant smell.这香水掩盖不了那股难闻的气味。
They masked their true intentions.他们掩盖了自己的真实意图。
His smile masked his anger.他的微笑掩饰了他的怒火。
He managed to mask his feelings rather well.他相当成功地掩盖了自己的感情。
Her eyes were masked by huge round sunglasses.她的双眼被一副圆形大墨镜遮住了。其他The robbery was carried out by gang of masked men.一伙蒙面人进行了抢劫。
Did you take part in the masked ball last night?你昨晚参加〈化装舞会〉了吗?
He went masked ball without masking his face.他去参加〈化装舞会〉而没戴假面具。Pmask-making掩模制备Punmaskvi.脱去假面具vt.暴露Pmaskeda.戴假面具的隐现的伪装的Pmaskern.戴假面具的人参加假面舞会的人





用作名词They did so under themaskof charity.他们是打着慈善的幌子这么做的。
He longed to throw off themaskof respectability.他渴望丢掉那副道貌岸然的伪装。
Her sociable manner is really amaskfor a very shy nature.她那好交际的作风,实际上是她腼腆天性的伪装。
The bank robber wears a stockingmask.那个抢劫银行的匪徒戴着长筒袜面罩。
Themaskfitted tightly over his face.他用面具把脸蒙得严严的。
She whipped themaskoff her face.她刷地一下子把脸上的面具摘掉了。用作动词Her smilemaskedtrue feelings.她的微笑掩饰了她的感情。
He tried tomaskhis disappointment with a smile.他试图以微笑来掩饰他的失望。
He ismasked.他戴了假面具。
The thiefmaskedhis face with a stocking.那贼套上长筒袜遮住脸。
This perfume won'tmaskthe unpleasant smell.这种香水遮不住那股难闻的气味.noun.false face, cover
同义词 camouflage,cloak,veilaffectation,air,appearance,aspect,beard,blind,concealment,cover up,disguise,dissembling,dissimulation,domino,facade,front,guise,hood,masquerade,pose,posture,pretense,pretext,put on,screen,semblance,show,simulation,veneer,visage,visordisguisement,fig leaf,window dressing
反义词 reality,truthverb.disguise
同义词 camouflage,conceal,cover-up,hide,obscure,shield,veilbeard,cloak,cover,defend,dissemble,dissimulate,front,guard,protect,safeguard,screen,secretedress up
反义词 disclose,divulge,expose,lay bare,let out,open,reveal,show,tell,uncover,lay openunmask
beardnoun decoy
false face,front
blanketverb cover
blanketedverb cover
blanketingverb cover
blindnoun screen, covering
blurverb cloud, fog
becloud,bedim,befog,blear,blind,darken,daze,dazzle,dim,glare,make hazy,make indistinct,make vague,mask,muddy,obscure,shade,soften The mask of meringue on her face looked eerie, not clownish at all, and her mouth speaking through the white foam seemed to be a separate creature entirely, a puppet or a fish.
她脸上蛋白酥皮的面具看上去很怪诞,一点都不搞笑,她的嘴通过白沫说出话来似乎使她完全成了另类的生物,像个木偶,或一条鱼。 yeeyan

The mask started its revolutionary career as the public face of the Anonymous movement.
面具作为公众匿名运动的标志,开始了它的革命生涯。 yeeyan

“The work is difficult, but it’s also very rewarding when people do well and get cured,” she said one morning in the clinic, where she, like everyone else, wore a mask.
“工作是困难的,但非常值得,尤其看到病人病情好转并获得治愈之时。”一天上午在诊所里她这样说道,在那里她和其他人一样戴着口罩。 who

Even these numbers, however, mask the burden of health costs.
然而,就算这些数据掩饰了医疗费用的负担。 ecocn

Gently rub the inside of an avocado peel on your face, says Morgan. Leave the residue on for about20 minutes for a moisturizing mask.
摩根也说过,将鳄梨皮的内侧在脸上轻轻涂擦,让残留物保留大约20分钟,可以起到保湿面膜的作用。 yeeyan

He ripped away the mask of pretence which covered their activities.

I always wear a mask, sometimes I wear rubber gloves.
我总是戴一个面具,有时我也会带橡皮手套。 hjenglish

Impulse, procrastination, interpersonal conflicts and lack of perseverance are all strategies used to mask negative emotions. Why do we use them?
冲动,拖延,人际冲突和缺乏毅力都是些掩饰负面情绪用的策略,我们为什么要用这些策略呢? yeeyan

It is just a very strange mask.
它仅是一个很奇怪的面具。 yeeyan

Our social identity, the person we assume to be in our social intercourse, is already a“ mask” that involves the repression of our inadmissible impulses.
我们的社会身份,我们在社会交往中应承担的角色,已经是一个压制了我们被禁止之冲动的“面具”。 yeeyan

Quaritch stares at him through his breathing mask.
夸里奇透过他的呼吸面罩盯着他。 yeeyan

So now, students at the University of Washington that are studying these crows do so with a giant wig and a big mask.
正是这样的缘故,现在华盛顿大学做乌鸦研究的学生都带上巨大的假发,还套上脸罩。 yeeyan

Some hide behind the mask of performance.
有些人躲在“表现”这个面具后。 yeeyan

Staff inside saw the criminal stood outside the locked entrance doors with a ski mask on and a gun in his hand.
银行内部的员工注意到这位劫匪站在已经关闭的正门入口带着滑雪面罩手持一把枪。 hjenglish

They contrived a mask against poison gas.

This command causes the SPE to wait until all tags specified in the tag mask have no remaining commands before returning.
这个命令会导致 SPE开始等待,直到标签掩码中指定的所有标签都没有剩余命令才能返回。 ibm

This is why in case of an air plane emergency they tell you to put the air mask on yourself first and then on your children.
这就是为什么在飞机上出现紧急情况时,他们首先告诉你把空气面具戴在自己脸上,然后才是你的孩子。 yeeyan

We tore from them the mask of democracy.

What kind of mask?
什么样的面具? yeeyan




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