

单词 Masato
释义 Masato
Born into a wealthy family,17-year-old MasatoEmoto Tasuku has never been deprived of material comforts, but his distant relationship with his parents leaves him empty and rebellious.
在富裕家庭生活的17岁少年真人,虽然物质上丝毫不缺,可是却与父母非常疏离。 blog.sina.com.cn

The course of struggle, and there was a wind and rain, also had a loss, but the sea Masato confidence in the pursuit of excellence has never wavered.
奋斗的历程,有过风雨,也有过彷徨,但是,海正人追求卓越的信心从来没有动摇。 emuch.net

The friend had also invited Masato Mat- suura, who introduced himself to Hamasaki as a producer.
松浦真在人也应这名友人之邀同去,他向滨崎步自我介绍是制作人。 fzfanyi

Masato Uchishiba of Japan gestures after winning the 66kg judo men's final at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, August10,2008.
在2008年8月10日举行的柔道男子66公斤级决赛中,来自日本的选手内柴正人在获得金牌后摆出胜利手势。 blog.sina.com.cn

Japanese architect Masato Sekiya has completed a house in Osaka with a sloping wall that looks like it’s toppling over.
日本建筑师関谷昌人完成了一个位于大阪的小住宅项目,该住宅有一面倾斜的墙面,看起来就像要倒了。 yeeyan

Looking ahead, the Top Gun with sea Masato confidence.
展望未来,壮志凌云的海正人信心满怀。 emuch.net

Tashiro Masato, a virologist at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Tokyo, warns against drawing any conclusions from this.
日本国家传染病研究院的病毒学家 Tashiro Masato警告说得出以上结论还为时尚早。 healthweneed

Telling himself that his real mother is actually a woman who kidnapped him as an infant, Masato takes off to Okinawa to find her.
内心非常空虚的真人,偶然得悉自己刚出生的时候曾被一名女子绑架,渴求母爱的真人于是决定前往女子所在的冲绳,寻找真正的母亲。 poco

The first prize was won by Masato Chiba from Japan.
夺得第一名的是来自日本千叶正人。 iciba




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