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词汇 Marwan
释义 MarwanEconomist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
Any new user to Manjam is initially inundated with solicitations offering sex for money, Anton said, but after a while he began chatting with a man who called himself Marwan.
安东说,每一位 Manjam聊天室的新用户都会遇到无数提供收费性服务的人,但是过了一段时间后,他开始与一名自称是马文的男人聊天。 yeeyan

It is widely assumed that Marwan Barghouti will be among those released, if not in a first tranche, then some weeks later.

Ms Cleveland met Marwan Muasher, the newly arrived director for external relations, on April4 to discuss how to respond to leaks about the terms and conditions awarded to Ms Riza.
今年4月4日,克利夫兰与世行新任命的负责对外关系的副行长马尔旺•马沙尔 Marwan Muasher进行了会晤,讨论如何回应有关里扎所获待遇被曝光一事。 readfree

But if Marwan Barghouti, a charismatic Fatah man now in an Israeli jail, could run, he would handily beat them both.
但如果现仍被关在监狱中的法塔赫派马尔万•巴尔古提参选,他极具个人魅力,将轻而易举地击败前两者。 ecocn

But the best bet, Marwan Barghouti, a Fatah man who is respected also by Hamas, is in an Israeli prison, convicted of multiple murders during an earlier Palestinian uprising.
但最合适的人选--同样为哈马斯所尊敬的法塔赫成员 Marwan Barghouti却在以色列的大牢中,他在早些时候的巴勒斯坦起义中被指控参与多起谋杀。 ecocn

Fourteen out of18 men voted onto the party’s Central Committee are new, most notably Marwan Barghouti, a popular leader who is serving several life sentences in an Israeli prison.
选举产生的党中央委员会的18个成员中的14个委员是新任的。最著名的是一位在以色列监狱中服刑广受欢迎的领导人, Marwan Barghouti。 ecocn

From his Israeli jail cell, Marwan Barghouti, Fatah's most popular young leader, put out a veiled but unmistakable call for his chief rival to be stripped of power.
法塔赫最受欢迎的年轻领导人巴尔古提 Marwan Barghouti从以色列的狱中散布出一条含蓄但无疑的号召,要求剥夺他主要竞争者的权利。 ecocn

Lin, who comes from China, will be leading a high- level delegation, which will include World Bank Senior Vice President Marwan Muasher of Jordan.
来自中国的林将带领一个高级别的代表团,成员包括来自约旦的世界银行高级副行长 Marwan Muasher。 worldbank

Still, “ there is nothing wrong, everything is under control” as Marwan Muasher describes the prevailing fantasy.
不过,“这里没什么差错,一切都在控制之下”就像马尔旺·马尔沙描述日前流行的幻想那样。 yeeyan

The two discussed meeting but never made a plan; Marwan had asked for Anton’s cellphone number, but instead, for some reason, Anton gave him the name of his hotel.
他们说起见面的事,但是从来没有制定过具体的计划。马文曾经向安东要手机号码,出于某些考虑,安东只给了他酒店的名字。 yeeyan

They grumble that some of Palestine's most prominent prisoners, including Marwan Barghouti, a Fatah leader, remain in jail.
他们抱怨那些包括法塔赫领导人马尔万•巴尔古提 Marwan Barghouti在内的巴勒斯坦最重要的在押犯依然身陷囹圄。 topsage

Marwan claimed his wife wanted to give birth naturally, but medical experts said this would be impossible.




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