

单词 marvin
释义 marvin
Also appearing on the program was the head of the U.S. Nuclear Energy Institute, Marvin Furtel, who praised Japan’s response to the nuclear crisis.
同在这个节目上露面的是美国核能研究所主管马文.费泰尔,他赞扬了日本对这次核危机所作出的反应。 hxen

“ That’s about the biggest vault anyone can do, ” said Marvin Sharp, who coaches Bridget Sloan, a member of the United States team who will not attempt it at the Olympics.
“这是运动员们所能挑战的最为复杂的一跳,”美国体操队员布里奇特-斯隆的教练马文-夏普说。 yeeyan

And thanks to inmates Sam Johnson Sr. , Richard Lawrence Alley, Shahid, and Marvin Caldwell for sharing slices of their lives with us.
谢谢囚犯山姆,理查德,萨意德和马文和我们分享他们的生活故事。 yeeyan

As Marvin Gaye's voice floated through my room, I tossed into the air a baseball I once caught at a Yankees game.
马文·盖伊的歌声弥漫在整个房间。我往空中抛了一个棒球,这个棒球是我曾经在一场洋基队的比赛中得到的。 yeeyan

Hi, I’m Marvin.
嗨,我是马文。 hxen

It is about my father, Marvin, a former marathon runner.
是关于我爸爸的, marvin,一个曾经的马拉松运动员。 yeeyan

Later, when the business all moved down to the Zone, Marvin moved his girls down there, too.
后来,这等皮肉生意都搬迁到战区,马文也把所有的女孩们送到那里。 yeeyan

My senior year of high school, Marvin got me up to four miles in just a few months.
我在高中的最后一年中,在开始短短几个月后, marvin让我跑4英里。 yeeyan

My two sisters, Wendy and Natalie, and brother, Marvin, were also born there.
我的两位姐姐, Wendy和 Natalie,还有哥哥 Marvin也都出生在那儿。 yeeyan

Never having competed in sports, and not a big fan of watching any on TV, Marvin started running.
从没参加过任何的体育比赛,也不是电视剧的狂热粉丝的 marvin开始跑步了。 yeeyan

Originally recorded by Jackson and Lenny Kravitz in1999 at the legendary Marvin's Room Studio, the track has Michael summoning a cosmic power over a rugged, industrial funk beat and a soaring chorus.
原先是迈克尔·杰克逊和蓝尼·克罗维兹 Lenny Kravitz于1999年在著名的“马文房间”录音室录制的。歌曲中,通过粗旷的工业放克节拍和高昂的和音,迈克尔召唤一种宇宙的力量。 blog.sina.com.cn

Politicians have for years larded voter lists with the names of foreign musicians, including deceased ones like Marvin Gaye, and have stuffed ballot boxes with abandon.
政客多年来把外国音乐家的名字加进投票人的名单中,包括马文·盖等死去的人,并且随意往投票箱里塞东西。 yeeyan

Soon, word got out that Marvin was in The Life.
不久,马文上了《生活》杂志。 yeeyan

Thanks to Marvin, we can now drink more conveniently.
多亏了 Marvin,我们现在喝水才这么方便。 yeeyan

We know Marvin prefers to start, but he's only the fourth option in a lineup with Joe Johnson, Al Horford and Josh Smith.
马文当然愿意首发,但球队除了乔约翰逊,艾尔霍福德,约什史密斯之外,他是仅有的第四选择。 yeeyan

We sat down to dinner every evening as a family, even if it meant waiting for Marvin to return from a ten or twelve mile run.
作为家人,我们每晚都一起吃晚饭,即使这意味着我们要等 marvin跑完10或者12公里的步回来。 yeeyan

We could disagree and run at the same time, discuss the events of the day, but mainly, Marvin would reassure me that, financially, he was investing in my future.
我们没有达成一致。我们同时跑步,讨论今天发生的事情,但是主要的, Marvin想使我安心,他会在资金上投资我的前途。 yeeyan

We resolve to finally get the most out of Marvin Williams, even if it means the tough-love approach of ordering him to come off the bench.
我们决心找到如何让马文威廉姆斯最大发挥作用的方法,即使这种方法是让他以替补的身份出战。 yeeyan

Well, Lee Marvin, George C. Scott, and Gene Hackman were all Marines.
是的,像李马文、乔治 C斯科特还有吉恩哈克曼都是海军陆战队员。 yeeyan

You’re listening to Marvin Odum, president of Shell Oil.
您正在收听的是壳牌石油公司总裁马文•奥德姆的讲话。 hjenglish

Marvin ran the kid down, over six blocks, and slashed him across the neck, because you can’t let shit happen.
马文翻遍了六个街区找到那个小男孩,挥刀划破了他的脖子,因为谁也受不了这种鬼事发生的。 yeeyan

Marvin has run in almost every country in Europe and most of the states within the United States.
Marvin基本上跑完了每一个欧洲国家和美国的绝大多数国家。 yeeyan

Marvin always carried a knife, never a gun.
马文总是随身携带一把刀,从不带手枪。 yeeyan

Marvin Easley grew up playing single- wall in parks in the South End and Roxbury.
马文-伊斯利在南区和罗科斯伯里的公园里玩着单壁球长大的。 yeeyan

Marvin Odum: First of all, in what way does the U.S. lead by example?
马文•奥德姆:首先,美国能起到什么样的带头作用呢? hjenglish

Marvin ran to help someone.
马文跑上前去帮那个人。 yeeyan




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