

单词 marula
释义 ma·ru·la AHDməˈrülə COCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺
“ I am two hours overdue by the time I get back to Marula-Puku, ” he wrote.
“我回到马鲁拉普库营地的时间比预计的时间晚了2个小时,”他写到。 yeeyan

Christopher Owens, who was twenty-five years old at the time of the incident, was spending the summer with his father and stepmother at Marula-Puku.
事件发生时,克里斯托弗•欧文斯25岁,正在马鲁拉普库同爸爸和后妈一起过暑假。 yeeyan

Christopher Owens had been raised in Maine by his mother and stepfather; in his early twenties, he began spending summers at Marula-Puku.
克里斯托弗•马克一直是住在缅因州的妈妈和继父在抚养他;在克里斯托弗20多岁的时候,他开始在马鲁拉普库过暑假。 yeeyan

In the days after the shooting, a strange tension settled over Marula-Puku.
射杀事件之后的日子里,马鲁拉普库笼罩了一股莫名的紧张气氛。 yeeyan

Over time, Mark and Delia reconciled, and she returned to Marula-Puku.
过了一段时间马克和迪丽娅还是和好了,她又搬回了马鲁拉普库。 yeeyan

The Owenses also denied that poachers were held under arrest or questioned at Marula-Puku, or that anyone was tied to a stake in the sun or beaten.
欧文斯夫妇也否认偷猎者被抓获或者在马鲁拉普库受到审讯,也否认有人被绑在木桩上或被打。 yeeyan

The Marula is a deciduous tree native to Southern and Eastern Africa.
马鲁拉树是原产于南非和东非的落叶树种。 kekenet




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