

单词 maru
释义 ma·ru 英'mɑːrʊ美'mɑːrʊ 高COCA⁵⁷⁷²⁷BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
Enclosed please find the invoice of eighty bales cotton bought by your order, and shipped to Kobe per “ Inaba Maru”, as per the enclosed B/ L.
根据贵公司的定单, 已将80包棉花装于驶往神户的“因幡号”货轮。 同函奉寄发票及提单各一份,请查收。 examw

Have you ever seen Maru grapes?
你可曾见过玛鲁葡萄? blog.sina.com.cn

However the worst tragedy occurred when an American submarine sank the ship the ‘ Lisbon Maru’, without knowing who was on board.
最悲剧的是,一艘美国潜水艇将一搭载战俘的“里斯本丸”号运输船击沉,甚至没有人知道船上究竟有多少人。 yeeyan

The surveyor starship Hakodate- maru is famous for her two fuel containers with unbounded capacities. They hold the same type of atomic fuel balls.
一艘名叫函馆的宇宙飞船由于它的两个燃料箱没有容量限制而闻名于世,他们使用相同的两个核反应堆。 hysbz

This documents another moment in Indian history: the Komagata Maru incident, in which more than 300 Indian nationals were refused entry into Canada.
该片记述印度历史上另一重要事件:300名印度人被拒绝入境加拿大的驹形丸 Komagata Maru客轮事件。 yeeyan

Hon Maru Education provides private tutor services in English for a comprehensive range tailored to suit the needs for students of all age ranges.
汉万朗教育提供度身订造的全方位私人英语辅导课程予所有年龄层的学生,切合不同的需要。 tackoo.com

I inform you that I have forwarded by the “ Taiyo Maru, ” freight paid,200 bale cotton, marked.
本公司已将200包棉花, 装“太阳号”货轮发运。码头运费已付,特此通知。 iciba

In time of war, Lisbon Maru should have hung flags or signs to indicate that it was a prisoner ship.
“里斯本丸”既然用来运载战俘,在战时情况下,理应悬挂相关旗帜或明显标志,但“里斯本丸”未有任何标志。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Only these3 British POWs escaped from Japanese in Lisbon Maru's sinking incident.
在“里斯本丸”事件全程中,只有这3名英军俘虏逃脱日军之手。 www.1x1y.com.cn

The result of the consignment by the Nippon Maru indicates very plainly that there is no demand for the cheaper grade of goods in your market.
由日本号货轮装运商品的委托销售结果表明,贵地市场缺乏对这种廉价物品的需求。 kaogo

Maru the Japanese cat is another sensation to sweep the online world.
日本猫咪 Maru是另一个红遍网络的明星,样子很萌。 examw




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