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词汇 Martian
释义 Mar·tian 英ˈmɑːʃən美ˈmɑrʃənAHDmärʹshən ☆☆☆☆☆高Economist¹³⁶⁹⁴
imaginary people who live on the planet Mars
of or relating to the planet Mars or its fictional inhabitants来源于拉丁语Mars, Martis, m罗马神话中的战神。钱博士marti=Mars,火星,s-t相通+an形容词和名词后缀⇒火星的,火星人marti=Mars,火星,s-t相通+an形容词和名词后缀⇒火星的,火星人。近义词 alien外侨invader侵略者spaceman宇航员ET东部时间(=Easter…extraterrestrial地球或其大气圈外的…

用作名词The movie is about between theMartianand earthman's matter.影片是关于火星人与地球人之间的事。
I have a feeling that more people would understand English than the weirdMartianthat is spreading in this thread.我有更多的人将会超过正在这一条线中传布的怪异的火星人了解英语的感觉。用作形容词The two Viking landers tested small amounts ofMartiansoil for signs of life.为了寻找生命的迹象,海盗号的两个着陆器对火星的少量土壤进行了研究。
The Earthling and theMartianagree that she holds a single object in her hand, but they disagree over what its sort is.地球和火星的都认为她拿着一个客体,但她们对什么类型的客体的想法并不一样。as in.extraterrestrial
同义词 E.T.,little green man,men from outer space,space being,space inhabitantas being
同义词 alien,E.T.,extraterrestrial,extraterrestrial visitor,little green man,man from Mars,visitor from another planet
extraterrestrialnoun alien
E.T.,little green man,men from outer space,space being,space inhabitant
space beingnoun extraterrestrial being
E.T.,Martian,alien,extraterrestrial,extraterrestrial visitor,little green man,man from Mars,visitor from another planet That trapped bits of the Martian atmosphere within them, as a telltale of their origin.
它们内部含有的火星的大气成份,完全证明了它们的来源。 ecocn

The controversy over the Martian meteorite still sputters on today because they contain only a few alleged fossils, rather than living bacteria.
关于火星陨石的悖论在今天看来仍然是逻辑混乱的,因为它们包含一些声称的化石而不是存活的细菌。 yeeyan

The rover should have at least one Martian year, or687 days on Earth, to roam the planet, during which time it will collect, grind and analyze around70 samples of rock and soil.
火星科学实验室至少要在火星上漫步一个火星年或者说687个地球日的时间,在其间它将收集、研磨并分析70个左右的岩石和土壤样品。 yeeyan

“ Oxygen is present in the Martian atmosphere in the carbon dioxide, so you can use resources on Mars to make it,” Drake said.
德雷克说:“火星大气里的氧是以二氧化碳的形式出现,因此你可以利用火星的自身资源制造氧气。” yeeyan

“The stability against freezing of Martian fluids can explain saline water activity on the surface of Mars at mean global temperatures well below273 Kelvin,” they wrote.
他们写道,“稳定对火星流体冻结还可以可以解释在全球平均气温远低于273开尔文下火星表面的盐水活动。” yeeyan

After years of intense debate, the issue whether the Martian meteorite contains life or not remains unresolved.
经过数年的激烈辩论,关于这颗火星陨石上是否包含生命的问题仍然没有定论。 yeeyan

But Martian meteorites do have one other tale to tell—that planets are sometimes hit so hard that rocks can escape from them completely.
但是火星陨石确实有一个其他的故事要讲述——行星有时候会被猛烈撞击,以至于岩石完全可以从它们逃逸。 ecocn

By testing Martian soils concocted in the lab, and comparing the results with those from Phoenix, Smith believes he may answer the question yet.
通过测验实验室中的调配的火星土壤,并同凤凰的测验结果作比较,史密斯认为他也许能够做出解释。 yeeyan

Dark, finger- like features appear to extend down some Martian slopes during late spring through summer, before fading in winter and returning the following spring.
从晚春至夏季,手指形状的阴暗特征似乎从火星的一些斜坡向下延伸,这样的地貌到冬季就消失,来年春天再次显现。 hxen

If the caves on Mars are anything like the caverns beneath Naica mountain, she said, future Martian explorers will have to be trained to ignore the strange sights surrounding them.
如果火星上的洞穴与奈卡山脉下的洞穴有些许相似,她说,未来的火星探险者就得学着无视他们周围奇妙的景观。 yeeyan

In 1835— about100 years before the Martian radio play— people in New York read an amazing story in the Sun newspaper.

In such a scenario, Martian messages may not be maliciously harmful but can still flood the operating system messages console.
在这种情况下,火星消息可能不是恶意的,但它们仍然可能大量占用操作系统消息控制台。 ibm

In the second study,123 students were asked to imagine they were Martian anthropologists who had come to Earth to study a specific life form.
在第二个研究中,他要求123名学生把自己想象成来到地球进行研究特殊生命形式的火星人类学家。 yeeyan

Like their Martian ancestors, men pride themselves on being experts, especially when it comes to fixing mechanical things, getting places, or solving problems.
男人像他们的火星祖先一样,以成为专家为荣,尤其是修理机械、抵达某地点或解决问题等。 hjenglish

So long as NASA approves, it will give both organisations the chance to see how humans respond to lengthy doses of deep space radiation, a key problem on a longer Martian trip.
只要美国航天局的批准,它将使宇航局一起有机会了解到人类该如何应对高空辐射,这也是时间较长的火星之旅要解决的关键问题。 yeeyan

The European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter snapped this photo of ice deposits near the Martian south pole on January15, in the planet's southern spring.
欧洲太空总署的火星快速轨道卫星于1月15日,即该星球南半球的春天,在火星南极附近拍下了这幅积冰的照片。 yeeyan

The author of books including The Martian Chronicles and the high school curriculum staple Fahrenheit451 says he still writes every day, as he has since he was a boy.
这位创作了包括《火星纪事》和收入高中主要课程的《华氏451度》的作者说,从一个小男孩到现在,每天他依旧笔耕不辍。 yeeyan

The clues are adding up to give a picture of a distant Martian past, when the planet had a thick atmosphere that was warm enough for water to stream on the surface.
诸多线索综合起来为我们描绘出一幅画面:那是火星遥远的过去,那时的火星还有着一层厚厚的大气层,令这颗星球温热暖和,从而使水能够在火星表面流淌。 yeeyan

The known way in which oxidising power gets added to the Martian atmosphere is through the destruction of water molecules by ultraviolet light. This creates hydrogen and oxygen.

The lead scientist of a proposed new mission to drill into the subsurface Martian ice said the saltwater find is interesting, but probably not applicable for a search for life on Mars.
一项有关研究火星地下冰的新计划的的首席科学家说,咸水的发现很有趣,但是这对于在火星上搜寻生命可能意义不大。 yeeyan

The MRO, for instance, will look for the trace signatures of minerals that form in the presence of water by scanning and mapping the Martian surface with advanced visible and infrared spectrometers.
以火星勘测轨道飞行器为例,它通过先进的可视和红外光谱仪来扫描和绘制火星表面图谱,并以此寻找有水存在时所形成矿物的痕迹特征。 yeeyan

This analysis showed that a number of minerals could have lowered the melting point of water in a frozen Martian environment and help explain the early Mars climate paradox, they said.
他们说,这项分析表明在冰冻的火星环境下,许多矿物质可以降低水的熔点,同时有助于解释早期火星天气的悖论。 yeeyan

This image looks remarkably like groves of trees growing among Martian dunes. But, the trees are an optical illusion.
这张照片看起来就像火星沙丘表面上生长的小树,但是,这些树全是视觉幻象。 yeeyan

To reach the Martian surface, NASA envisions an aerodynamic lander that flies down with thrusters to help it descend.
为了到达火星表面, NASA设想一种空气动力着陆器,用推进器帮助它下降。 yeeyan

Understanding this Martian characteristic can help women understand why men resist so much being corrected or being told what to do.
了解火星人的这些特征,可以帮助女人明白力何男人这么反抗被纠正或听取人家要他做什么。 hjenglish

Whether Martian life could have evolved around such perchlorates is an ongoing topic of research.
火星生命是否可以借助高氯酸盐得到进化是一个有待研究的课题。 yeeyan

You need to build gadgets that work in Martian conditions.
你需要制造能够在火星的条件下工作的部件。 yeeyan




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