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词汇 martial
释义 mar·tial 英ˈmɑːʃəl美ˈmɑrʃəlAHDmärʹshəl


related to the military and war

Roman poet noted for epigrams first century BC
of persons befitting a warrior;

a military bearing

suggesting war or military lifeof or relating to the armed forces;

martial law

在希腊神话中,战神屡吃败仗。他曾被两个巨人塞进青铜大瓮,囚禁13月之久,若不是他兄弟赫尔墨斯的营救,他早已丧生其中。他与两个妹妹,即智慧女神雅典娜和月亮及狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯经常发生矛盾,但基本上每次都被她们狠狠修理。在特洛伊战场,他主动挑衅雅典娜,结果被雅典娜用一块石头砸伤脖子。凡人英雄赫拉克勒斯杀了他的儿子,阿瑞斯向他挑战,结果被英雄打伤,呻吟着回到奥林匹斯山。 可以说,在崇尚和平和文艺的古希腊,战神就是外强内干,备受嘲弄的草包。这也反映了当时希腊诸城邦之间的相互关系。战神是斯巴达的保护神,雅典娜是雅典的保护神。与精于文艺的雅典人相比,沉默寡言的斯巴达人对希腊神话中的影响力极低,导致在希腊神话中战神屡屡被雅典娜欺负。
不过到了古罗马时期,战神却时来运转了。在罗马神话中他被称为马尔斯Mars。 因为罗马人崇尚武力,所以战神在罗马神话中地位极高,三月March和火星Mars都以他的名字命名。单词march还表示“进军”,因为古罗马人认为三月份是开始进军打仗的好季节。从战神的名字中还产生了martial战争的这个单词。
Mars:mɑːz n.战神,火星。
march:mɑːtʃ n.三月v.进军
martial:'mɑːʃəl adj.军事的,战争的,尚武的。
martial art:武艺。martial art武术martial law戒严法court martial军事法庭court-martial军事法庭martial军事的special court-martial特别军事法庭…summary court-martial审理轻罪的军事法庭…field general court-martial法 战地军事法庭…general court-martial军事法庭martial court军事法庭 Lati…martial music军乐martial arts武术
应用实例中国武术在英语中就是martial art。
非常记忆m山〖编码〗+ar矮人〖拼音〗+tial守〖谐音〗⇒山上的矮人在守护军事要地marti=Mars,战神,s-t相通-al…的形容词后缀→战神的⇒军事的,战争的,尚武的。联想记忆mar毁坏+ tial ⇒战争常常意味着毁灭→战争的GRE红宝书源于: Marsn 火星; 战神近义词 fighting对抗fierce强烈的warlike好战的hostile敌对的military军事的militant好战的combative好斗的soldierly军人的bellicose好战的aggressive侵略的belligerent好战的warriorlike军人的offensive令人不快的antagonistic对抗性的soldierlike有军人样的paramilitary准军事性的反义词 civil公民的
~+ n.The boy is fond of martial stories.这个男孩喜欢听战争故事。Pmartialismn.英勇尚武Pmartializevt.使军事化使尚武Pcourt-martialn.军事法庭vt.交军事法庭审判

用作形容词He faced a courtmartialfor disobeying orders.他因不服从命令受到军法审判。
The city remains firmly undermartiallaw.这个城市仍实施严格的军事管制。
The president also harked back to ancient Sinhalesemartialheroes.总统又提及古代僧伽罗战争英雄。
We should always remember that Japan is amartialnation.我们应该始终牢记日本是一个好战的国家。adj.having to do with armed hostilities
同义词 belligerent,hostile,militaryaggressive,bellicose,combative,pugnacious,soldierly,warlike
反义词 kind,nicecivil,peaceful
aggressiveadjective belligerent, hostile
fightingadjective aggressive, warlike
angry,argumentative,battling,bellicose,belligerent,boxing,brawling,combative,contending,contentious,determined,disputatious,disputative,fencing,ferocious,hawkish,hostile,jingoistic,jousting,martial,militant,militaristic,pugnacious,quarrelsome,ready to fight,resolute,scrappyskirmishingsparring,tilting,truculent,unbeatable,under arms,up in arms,warmongering,wrestling
militantadjective aggressive, combative
active,assertive,assertory,bellicose,belligerent,combating,contending,contentious,embattled,fighting,gladiatorial,in arms,martial,militaristic,military,offensive,pugnacious,pushy,quarrelsome,scrappy,self-assertive,truculent,up in arms,vigorous,warlike,warring
militaristicadjective military
militaryadjective soldierlike;concerning the armed forces
more aggressiveadjective belligerent, hostile
advancing,antipathetic,assailing,attacking,barbaric,bellicose,combative,contentious,destructive,disruptive,disturbing,encroaching,hawkish,intruding,intrusive,invading,martial,militant,offensive,pugnacious,quarrelsome,rapacious,threatening,warlike It speaks sometimes through martial announcements, sometimes via social networks, and most recently sent a few generals to appear on a popular talk show.
军事委员会有时通过军方声明,有时通过社交网络,最近让一些将军送上颇受欢迎的脱口秀节目来发出声音。 ecocn

It was scrapped in 1933 to stimulate the economy but Hitler brought it back, again with martial intent, six years later.

The blunt poetry of his words, his unadorned insistence on respect, promised a new and uncompromising order, martial in its discipline, forged through sheer force of will.
他直率的诗句,对尊重的朴实坚持,并承诺一个新的不妥协的秩序,军事化的纪律,靠着纯粹的意志力稳步前进。 yeeyan

A Democratic president might bring a change of strategy to the “ war on terror”, with less martial rhetoric and a shift of focus from Iraq to Pakistan and Afghanistan.
一位来自民主党的总统可能会以较少的军事代价给“反恐战争”的策略带来改变,并且将重心由伊拉克转向巴基斯坦和阿富汗。 ecocn

As for the U.S. military, the lesson of the Iraq and Afghan wars is that America's martial prowess is less useful than former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and others imagined.
至于美国军队,伊拉克和阿富汗战争一课表明美国军事力量远不如人们想象中那么有用,甚至不如前国防部长唐纳德拉姆斯菲尔德领导时期。 yeeyan

As such, he may refuse to give his captors any information save his name, rank and serial number, and, if charged, would be entitled to a trial by a normal court- martial.
同样的,他可以拒绝向俘虏他的一方提供除他的姓名、衔级和番号以外的任何信息,并且,如若受到指控,他有权在常规的军事法庭受审。 ecocn

Bruce Lee was an actor, philosopher, film director, producer, screenwriter and martial artist.
李小龙是一位演员、哲人、导演、制片人、编剧及功夫大师。 yeeyan

During the70- minute show, villagers skip and dance, and martial-arts practitioners perform in a kind of dreamlike state.
在70分钟的演出里,村民蹦跳舞蹈,武术演员以某种梦话般的姿态演出。 yeeyan

From London, where he lives in exile accused of many crimes in Pakistan, Mr Hussain challenged “ any patriotic general” to take“ martial- law- like action” against corruption.
因在巴基斯坦被指控犯下多桩罪行,他目前在伦敦逃亡。在那里,他呼吁“任何爱国的将军”都应该采取“类似军事-法律行动”以对抗腐败。 ecocn

He was not only an amazing athlete and martial artist, but he possessed genuine superstar charisma and through a handful of films he left behind an indelible impression.
他不仅是出色的运动员和武术艺术家,他还具有真正的巨星号召力,并且通过少数几部影片留下了他令人难忘的形象。 ebigear

He is derided as charmless, even by some in his own party, but the martial aspect of opposition politics will suit him.
他被诟病缺乏魅力,甚至是自己党内的人也这么认为,然而反对政治的军事方面很适合他。 ecocn

He left the crumbling, shoddy former capital, Yangon, for a pristine, deserted highway and a new city built on an epic scale, adorned with monumental statues of the martial heroes of Burmese history.
他离开了坍塌的、劣等的前首都仰光,来到崭新的、被抛弃的高速公路和一个正在大规模建造的新城,新城市里有着缅甸历史上在战争中牺牲的英雄的纪念性的雕像。 ecocn

In 1999, President Kim Dae-jung, who had himself been sentenced to imprisonment and, later, death by martial law courts, appointed a committee that recommended citizen participation in the courts.
1999年,曾经在民主运动中被军事法庭先判处监禁后判处死刑的金大中总统,任命了一个委员会,研究在法庭中实行公民参与制度。 yeeyan

In 2002 European judges found that British courts martial were insufficiently impartial; the subsequent reforms did not cause the collapse of discipline that some had feared.
2002年,欧洲法官认为英国军事法庭不够公正;随之而来的改革却并未像有些人所担心那样,引起纪律的土崩瓦解。 ecocn

IN A schoolyard in a village on the dusty north China plain, martial artists drill children in the stylised kicks and punches of Plum Flower Boxing.
在华北平原上一座校园里,空气中弥漫着灰尘。武术教师正一拳一脚地向孩子们传授梅花拳招式。 yeeyan

Indeed, it seemed at times as if France and Austria, the pre- eminent martial powers in 1648, did little else but fight.
确实如此,卓越超群的军事强国法国与奥地利在1648年似乎时不时地就相互打斗,毫无他事可为。 ecocn

Named after Major James Abbott, a19th century colonial officer, the town is an exhibition of colonial and martial traditions.
此地因19世纪殖民长官詹姆斯·阿伯塔得名,该镇是一个殖民和军事传统的展示地。 yeeyan

Redirection is a bit like using martial arts.
改变方向,这就有点像使用军事艺术。 yeeyan

She is expert at Chinese boxing.; She is expert at martial arts.

The sole admitted instance of torture was said to have resulted in a court- martial.
唯一一起被承认的拷打事件也在军事法庭上得到解决。 ecocn

The Japanese government declared martial law, but the civilian authorities’ inability to deal with the disaster contributed to an eventual military takeover.
日本政府也颁布了军事法,但是民众当局在应对灾难方面的无能表现最终导致军方接管政权。 yeeyan

Then, even among the more martial states, there is one camp that sees global jihad as the main threat to NATO, while another frets more about the old adversary, Russia.
其次,是甚至存在于那些更加尚武的国家间的矛盾。 一派把全球伊斯兰圣战看作对北约的主要威胁,而另一派则更担心老对手俄罗斯。 ecocn




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