

单词 Martell
释义 MartellCOCA⁵⁷¹⁰⁴BNC⁴⁷¹²⁵
The majority of global consumers really believe life starts at forty, “ AC Nielsen Europe President and CEO Frank Martell said.”
所以,大多数全球消费者认为40岁才是美好生活的开始。 ebigear

“ I can’t explain it, but it’s growing back, ” Martell said of her natural hair.
“我无法解释,它在长回来,”玛特尔指的是她的自然生长的头发。 yeeyan

“ I can’t explain it, but it’s growing back, ” Martell said of her natural hair.
“我无法解释,它在长回来,”玛特尔指的是她的自然生长的头发。 yeeyan

“ I’m lucky, I can style my hair the night before, ” Martell added.
“我很幸运,我可以在头天晚上把发型做好,”马特尔接着说。 yeeyan

Martell Extra was first mentioned in a letter or1819 from Theodore Martell to his brother Frederic.
在1819年由西奥多•马爹利给其兄弟弗雷德里克•马爹利的信中首次提及。 iciba

But how’s this for ironic: Competing for the Miss America pageant is probably the most pressure Martell’s ever been under, yet her alopecia seems to be getting better.
但是,这是怎样的一种讽刺:竞争美国小姐可能是玛特尔面临的最大压力了,可是她的秃发状况看起来越来越轻了。 yeeyan

But how’s this for ironic: Competing for the Miss America pageant is probably the most pressure Martell’s ever been under, yet her alopecia seems to be getting better.
但是,这是怎样的一种讽刺:竞争美国小姐可能是玛特尔面临的最大压力了,可是她的秃发状况看起来越来越轻了。 yeeyan

Doran Martell had betrothed her to his son in the belief that she was Robert's blood.
毕竟道朗马泰尔当她是劳勃的血脉,才给她和自己的儿子订了婚。 cndkc

For them there might be roast goose, tongue in aspic, Chablis and Martell.
对他们来说可能有烤鹅,舌头在冻,白葡萄酒和马爹利。 blog.sina.com.cn

Gold Martell Cognac producing wines of France the deployment of the four crystals, was born in1840, exclusive of gold, like Louis XIV, filled royal style.
金牌马爹利是法国四大干邑产区佳酿调配的结晶,诞生于1840年,独享路易十四金像,充溢皇室气派。 xiangmutong.cn

Kayla Martell, Miss Delaware, has been bald for half of her22 years— she has alopecia areata, a rare condition that results in unexplained hair loss.
德拉华小姐凯拉·玛特尔,在她二十二年的生活中有一半时间头发是秃的——她患有秃斑症,这是一种罕见的病症,由于无法解释的原因而失去头发。 yeeyan

Kayla Martell, recently crowned Miss Delaware, is seen styling her wig at home in Wyoming.
最近当选的德拉华小姐凯拉·玛特尔在她怀俄明州的家中为假发造型。 yeeyan

Like all Miss America contestants, Martell has a platform: an issue she champions.
像其他的美国小姐参赛者一样,玛特尔也有一个平台:是她参与竞争的出发点。 yeeyan

Like all Miss America contestants, Martell has a platform: an issue she champions.
像其他的美国小姐参赛者一样,玛特尔也有一个平台:是她参与竞争的出发点。 yeeyan

Peter Martell reports from the southern Sudanese capital Juba.
Peter Martell从南苏丹首都朱巴发回报道。 hxen

Quentyn Martell jumped back a foot.
昆汀·马泰尔往后跳了一尺。 blog.sina.com.cn

Specifically designed for the discerning connoisseur of Martell Cordon Bleu, suitable for direct access to ice.
专为独具慧眼的鉴赏家而设的蓝带马爹利,适合直接加冰块享用。 xiangmutong.cn

Specifically designed for the discerning connoisseur of Martell Cordon Bleu, suitable for direct access to ice.
专为独具慧眼的鉴赏家而设的蓝带马爹利,适合直接加冰块享用。 xiangmutong.cn

The main products imported Ren Touma wine, wine Hennessy, Martell wine Napoleon wine, wine Camus, the French original imported wines, domestic famous wine trade.
公司主要经营进口人头马洋酒、轩尼诗洋酒、马爹利洋酒拿破仑洋酒、卡慕洋酒,法国原装进口葡萄酒、国产名优酒的贸易。 kekenet

Transgender teenager Piyah Martell was born with a shortened spine and tiny legs but it has not stopped her dreams of becoming a star.
年轻的变性人 Piyah Martell生来便有短的脊椎较短,腿部细弱,但这并没有阻碍她想成为明星的梦想。 ebigear

Travis Outlaw and Martell Webster scored23 points each for the Blazers. Steve Blake added12 points and10 assists and LaMarcus Aldridge had11 points and12 rebounds.
开拓者方面,奥特洛和韦伯斯特都得到了23分,布雷克12分和10次助攻,艾尔德利奇11分和12个篮板。 ebigear

Martell likens her wigs to false eyelashes or hair weaves, items other contestants use.
玛特尔把她的假发比作假睫毛或者织发补发等其他参赛者也会用到的装饰。 yeeyan

Martell, who competed in her first pageant when she was13, has always competed while wearing a wig, though she prefers to go bare in her personal life.
玛特尔小姐在十三岁的时候第一次参加选美,总是戴着假发参与竞赛,尽管她在个人生活中喜欢光着头。 yeeyan

Martell Artists of the Year 2010, joint- exhibition in: Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai;

Martell Artists of the Year 2010, joint- exhibition in: Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai;
荣获“2010年度马爹利非凡艺术人物”,同名展览巡回展览于:上海美术馆,上海; artist.99ys.com

Martell Cordon Bleu cognac alcohol mellow, rich tone, is the world's most popular wine of the High cognac wine.
蓝带马爹利干邑酒味香醇,色调丰厚,是全球最受欢迎的高级干邑葡萄酒佳酿之一。 xiangmutong.cn

Martell mellow gold color and plump, ripe flavor aromatic, full of strength and texture, among the mellow quality cognacs.
金牌马爹利色泽圆润丰满,韵味成熟芳香,充满力量和质感,跻身于醇厚优质干邑系列。 xiangmutong.cn

Martell says that it helps to surround yourself with like- minded friends: “ A lot of people are treading water right now.”
“ Martell说,下岗使你身边多了些有共同语言的朋友。”现在,许多人日子都不好过。 www.031188.com

Martell says that it helps to surround yourself with like- minded friends: “ A lot of people are treading water right now.”
“ Martell说,下岗使你身边多了些有共同语言的朋友。”现在,许多人日子都不好过。031188




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