

单词 marshmallows
释义 marshmallows mɑːʃˈmæloʊz COCA³¹⁷¹³BNC⁷²⁰³⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n.棉花糖marshmallow的复数;药属葵蜜饯原型marshmallow的三单 The ads, which featured a Snuggie- clad family roasting marshmallows together and cheering at sports games, quickly became media sensations.
广告内容包括全家披着麻袋片烤棉花糖或者全家一起为喜欢的体育比赛加油,这些广告很快走红。 yeeyan

Add the marshmallows, then stir them into the hot strawberries until they dissolve.
加入棉花糖,将其放入热草莓中,搅拌至其完全融化。 hjenglish

As more people get on to ride the marshmallow cloud, you can expand the marshmallow clusters by sticking more marshmallows to them, increasing the surface area.
随着越来越多的人登上棉花糖云,您可以通过粘贴更多的棉花糖来扩展棉花糖簇,增加表面面积。 ibm

Dust the individual marshmallows before packaging.
包装前在每块棉花糖上撒糖。 cri

Give me some marshmallows!
给我一些棉花糖! yeeyan

He becomes a nerdy resident at a bookstore, with a love for reading and enjoying chocolate and marshmallows.
从此他成了一家书店的常驻居民,这个书呆子爱读书,喜欢吃巧克力和果汁软糖。 kekenet

He told them that they could eat the marshmallow at once, or wait until he came back and get two marshmallows.
他告诉这些孩子,他们可以立即吃掉棉花糖,也可以等他回来,然后得到两块棉花糖。 ecocn

How about you go on the potty, and I'll give you three marshmallows!
那就用便盆,好吗?我会给你三颗棉花糖! yeeyan

One of the high points of the winter sleigh ride is roasting marshmallows on an open fire.
冬季驾雪橇最受欢迎的活动之一是围着篝火烤棉花糖。 yeeyan

Play together in the snow or in the rain, then go inside for a cup of hot chocolate made with real chocolate and marshmallows.

Razors were bundled with everything from Wrigley's gum to packets of coffee, tea, spices, and marshmallows.
吉列剃刀几乎跟所有的东西都捆绑销售过——口香糖,袋装咖啡,茶,调料,甚至零食小点。 yeeyan

Temptations of gooey pecan pie and dense sweet potatoes topped with crackly marshmallows make it seem impossible to be disciplined.
蜜糖山核桃派和甘薯配以脆果汁软糖的诱惑使克制成为一种想象。 yeeyan

That may be true, but all too many daft policies rely on the collective reluctance of the voters to leave marshmallows uneaten on the table.
那也许是对的,但是太多的愚蠢的政策依赖于选民的集体的不满意,这些选民不吃棉花糖,将它们留在桌子上。 ecocn

Why marshmallows, darn it?
真讨厌,怎么是棉花糖? yeeyan

Marshmallows may also be added on top for flavor and decoration.
也有可能加入葵蜜饯粉在表面作为装饰并且增加风味。 yeeyan




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