

单词 marshals
释义 mar·shal·s 英'mɑːʃl美'mɑːrʃl COCA²⁴⁹⁵⁷BNC⁴⁵¹⁴⁵Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

an officer of the highest rank in certain armies and airforces


an official in charge of making arrangement for an important public or royal ceremony or event


officer with duties similar to a sheriff's; head of police or fire department

vt. 整理,排列,集结

arrange sb/sth in proper order; gather

a law officer having duties similar to those of a sheriff in carrying out the judgments of a court of lawin some countries a military officer of highest rank
place in proper rank;

marshal the troops

arrange in logical order;

marshal facts or arguments

make ready for action or use;

marshal resources

lead ceremoniously, as in a procession
marshal, arrange, methodize, order, organize




Before going away, he arranged his business affairs.在离开之前,他把业务都安排好了。
The point is how to arrange our daily life well.问题在于如何把我们的日常生活安排好。


Next day he found they had been marshaled to go by air to Beijing.第二天,他发现大家已经安排好,打算乘飞机到北京去。


We want you to methodize the everyday work of the factory.我们要你使厂里的日常工作条理化。


Older students were having difficulty in studying and organizing themselves.年龄大的学生们学习有困难,也难以组织起来。
The explorer organized an expedition to the North Pole.这位探险家组织了一次北极探险活动。13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的mareschal,意为部队的司令
用作名词 n.
形容词+~the chief marshal上将名词+~field marshal陆军元帅fire marshal消防队长air marshal空军中将sky marshal防范空中劫机事件的联邦警务官员介词+~act as the marshal充当司仪用作动词 v.~+副词marshal well列举得很好marshal carefully仔细地整理marshal together集合~+介词marshal the army for battle集结军队准备战斗marshal sb into sb's place引某人入座
marshal into v.+prep.

按礼仪引导觐见guide or lead sb with ceremony into sth

marshal sb into sthHe marshaled them into the presence of the Queen.他引导他们觐见女王。
The foreign visitors were marshaled into the presence of the king.外宾被引导觐见国王。
marshal together v.+adv.

将…集合在一起gather (people or things together)

marshal sb/sth togetherTo write a good article, you need to marshal all the facts together and then judge and arrange them.要写一篇好文章,你需要把所有事实收集起来,然后进行判断、整理。
All the soldiers were marshaled together in the yard, ready to march away.全体士兵被集合在院子里,准备出发。近义词 lead引导order顺序guide向导deputy代表squire护卫summon召唤arrange整理line up排队officer官员conduct行为usher带位员dispose清除assemble集合position位置sort out整理escort护送者director董事mobilize动员mobilise动员governor统治者sheriff郡治安官conductor售票员put in order整理law officer检察官gather together聚集, 聚合
用作名词n.Zhukov was a marshal of former Soviet Union .朱可夫是前苏联的一位元帅。
The marshal rode at the head of the parade.典礼官骑马行进在检阅队伍的前面。
He was appointed fire marshal.他被任命为消防队长。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The general marshaled his army for battle.将军集结部队准备战斗。
Marshal your arguments before debating.辩论前整理一下你的论点。
He marshaled his facts well.他把事实列举得很好。
She was marshaled before the king.她被引导到国王面前。
用作名词Themarshalrode at the head of the parade.典礼官在检阅队伍的前面骑马行进。用作动词The idea is tomarshalthe body's own immune system to fight cancer.这个思路是重新配置机体自身的免疫系统来对抗肿瘤。 The consumer marshals the document in a request and sends it over a network to the service.
消费者将文档编组成请求,并通过网络发送给服务。 ibm

There will be more explosive- detecting teams at airports and more sky marshals on airliners.
机场将部署更多的爆炸物侦查队伍,航班上也会出现更多的空中警察。 ecocn

About this time last year, the U. S. Marshals Service completed Operation FALCON, an overwhelmingly successful, intensive operation to arrest fugitives across the nation.
大约是去年的这个时候,联邦执法官署完成了“猎鹰行动”,这次非常成功的强有力行动逮捕了很多逃犯。 yeeyan

Al is tough-minded. He marshals history to make his argument, and countless examples of civilizations changing course and attitudes midstream roll off his tongue.
戈尔是不随便说话的,他引用历史来支持主张:娓娓道来无数文明的衰落和错误态度的关系。 yeeyan

Cockpit doors have been reinforced, more air marshals patrol the skies, and better records are kept on those entering the country.
驾驶舱门防劫机系统被大大加强,更多的空军力量保持着在空巡逻,出入境这一环节上也鲜有差池。 ecocn

I am joined by the United States Marshals Service Director, John F. Clark.
我受联邦执法官总监约翰· F·克拉克之邀而出席此次会议。 yeeyan

If they ignore such requests, armed marshals on the ship would fire across their bow.
如果他们忽视这样的要求,船上的武装警察将越过船首开火。 yeeyan

It also marshals the messages into it's shared storage, so there is no pointer sharing between the VMs.
并且它还将消息编组到它的共享存储区,这样在虚拟机之间就不存在指针共享了。 infoq

Jack watched out of the corner of his eye as Hensley unsnapped his seatbelt and stood up to stretch. The marshals ignored him, gazing out the window or straight ahead.
杰克眼角的余光扫到汉斯莱解开安全带站起身来,两个联邦警察一个盯着窗外,一个看着前方,都没有注意到他。 yeeyan

Last month U.S. marshals seized Reed's van for Gomiya.
上个月,美国执法官为 Gomiya公司查封了里德的篷车。 yeeyan

Mr Valukas marshals plenty of evidence to back up his claim that “ Lehman painted a misleading picture of its financial condition”.
沃卢克斯先生列举了大量证据证实雷曼在市场上掩盖其真实财务状况从而对投资者产生误导。 ecocn

President Richard Nixon ordered air marshals aboard jets and the use of X-rays to screen for weapons.
此后,尼克松总统要求空警上飞机以及使用 X射线扫描机进行安全检查。 voa365

The FBI agent sat at one of the tables with the two Federal marshals, who had roused themselves into a semblance of vigilance.
这位 FBI特工坐在一张桌子旁,他身旁的两位联邦警察都换上了一副警觉的表情。 yeeyan

Ubaldo and the rest of the marshals were clearly aware that this auction was somewhat historic.
尤巴度和他的同事们清楚地意识到此次拍卖是具有一定历史意义的。 iciba

When the process is complete in the ORB, the ORB marshals the response back to the client.
当该过程在 ORB中完成时, ORB对响应进行封送处理并返回给客户端。 ibm




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