

单词 marquetry
释义 mar·que·terie 英ˈmɑːkɪtriː美ˈmɑrkɪtriAHDmärʹkĭ-trē 高COCA⁵⁸⁴⁵⁷BNC³³⁵⁰²iWeb⁴⁵⁵⁸⁸

inlaid veneers are fitted together to form a design or picture that is then used to ornament furniture来自法语marqueter,作记号,镶方格图案,词源同mark.-ry,集合名词后缀。引申词义镶嵌艺术,镶嵌细工。近义词 inlay嵌入craft工艺design设计pattern模式carving雕刻品veneer薄片镶饰woodwork木制品handicraft手工艺品marqueterie镶嵌细工

用作名词After I put on themarquetryand everything, I start to work with a hand scraper, and look inside with a bulb.Inside the wood of the guitar.当我做完吉镶嵌细工和所有组合工作,我开始用手刮刀,然后在音箱里放一个灯泡开始看。 Articles made using Hakone marquetry are some of the most popular souvenir items for tourists in this area close by Mount Fuji.
使用箱根镶嵌工艺而制作的工艺品是富士山附近一带的游客最喜欢的纪念品。 yeeyan

The smaller one was so ornate with gilt and wood marquetry that it had to be covered again with burlap to save it from the damp.
较小的一个镀金嵌木,因为制作考究,就又用了一块麻木包上,以防止潮湿。 yeeyan

After I put on the marquetry and everything, I start to work with a hand scraper, and look inside with a bulb. Inside the wood of the guitar.
当我做完吉镶嵌细工和所有组合工作,我开始用手刮刀,然后在音箱里放一个灯泡开始看。 guitarcn

As with Hakone marquetry, cherry- bark goods involve the decorative veneer of the bark being affixed to different base woods.
正如箱根的镶嵌细工一样,樱桃树皮商品包括树皮装饰单板,可以贴在不同树板的底部。 yeeyan

Hakone’s mountains are home to a great abundance and variety of trees, and this is evident in the marquetry, which can combine over fifty patterns of different- colored woods set in geometric designs.
箱根山脉是各种树木的故乡,这从镶嵌细工可见一斑,这种镶嵌细工以几何设计的方式,可以将不同颜色的树木综合成为五十多种图案。 yeeyan

Miss Bartlett made marquetry pictures of the church, the lighthouse and the harbour, table- lamps out of lobster pots and rocks worked over with shells.
芭特莱特小姐制作一些镶嵌艺术画,有教堂、灯塔和港口,在虾笼和石头上装饰贝壳做台灯。 zftrans

Print, colour-blocking and precision shapes, inspired by technical crafts such as marquetry, are combined with antiqued textures.
受技术工艺如镶嵌细工灵感启发所打造的印花、色块及精密而严谨的款型与古旧风格的纹理相结合。 mynfd

The marquetry chairs are Italian.
椅子是意大利的镶嵌。 zzhzbbs.zjol.com.cn

Marquetry: Decorative work in which thin pieces of wood, metal, or organic material, such as shell or mother-of- pearl, are affixed in intricate patterns to the flat surfaces of furniture.
镶嵌细工: 把薄的木板、金属板以及诸如贝壳、珍珠母等有机材料制成复杂图样,贴在家具表面上的装饰技术。 chaci




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