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词汇 Marmots
释义 Marmots
And they are not at all aggressive and territorial as the Eastern marmots.
它们不像 E土拨鼠具有领地性和攻击性。 xiaoma

The marmots in question live in the Grande Sassière Nature Reserve in the French Alps.
上述提及的土拨鼠生活于法国阿尔卑斯山脉的Grande Sassière自然生态保护园。

“ Marmots are grumpy with each other,” Blumstein says, but rarely cause serious injuries.
“土拨鼠们对待彼此总是很粗暴。” Blumstein说,但这很少造成严重伤害。 yeeyan

A study of a social network of yellow- bellied marmots finds a genetic influence on being the recipient in negative interactions.
通过关注黄腹土拨鼠的社交结构网,一项研究发现,当一方在负面的交流中成为消极情绪的接收者时,其遗传基因在其中起着影响作用。 yeeyan

And even though they spend the significant portion of the year hibernating, according to this case study, marmots are still considered excellent subjects for animal behavioral studies. Why is that?
而且,其实一年中大部分时间都在冬眠,但是对于这个案例,土拨鼠还是一种很好的动物行为观察研究的例子,为什么呢? xiaoma

Because of the climate is so harsh, cooperation increases the survival rate of the Olympic marmots.
因为气候太恶劣了,合作可以增加生存几率。 xiaoma

Its natural hosts are various species of rodent such as marmots and voles, which are found throughout China.
这些细菌只寄生在啮齿类动物,如土拨鼠和老鼠的身上。而这些动物在当时的中国随处可见。 yeeyan

Many people were looking at the lovely marmots.
许多游客在看可爱的土拨鼠。 travellerspoint

Most were infected after killing or eating wild marmots, small mammals that live in the grasslands of China's north- west and Mongolia.
其中大多数死者是在捕杀或食用了野生旱獭之后感染上鼠疫的。 旱獭是一种小型哺乳动物,生活在中国西北及蒙古的草原上。 yeeyan

Thanks to warming temperatures in Colorado, the marmots have been getting up earlier from hibernation each year, giving them more time to feed.
由于科罗拉多州不断上升的气温,那里的旱獭每年从冬眠中醒来的时间都会比以往早些,这样它们有了更多的进食时间。 cn-em

The study, in yellow- bellied marmots, gives the first look beyond people at what facets of social relationships might have genetic components, says coauthor Daniel Blumstein of UCLA.
这一面对黄腹土拨鼠的研究,是首次在针对社交关系的哪些方面可能包含遗传因素这一问题进行探索时,将关注点离开了人类。 yeeyan

Their paper in July's edition of the Journal of Animal Ecology shows that for marmots, at least, a bit on the side can help a female's evolutionary chances no end.
她们发表在动物生态学期刊7月份杂志上的论文讲道,适量的通奸行为能有助于雌性动物的进化得到无止境的发展,至少对土拨鼠来讲是如此。 ecocn

Two cases of subclinical infection seen in an epidemic of human plague are reported: one was exposed to infected marmots and the other directly to a patient with pneumonic plague.
本文分析了在人类鼠疫流行时发生的隐性感染鼠疫两例。一例系接触病獭,一例与肺鼠疫患者直接接触所致。 cnki

Whichever is the case, in marmots the idea that a little of what you fancy does you good clearly applies to both sexes.

Yellow- bellied marmots Marmota flaviventris might not be as cowardly as their name suggests. While most of the world lives in fear of climate change, these rodents embrace it.
黄肚皮的旱獭可能不像人们想象的那样胆小如鼠:尽管多数世人生活在对气候变化的恐惧之中,这些啮齿动物却欣然接受了气候变化。 cn-em

Young marmots— males in particular—have a choice when they reach adulthood.
特别是雄性的青年土拨鼠成年之后就可以进行选择。 ecocn

Marmots are rodents. They are large ground squirrels, about the size of an average house cat, and they live in a variety of habitats.
土拨鼠是一种啮齿动物,是一种大的穴居松鼠类,大小和家猫一样,生活地域很多样。 xiaoma

Marmots don't have Facebook yet, but animals living among clusters of burrows in Colorado do interact enough for observers to plot networks with each marmot as a node.
土拨鼠们还没用上Facebook,不过在科罗拉多州,群居于洞穴中的动物互动甚为频繁,足够使观察者们通过把每只土拨鼠作为一个结点,来划分其社会网络。 yeeyan

Marmots that are in the middle of things socially appear to thrive, but plentiful social interactions mean more bumps and grumps.
土拨鼠属于那种看起来十分兴旺繁荣的种群,但许多的社会互动更多的是意味着磕磕碰碰。 yeeyan




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