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Marland ˈmɑːrlənd 高 基本例句 n.马兰¹⁰⁰ She received a full scholarship to the University ofMarlandand is studying chemistry and pre-med there.我喜欢看到她高兴。我常常假装自己很愚蠢,或是讲很笨的笑话,只是想看到她高兴的样子。 GreggMarland, an environmental scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, says that crucial figures needed to estimate China's energy consumption are often missing.GreggMarland,是一名环境科学家,他在OakRidgeNationalLaboratoryinTennessee,他认为,要测定全球的气体排放量,关键是测定中国的能源消耗。 Marland, M. .谢锡金、徐洁明、黄旭辉1995。 “China could be exceeding the United States right now,”Marlandsays.Marland认为,中国的二氧化碳排放量现在可能以经超过美国了。 3MarlandG, Bakker AB, Adema GJ, Figdor CG. Dendritic cells in immune response induction. Stem Cells2曹雪涛.;树突状细胞的基础与临床研究新进展 |