

单词 marksman
释义 marks·man 英ˈmɑːksmən美ˈmɑrksmənAHDmärksʹmən ★☆☆☆☆高八GCOCA⁴¹²⁹³BNC²⁹⁸¹⁶iWeb²²⁹⁴⁴
someone skilled in shooting来自mark,标记,目标,靶子。比喻用法。蒋争熟词记忆mark靶子man人→“打靶子的人”⇒射手;神枪手marks标记,目标+man人→那个人锁定目标一枪一个⇒神枪手词根记忆marks记号,指靶中心的符号+man=打枪中靶的人近义词 shot注射gunman持枪者good shot好枪法deadeye三孔滑车crack shot神枪手markswoman女射手sharpshooter神枪手

用作名词My father was an expertmarksman.我父亲曾是个神枪手。
I am a poormarksman.我不善射击。
Themarksmanaimed at the centre of the target.射手瞄准了靶心。noun.weapon expert
同义词 sharpshooter,sniperdeadeye,shotstraight shooter
gunnernoun shooter of gun
artilleryman,cannoneer,rifleman,shooter,soldier,warrant officer
hit mannoun hired killer
assassin,butcher,contract killer,executioner,gunman,hatchet man,hatchet woman,hired gun,hired killer,hit woman,killer,marksman,markswoman,murderer,professional killer,rifleman,shooter,sniper,triggerman
sharpshooternoun expert with gun
snipernoun gunman
assassin,killer,marksman,markswoman,sharpshooter He was killed outside the vehicle he was travelling in, after a police marksman fired twice.
一位警方的神枪手射击两次,将达根击毙在他乘坐的车外。 yeeyan

The Brazilian marksman joined the Italian giants from Real Betis on transfer deadline day, as he effectively replaced Andrei Shevchenko at San Siro.
巴西前锋在转会截止日当天从皇家贝蒂斯转会意大利豪门,他被认为是舍甫琴科在圣西罗的替代者。 milanchina

There was once a gifted marksman.
曾经有一个天才射手。 douban

A second bullet from the same marksman stopped him short.
第二颗子弹,由原先的那个枪手射出的,一下使他停了下来。 ebigear

A marksman then shoots the cat with a dart full of anesthetic.
然后,一名神枪手用麻醉飞镖射击大猫。 yeeyan

As a good marksman, he would do his bit in any fighting.
作为一个神枪手,他在每场战斗中都充当这一角色。 ecocn

Azzurri marksman Luca Toni is looking forward to playing against former side Fiorentina with Bayern Munich but he might not be fit enough to start.
意大利神射手卢卡托尼十分期待与旧主佛罗伦萨的战役,但他或许无法进入他的比赛状态指伤病。 bbs.fiorentina.com.cn

Estonian Gerd Kanter celebrates his discus gold medal by sprinting down the100 meter track at the Bird's Nest and mimicking Bolt's marksman routine.
爱沙尼亚运动员戈德•坎特获得男子铁饼金牌后,在鸟巢百米跑道上狂奔,并模仿博尔特的招牌动作庆祝胜利。 iciba

He was once the star marksman of the University of Colorado’s rifle team, and for many years he held a range record for standing shooting at the Air Force Academy.
他曾是科罗拉多大学射击队的明星射手,在空军学院留下的立式射击纪录保持了很多年。 yeeyan

He's not quite the marksman that House is, but he can shoot the ball well from the outside.
他并不是像房子那样的神射手,但他可以在外线提供不错的火力支援。 hoopchina

His family could only cry and watch this expert marksman twist and writhe in his death agonies.
他的家人只能嚎啕大哭,眼睁睁地看着这个出色的神枪手在扭曲翻滚中痛苦地死去。 blog.sina.com.cn

I was a top chemist and a natural marksman, probably the best in my group.
我既是最优秀的化学家,又是天生的神枪手,很可能是我们小组中最棒的。 ebigear

In major battles, centurions will use rather advanced weaponry such as anti- materiel rifles, Marksman carbines, and super sledges.
在几次主要战役中,百夫长都使用了相当先进的武器如反器材步枪,神射手卡宾枪,还有动力战锤。 bn13

Increased Marksman attack range from2500 to 2800. Reduced movement speed to 185.

Jackson was also injured during an1806 duel with famous marksman Charles Dickinson, during which Dickinson shot the future president in the chest.
杰克逊1806年在和著名的神枪手查尔斯·迪金森的一次决斗中也曾受枪伤,那次决斗,迪金森射中了未来总统的胸部。 yeeyan

Lie Yukou was a famous marksman. Once, he invited Bohun Wuren to his exhibition of archery.
列御寇是一名神射手,有一回,他邀请伯昏无人前来观看他的射箭表演。 blog.sina.com.cn

Missing out on the prolific marksman may just be the one regret in a fabulous season for the Lisbon club. Dominic Vieira explains.
多米尼克维埃拉解释说:错过这位高产射手是坐落于里斯本城的俱乐部在这个完美赛季中的唯一遗憾。 yeeyan

My father was an expert marksman.
我父亲曾是个神枪手。 iciba

One ad portrayed a well- dressed marksman firing at a target in his living room fireplace while a dog lounged at his feet.
当时的一则广告中,一个穿着讲究的神射手在一个起居室壁炉里的目标射击时,在他周围的一直狗懒洋洋的躺着。 yeeyan

Roma are looking for a new hitman this summer and there are whispers that they could turn to Macedonian marksman Pandev.
今年夏天罗马在寻找一名新的杀手,有小道消息称他们有可能转向马其顿射手潘德夫。 laziofly

The marksman can shoot very accurately from a long distance.
这个枪手能从远处非常准确地射击。 blog.sina.com.cn




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