

单词 marketable
释义 mar·ket·a·ble 英ˈmɑːkɪtəbəl美ˈmɑrkɪtəbəlAHDmärʹkĭ-tə-bəl ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²³⁷⁶⁰BNC¹⁹¹⁶⁴iWeb¹⁶²⁹⁶Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
being in demand by especially employers;

marketable skills

fit to be offered for sale;

marketable produce

capable of being marketed;

the marketable surplus

来自market,市场。marketable assets立即可出售的资产…marketable grain商品粮marketable title适销证券,可销契券…marketable price适销价格marketable product经 可销售的产品…marketable equity可让渡权益marketable issue适销证券marketable ore商品矿石marketable surplus商品过剩marketable fish成鱼marketable securities有价证券marketable value市场价值marketable goods畅销货marketable products适销产品marketable grade商品级,销售级…non-marketable securities经 非上市证券,…
蒋争熟词记忆market市场-able可…的⇒适合市场销售的;可销售的market市场-able可…的⇒适合市场销售的;可销售的近义词 saleable畅销的vendible可销售的wanted受到通缉的vendable可销售的salable适于销售的sellable适于销售的in demand非常需要的merchantable可买卖的sought-after很吃香的

用作形容词Danny chooses the taxicab because driving is about the onlymarketableskill he possessed.丹尼选择开计程车因为开车差不多是他拥有的唯一可以出售的技术。
The silk garment is a widelymarketableproduct.丝绸服装的销路不错。
Our products will be wellmarketablein your area.我们的产品在你们那儿将会有很好的销路。adj.easily sold;in demand
同义词 bankable,profitablecommercial,fit,for sale,good,hot,merchandisable,merchantable,salable,sellable,selling,sought-after,sound,trafficable,vendible,wanted
反义词 unmarketable
commercialadjective concerning business, marketing
across the counter,bartering,commissary,economic,exchange,financial,fiscal,for sale,in demand,in the market,market,mercantile,merchandising,monetary,pecuniary,popular,profit-making,profitable,retail,retailing,saleable,sales,supplying,trade,trading,wholesale,wholesaling
liquidadjective readily available
convertible,fluid,free,marketable,negotiable,quick,ready,realizable,usable It would include a modicum of subsidy, on research into technologies that are still a long way from being marketable, such as carbon capture and storage.
一部分资金应该被用于将研究成果转化为技术,毕竟技术通往市场还有很长的路要走,例如碳捕集与存储。 ecocn

Marching instructions for localizing a product to a new region are often simply stated: “Make it marketable in Sweden” or“ We need to sell this in Mexico”.
为一个新地区本地化产品的原因通常很简单:“为了打开瑞典市场”或者“我们需要开拓墨西哥市场”。 ibm

They say sex sells, and it now seems that sex in stereoscope is at least twice as marketable.
凡是有关性爱的东西都可以大卖,现在看来在立体镜下的性爱至少具有其两倍的市场潜力。 yeeyan

“ This will make you more marketable, ” she is convinced.
“这会让你更有销路,”她确信。 yeeyan

But the prospect of migrating spurs people in poor countries to acquire marketable skills.
但迁移的前景刺激贫困国家人民学习市场需要的技能。 ecocn

But in the contest for really marketable skills, government will often be at a disadvantage.
但是在竞争真正具有市场技能的人才方面,政府经常处于劣势。 ecocn

If they could only have inherited some of the patriotic flame of which they were born they might have been marketable even to- day.
但是,如果它们能够继承一点产生出它们的爱国之火,那么就是在今天也仍会有销路的。 yeeyan

In order to have long-term, successful careers, we all must rethink how we'll stay marketable in the future work force.
为了让职业生涯获得长期成功,我们必须重新思考如何在未来的劳动力大军中保持竞争力。 hjenglish

In one sense, we have more control over our lives and more assets to protect ourselves with, and more marketable talents.
在某种意义上说,我们对自己的生活有更多的控制权,有更多的资产来保护自己,和更多机会成为适销对路的人才。 yeeyan

Many of our outstanding scientific discoveries have been converted into marketable products by technologists and firms based abroad.
我们许多优秀科研成果的市场化都是由国外的技术专家和公司完成的。 yeeyan

The upshot of all this is that the extra stuff is what makes you special and marketable and worth people’s attention.
前面所说的这些是使得你成为特殊的、受人欢迎和值得别人注意的额外的工作。 yeeyan

The goal is to find practicable, marketable business ideas.
基金的目标是找寻具有可行性和市场前景的商业点子。 iciba

The type of computer may be very marketable in my.
这种型号的电脑可能很有销路。 iciba

Therefore, accounts receivable from customers are classified as current assets, appearing in the balance sheet immediately after cash and short-term investments in marketable securities.
因此应收账款被划分为流动资产,在资产负债表中仪排在现金和短期有价证券之后。 chinafanyi

Train production, by contrast, has until recently been largely national, which made it hard for manufacturers to achieve scale or make widely marketable goods.
相比之下,现在大多数国家对火车都有自己的标准,这就使得火车制造很难实现规模化生产,很难成为一种普遍适销的产品。 ecocn

We encourage and support the extensive application of new technologies, techniques, equipment and materials and the development of marketable products by enterprises.
我们鼓励和支持企业广泛应用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,开发适销对路产品。 ebigear

With short release cycles, you now have the luxury to put out minimal marketable features and respond quickly to user needs in your next release.
使用短发布周期,你很少会有兴趣把精力放在市场价值低的功能上,并可以在下一个发布中对用户需求做出快速响应。 infoq

You can set limits on how long you'll tolerate it, and use the time to make yourself more marketable.
你可以设定一个能够忍受这项任务的极限。 并且,利用好这段时间,让自己将来更吃香。 fortunechina

You might learn, to your surprise, that you have time to enhance your skills by taking a class that will make you more marketable.
你也许会惊讶低发现你还有上一门培训课来让自己在市场更抢手的时间; bbs.chinadaily.com.cn




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