

单词 markal
释义 markalCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
As the upcoming battle leads to an inevitable victory, Markal is content to wait.
由于接下来的战斗将是取得最终胜利的大决战,马卡尔愿意耐心等待时机。 heroworld

Defeating Markal is more than just a strategic goal, as all of the heroes have their own reasons to bring him down.
消灭人民公敌马卡尔不仅是一个战略上的目标,更是所有英雄共同的宿愿。 heroworld

Godric Take the field against Markal and his abominations?
哥德里克与马卡尔和他的走狗开战? heroworld

Godric Markal and his evil magic!
哥德里克马卡尔和他邪恶的魔法! heroworld

Its lands are now in the keeping of the Mages of the Silver Cities, Markal's mortal enemies.
这片土地现在落入了马卡尔的死敌——银色城邦法师的手中。 heroworld

Let's see. Markal is busy with his rebels and his attack against Irollan.
我们来分析一下,马卡尔正忙于对付国内叛军和攻打艾罗兰。 heroworld

Markal is no fool and he has prepared himself.
马卡尔不是傻子,他已经有所防备。 heroworld




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