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词汇 Marja
释义 MarjaCOCA⁵⁶⁹³³BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Mr Sedwill believes Marja residents will learn the benefits of better governance, economic opportunities and of living under the rule of law.
Sedwill相信马尔贾居民会从更好的管治,更好的经济机会和法制的社会获益颇多。 ecocn

Part 2: Faces of Marja: Telling the Story Journalists describe40 years of dramatic change.
马里加的面孔之二:讲述故事。记者描述40年来的急剧变化。 yeeyan

Part4: Faces of Marja: Playing Cat and Mouse With the Taliban American troops try to stay one step ahead of the enemy.
马里加的面孔之四:与塔利班的猫鼠游戏。美军部队面对塔利班试图取得先机。 yeeyan

The security bubble provided by the Marine patrols extends only to a small section of Marja.
海军陆战队巡逻形成的安全区只能扩展到马里加的一小片地区。 yeeyan

The convoy that brought me here had just arrived from a forward base in the heart of Marja, a farming district in Helmand province where two battalions of the US Marine Corps are deployed.
护送我的车队刚从 Marja赫尔曼德省的农耕区,美国海军陆战队派了两个营驻扎在此中心的一个前进指挥所到达这里。 ecocn

The speed of recruitment—500 young men in a single month— means that, with800 militia men in total, Marja's ISCIs are already bigger than the local police force.
一个月征召500个年轻人,这个速度意味着马里加总共800人的民兵部队已经比当地警力都庞大。 ecocn

A senior officer claims that Marja is now“ safer than Detroit”.
一位高级军官称马里加现在已经比底特律都安全。 ecocn

But American forces in Marja are now under nightly attack, locals have been beheaded by the Taliban for co-operating with them, and there is little government in evidence.
然而玛丽亚莱赫的美军至今仍会受到夜间攻击,同美军合作的当地人已被塔利班斩首,显然那里还存在一个小政府。 ecocn

General McChrystal himself now calls Marja a “ bleeding ulcer”.
现在麦克里斯特尔将军自己将马尔贾称为“正在流血的溃疡”。 ecocn

In recent weeks, the bombs turning up around Marja were becoming larger, more complex, and harder to detect: they had become the top killer of American forces here and around the country.
最近几周,出现在 Marja周围的炸弹变得更加巨大、更加复杂也更难探测:它们已经成了驻扎此地和阿富汗美军的头号杀手。 ecocn

Sgt Small told me on the way back that it was the eighth IED he’d dismantled since arriving in Marja in mid- April.
在回去的路上,Small军士告诉我,这是他4月中旬到达 Marja以来拆除的第八枚IED炸弹。 ecocn

So far that has involved sending30, 000 extra troops, strenuous efforts to reduce civilian casualties and the clearing out of insurgents from Marja, an area in Helmand.
迄今为止,该计划已派遣了额外的三万民士兵,积极努力减少平民伤害,并肃清来自赫尔曼得省马尔贾地区的武装分子。 ecocn

Still, commanders are happy to talk about their plans for Kandahar, as they were in February before a well-publicised assault on Marja, a small farming community in Helmand.
就像他们二月在猛攻马尔贾这个位于赫尔曼德省的农业小镇前的高调宣传一样,指挥官们仍然很高兴来谈论他们对于坎大哈的计划。 ecocn

Such talk rings hollow as long as the Taliban continue to defy American efforts to pacify even a small and rural community like Marja in Helmand province.
只要塔利班组织继续否认美国为平定甚至是一个像赫尔曼德省马尔贾这样的小农村社区做出的努力,这种谈判就显得空洞无力。 ecocn

The commander in Marja said he had fought in many places.
马尔贾的指挥官说他曾在许多地方打过仗。 ecocn

The experience is typical for Marja, a rural community in the southwest of the country where American soldiers are battling with the Taliban for the hearts and minds of everyday Afghans.
这类经历在马里加甚属平常,在这一阿富汗西南部的乡村地区,美军陷入了塔利班人民战争的汪洋大海。 yeeyan

The more senior, a humorous, middle-aged fellow with a pistol tucked slyly into his bulky coat, leads an insurgent force in Marja.
其中级别较高的军官是个很幽默的中年男子,一把手枪隐蔽的藏在厚重的大衣下面。他领导着马尔贾的一支反叛力量。 ecocn

The numbers of troops and police in this once- ignored, poppy- growing patch of Helmand explains Marja's transformation.
这片生长罂粟的赫尔曼德土地曾一度被忽略,而现在其上大批的部队和警察则解释了马里加的转变。 ecocn

The operation in Marja went badly, but putting down an insurgency needs time and lots of troops, preferably local ones.
马尔贾的行动表现糟糕,但是镇压一场叛乱需要时间和众多军队,尤其是当地的军队。 ecocn

There is even less good news in nearby Marja.
甚至还有邻近的玛丽亚莱赫不太好的消息。 ecocn

They also hope that the mere prospect of NATO and Afghan soldiers massing on Marja will prompt insurgents to leave via three unsealed exit corridors.
他们同样希望北约和阿富汗联合军队向马尔贾进军能使叛乱者从三个未封锁的出口撤离。 ecocn

They say that unlike in Marja the offensive will not come in a single blow.
他们说和马尔贾那回不一样,这次的进攻不会只来自一次打击。 ecocn

With its slow progress in Marja in mind, however, NATO’s main focus is on improving Kandahar’s government.
尽管考虑到在玛丽亚莱赫进展缓慢,然而,北约的主要精力还是放在了改善坎大哈的政府上。 ecocn

Marja was supposed to be a model for counter- insurgency work in southern Afghanistan.
Marja被看成是阿富汗南部反暴乱工作的模范。 ecocn

Marja, a farming district in Helmand, was supposed to show how COIN would win over the people and send the Taliban packing. General McChrystal himself now calls Marja a “ bleeding ulcer”.
联军本想在赫尔曼德省的农业区 Marja示范如何赢得民心并让塔利班滚蛋,而现在麦克里斯特尔将军自己都把那里称作“出血的溃疡”。 ecocn

Marja, described by General Stanley McChrystal last May before his sacking as still“a bleeding ulcer”, has been transformed by US Marines with new schools and a bustling market.
去年五月份,史丹利麦克里斯托将军形容马尔贾像一个“仍在流血的溃疡”这是在他辞职之前说的,现在已经被美国海军陆战队改造成有学校有大型市场的城市了。 ecocn




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