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词汇 maritime law
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the branch of international law that deals with territorial and international waters or with shipping or with ocean fishery etc.近义词 marine law海商法Admiralty law海事法
The new marine law will be carried out.新的海商法将被执行。
It also analyzes carriers' liability under transshipment transport based on the ROC Maritime Law.并依我国海商法规定,分析转船联运之运送人责任。
Conference on the law of the Sea adopted four conventions.联合国海洋法会议制定了四项公约。
For the first time, a maritime treaty will govern storage of wastes in the seabed, as well as the abandonment, or toppling, of offshore installations.此外,这是有史以来第一次海洋法将海床上的废弃物列管,如海上设施的废弃使用及倒塌,都包括其中。 According to our country's Maritime Law and the related international convention, the carrier issues an“ on board” bill of landing according to the facts.

Analyses items related to deviation in Chinas Maritime Law; puts forward the two conditions for rational deviation; expounds the legal responsibility for irrational deviation.
分析了我国《海商法》中有关绕航的条款,提出了合理绕航的两个条件,阐明了不合理绕航的法律责任。 dictall

Firstly, it enumerates the examples of legislation in different countries, and analyzes comparatively the two different law systems of continental law and maritime law.
本部分先列举各国的立法例,对大陆法和英美法两个不同法系进行比较分析。 fabiao

Flowingly, the author puts forward some relevant advice after the analysis on the legal effects of registration stipulated in real right law and maritime law.
在登记对抗模式和登记生效模式的比较中,本文详细阐述了二者的优劣及相关制度的差异。 fabiao

Here on this base the author of this paper put forwards her own viewpoints on the settlement of carrier identification, especially on the maritime law field.
在此基础上笔者对究竟如何解决承运人的识别问题特别是如何解决我国海商法领域中承运人的识别问题提出了自己的观点。 cnki

However, In our“ Maritime Law” the42nd item, the definition of shippers has some defects, which results in the confuse and dispute on sellers' rights in FOB contract.
但是由于我国《海商法》第42条关于“托运人”定义规定的缺陷,致使在我国进出口贸易实践以及司法实践中,对 FOB合同项下卖方的权利存在许多的和争议。 cnki

It is one of the unique features of Maritime Law, which is different from the principle of indemnity in accordance with actual loss or damage in Civil Law.
它有别于一般民事损害赔偿原则,是海商法所特有的保护船舶所有人、救助人等责任限制主体的法律制度。 cnki

Meanwhile, these enterprises have to be faced with the impact of the Maritime Law in South Africa.
与此同时,我国的相关企业也必须面对南非海商法带来的制度冲击和影响。 qfpaper

There are major differences between maritime law and other department laws especially civil law, so it is inappropriate to invoke the related theories of civil law to construe maritime law.

This is the most fundamental principle of the modern maritime law.




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