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词汇 marianne
释义 marianne ,meәri'æn;mɑ:'rjɑ:n 高Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
In August2005, John, Marianne and Curley gathered in Geller's lab at UPMC.
2005年8月,约翰,玛丽安和科里聚集在匹兹堡医疗中心大学盖勒的实验室里。 yeeyan

“ That is exactly what I think of him, ” cried Marianne.
“这正是我的看法,”玛丽安嚷道。 kekenet

“And is that all you can say for him?” cried Marianne, indignantly.
“你对他就能说这些?”玛丽安忿忿地嚷道。 kekenet

And the counterexample set is the set consisting of the premises plus the negation of the conclusion, so it's Friday Marianne is wearing jeans.
反例是包含,前提和结论的否定,所以星期五 Marianne穿牛仔裤。

And the counterexample set is the set consisting of the premises plus the negation of the conclusion, so it's Friday Marianne is wearing jeans.
反例是包含,前提和结论的否定,所以星期五 Marianne穿牛仔裤。163

But you look grave, Marianne; do you disapprove your sister's choice?
不过,玛丽安,你板着个脸,难道你不赞成你姐姐的选择? kekenet

But Marianne, in her place, would not have done so little.
不过,若是换成玛丽安,却不会想得这么少。 kekenet

If A is f, if Marianne is tall, oh I'm giving you the same example.
如果 A是 f, Marianne很高,哦,我给你相同的例子。

If A is f, if Marianne is tall, oh I'm giving you the same example.
如果 A是 f, Marianne很高,哦,我给你相同的例子。163

In1999, the Association des Maires de France ordered a national survey to find the new model for the bust of Marianne, the allegorical symbol of the French Republic.
在1999年,法国协会市长下令,为找到新的玛丽安的模特儿——法兰西共和国的寓意象征——展开的全国性调查。 yeeyan

It is Friday so therefore Marianne is wearing jeans.
因为周五,所以 Marianne穿着牛仔裤。

It is Friday so therefore Marianne is wearing jeans.
因为周五,所以 Marianne穿着牛仔裤。163

It is Friday it's not the case Marianne is wearing jeans.
这是星期五, Marianne穿着牛仔裤。

It is Friday it's not the case Marianne is wearing jeans.
这是星期五, Marianne穿着牛仔裤。163

Last week, the media reported a study by Professor Marianne Hester, which analysed a matched- pairs sample from the Northumbria police database of DV incidents over a six- year period.
上周媒体报导了一项由玛丽安娜·海丝特 Marianne Hester教授进行的研究;她分析了来自诺森比亚 Northumbria警局数据库时间跨度6年的家庭暴力事件的配对样本。 yeeyan

Looking at one galaxy in the Catalog, Marianne noticed that the point of light was offset from the centre and yet was so bright that it could well be associated with a supermassive black hole.
在观察软件目录里的一个星系时,玛丽安注意到一个亮度极高的亮点正远离星系中心,很可能是一个超大质量黑洞。 yeeyan

She only wished that it were less openly shewn; and once or twice did venture to suggest the propriety of some self- command to Marianne.
她只希望他们不要搞得太露骨,曾有一两次冒昧地建议玛丽安还是克制点为好。 kekenet

Then the counterexample set then becomes if its Friday Marianne's wearing jeans.
那么反例成为了,这是星期五 Marianne穿着牛仔裤。

Then the counterexample set then becomes if its Friday Marianne's wearing jeans.
那么反例成为了,这是星期五 Marianne穿着牛仔裤。163

Therefore the next time I see Marianne she will be wearing earrings. Is that a strong inductive argument?
所以下次我看到 Marianne的时候,她肯定也戴着耳环,这是个有力的归纳论点吗?

Therefore the next time I see Marianne she will be wearing earrings. Is that a strong inductive argument?
所以下次我看到 Marianne的时候,她肯定也戴着耳环,这是个有力的归纳论点吗?163

This isn’t a moral comment: Oates may quote Marianne Moore’s line that “the cure for loneliness is solitude, ” but many people need to be married, and therefore, at times, remarried.
这不是道德评判: Oates可能引用过 Marianne Moore美国诗人的诗句“孤独的良药是独处”,但许多人需要结婚,有时是,再婚。 yeeyan

Two economists, Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan, sent out5,000 replies to job advertisements in Boston and Chicago.
两名经济学家贝特朗 Marianne Bertrand和穆莱纳桑 Sendhil Mullainathan发了5000份应聘申请回复波斯顿和芝加哥的招聘广告。 ecocn

We used it last week; it is Friday Marianne always wears jeans on a Friday.
我们上周说过;,今天是星期五, Marianne经常在星期五穿牛仔裤。

We used it last week; it is Friday Marianne always wears jeans on a Friday.
我们上周说过;,今天是星期五, Marianne经常在星期五穿牛仔裤。163

What say you, Marianne?
你看呢,玛丽安? kekenet

Yes, Marianne, even in a man between thirty and forty.
是的,玛丽安,即使他是个三四十岁的人。 kekenet

Marianne Davey of the British Snoring and Sleep Apnea Association also confirmed this and said that snoring can put a huge strain on relationships.
英国打鼾和睡眠呼吸暂停协会的玛丽安·戴维也持相同观点,她说打鼾会危及夫妻关系。 cri

Marianne hardly knew what to say.
玛丽安简直不知说什么好。 kekenet

Marianne Kanzius was startled from sleep by the sound of metal banging on metal.
玛丽安.肯兹尤斯被金属的碰撞声从睡梦中惊醒。 yeeyan

Marianne told her, with the greatest delight, that Willoughby had given her a horse, one that he had bred himself on his estate in Somersetshire, and which was exactly calculated to carry a woman.
玛丽安欣喜异常地告诉她,威洛比送给她一匹马。这匹马是他在他萨默塞特郡的庄园里亲自喂养的,正好供女人骑用。 kekenet

Marianne's pianoforte was unpacked and properly disposed of; and Elinor's drawings were affixed to the walls of their sitting room.
玛丽安的钢琴给拆了包,放在恰当的位置。埃丽诺的图画挂在客厅的墙壁上。 kekenet

Marianne's preserver, as Margaret, with more elegance than precision, styled Willoughby, called at the cottage early the next morning to make his personal enquiries.
玛丽安的救命恩人这是玛格丽特对威洛比言过其实的尊称,第二天一早即来登门问安。 kekenet




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