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词汇 1000
释义 1000BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
one thousand,一千
On an average size of1000 km, these cells are made of hot gas rising from inside the Sun.
这些粒状斑的平均直径为1000千米,由太阳内部上升的高温气体组成。 yeeyan

They were around all year and then they released1000 copies of black labels.
推广片曾经全年都有播放,后来他们发行了1000份黑胶唱片。 yeeyan

About1000 turtles live in the region that he studies; the population near JFK is10 times that.
在他研究的区域内有约1000只海龟,而在肯尼迪机场附近海龟数量是其10倍。 yeeyan

As weather patterns stabilized again between about 700 and1000, on the other hand, societies began to thrive and grow in the countryside of northwest Europe.
而随着气候模式在公元700到1000年间重新稳定下来,在西北欧的乡村地区,人类社会开始繁荣发展起来。 yeeyan

Experts have estimated that at most4 out of every10,000 oral sex exposures result in infection, compared with 1 out of every200 to1000 episodes of genital contact.
比起每200到1000次生殖器性接触就可能导致一次感染的几率相比,专家们估计,每一万次口腔性接触中,最多只有4例可能会导致感染。 yeeyan

For the first few thousand feet above sea level the rate of pressure decrease is in the neighbourhood of1 inch of pressure for each900 to1000 ft.
在离海面几千英尺高度上在拔海高度数千英尺以下气压递减率大约是每900到1000英尺高度下降1英寸汞柱左右。 ebigear

For every woman who dies in childbirth in Sweden,1000 women die in Afghanistan,815 in Somalia,495 in Nigeria, and122 in Pakistan.
相对于瑞典每一名妇女死于分娩,阿富汗死于分娩的妇女人数为1000名,索马里815名,尼日利亚495名,巴基斯坦122名。 worldbank

However, if you try to achieve the same result with the Fibonacci sequence itself, you first need to figure out the sequence to the1000 range.
但是,如果你尝试通过斐波那契本身来实现同样的效果,首先需要在1000范围内计算出序列。 yeeyan

If the test method happens to take longer than1000 milliseconds to execute, it fails.
如果执行该测试方法所花的时间多于1000毫秒,则测试失败。 ibm

In the period between at least8000 BC and1000 AD, trade flourished between Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and all other countries of the then civilized world.
在至少公元前8000年至公元1000年之间,埃及、希腊、罗马、中国和其它当时的文明社会之间的贸易兴旺发达。 yeeyan

My income for that year amounted to1000 dollars.

She demanded $1000 blackmail from him.

So the short answer to leading what is organization of1000 or more people.

Some of the tasks ran more than1000 times because some process instances failed the quality assurance step, and had to be sent back for rework.
有些任务的运行次数超过了1000次,因为某些流程实例没有通过质量保证环节,因此需要返回并重新审核。 ibm

The company found that the question led to all sorts of engagement, helping its fan base grow at a rate of1000 people per week.
这家公司发现这样一个活动带来了各种各样的订单,帮助他的粉丝规模以一周1000人的速度增长。 yeeyan

The court amerced her in the sum of1000 dollars.

The visitors totaled1000.

They expect the confirmed death toll to exceed1000 within the next few days.
他们预料在接下来的几天,死亡人数将会达到1000人。 yeeyan

This could be estimated at1000 litres of hydrogen for330 grams of chlorophyll per day whereas for example colza produces roughly only1000 litres of oil per hectare. . .
这种农场每天估计能够产生1000升氢气,而且只消耗330克叶绿素;而比如种植菜籽,每公顷土地才能产生大约1000升油。 yeeyan

To get a result expressed in nanoseconds, it is necessary to multiply by1000, thus losing precision.
要获得一个以纳秒表示的结果,就需要对其乘以1000,这样就会损失一些精度。 ibm

To my own surprise, the fertility of rural- urban black migrants proved to be no higher than that of urban natives 3470 per1000.
让我惊奇的是,乡-城黑人移民的生育率并不比城市原住人口每1000人生育3470人的要高。 yeeyan

We have observed a strong trend towards these so-called multi- column layouts, which are often fixed layouts of850 by1000 pixels in width.
我们研究发现有向这些所谓多栏布局发展的强大趋势,通常在1000像素的屏幕中,宽度固定为850像素 。

We should start by counter Epperson with1000 dollars initial capital in Thailand.

Write in the third person“The aquifer covers1000 square kilometers” or the first person plural“ We see from this equation that acceleration is proportional to force”.
用第三人称写 “含水层涵盖1000平方公里” ,或第一人称复数 “从这个等式我们看到,加速度与力成正比” 。 yeeyan

Yet1000 years ago, our ancestors were hundreds of years ahead of the European and the Arabics in fields of mathematics, astronomy and medicine.
而1000年前,我们的祖先在数学、天文、医学等方面的成就确遥遥领先欧洲与阿拉伯地区几百年。 yeeyan




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